The New Earth Arises: The Lunar Eclipse of June 15, 2011 and the Activation of Stonehenge's "SuperGalactic" Portal on the Solstice of June 21, 2011

  • 2011


Adventures in the New Consciousness

by Celia Fenn


In recent months, since the beginning of the Ninth Wave of the Mayan Calendar, Archangel Michael has been talking about the concept of becoming "Masters of Time . " This is because in this New Reality of Multidimensional Consciousness, we cannot afford to be attached to a Calendar or A way of measuring or creating time. There are many ways to work with the fluid cycles of time and the powerful energies that flow from the Galactic Center and are the engine of the Evolution of Galactic and Planetary Consciousness.

The most powerful energies are being found in the next Total Eclipse of the Moon on June 15 and the Solstice on June 21, 2011. These two Time Markers are guiding Human Consciousness to a new level of Perception and Connection.

The "Time Flow Program" that I will use to discuss the importance of this event is the Science of New Reality of Astronomology ... a new way of seeing the Evolution of the Earth and Humanity through Star Letters of Heaven, and which incorporates thirteen houses instead of twelve in conventional astrology.

The thirteenth house is called Ophiuchus, and it falls in that area between the end of Scorpio and the beginning of Sagittarius. The name "Ophiuchus" simply means "Serpent Bearer" and this Constellation is identified with Healing and Master Healing Energies, and the Archetypal energies of Asclepius, Imhotep and the Serpent Goddesses! I have to admit a personal interest in this new house, since my own date of birth on December 8 means that I am a native of this thirteenth house and everything that it represents in the New Energies.

Mainly, Ophiuchus is the energy of Healing and Global Healing, an energy that sustains and nourishes and heals. But it is also interesting that Imhotep was known as a "Master Builder" and Architect, and according to certain accounts he is credited with the design and construction of the Great Pyramid. This is interesting because the Total Eclipse of the Moon and the Solstice Alignments will activate the Stonehenge SuperGalactic Portal, or "reset" the Clock on the Sacred Site of Stonehenge to align the Earth with the Galactic Center, and this restart will be transmitted to all the Sacred Sites that function as “nodes” of the Planetary Supercomputer, including the Giza Pyramid Complex, and this will ensure that Planet Earth is perfectly aligned in its Path towards the alignment of 2012 with the New Age of Light, which It is also known as Ascension.

This is definitely a wonderful event and something to celebrate. While the rest of the world may be involved in Fatality and Perdition and awaiting the end of the World, we can clearly see that we are perfectly on track for the Galactic and Planetary Renaissance towards the New Age of Light that will have been completed for the Solstice Alignment of December 2012

The most important thing for me is that Ophiuchus is the energy of Healing and Support, and the energy of Aligning with the Galactic Frequencies. Many people I talk to or write to me complain about feeling a lack of support on many levels. Yes, probably because they have been living according to a single calendar or unique time cycle technology that completely excludes this energy of healing and support. As we become aware of the Zodiacal Healer and how these energies work with us, we can channel these energies into our lives in ways that are healing and sustain our changes.

This is the energy we have been looking for and waiting for ... and it is here to support us in the next stage of our Journey. It really is time to celebrate!

So, let's talk about the importance of Stonehenge in these Celestial and Planetary events. First, let me share a picture of me with my friend Sarupa Shah, in Stonehenge in 2009.

On this visit to Stonehenge, which was my second visit, I noticed the turmoil and activities in the energies of Stonehenge. On the previous visit, in 2008, Stonehenge had seemed particularly quiet, and my friend I was joking with Stonehenge was a "Galactic Bus Station" that nobody was using! They have to understand that Stonehenge is in the territory of the Crop Circles, and that there have been important Crop Circles in the fields just in front of the Stone Circle. Thus, in 2008, the Bus Station was deserted, in Cosmic Terms, and there was no one traveling! Then, in 2009, in my visit with Sarupa, I noticed a total change ... I could feel Stonehenge "buzzing" even before reaching the top of the Hill that leads to the valley where the stones are located. It was "coming into operation" in a wonderful way and the Cosmic Bus Station was preparing to receive Cosmic visitors again, and to function as a Planetary Frequency Alignment Technology for the Planet.

This next month, the two spectacular Celestial events focused on Stonehenge will put the Circle in full alignment with the New Time Codes, and they will activate these realignments for all the Sacred Sites in the New Earth Grid, including the Pyramids of Egypt. It will be a massive recalibration of the Earth for your Cosmic Journey of New Earth!

The Earth Time Ship is allowing us to connect with its Highest and Most Beautiful Healing Frequencies! You are invited to Open Your Heart and be a Part of this Recalibration, which will be a personal recalibration with the energies of Healing and Support that are archetypally represented by Ophiuchus. .

On June 15, 2011, the Full Moon will rise above Stonehenge in a Total Eclipse of the Moon . The Moon will also be only 3 degrees from the Galactic Center, that is, almost in conjunction. At that time, the powerful Moon and Galactic Light Codes will recalibrate the Divine Feminine energies of the Serpent Goddesses and the Shekina Platinum Ray energies in the Frequency Cycles of the Stonehenge Time Codes. The energy of the Great Cosmic Mother, Ma at, will put the Circle back into Cosmic Balance and the Station of Buses will be ready to receive Cosmic Travelers!

Now, on the Solstice of June 21, the Constellation of Ophiuchus, once again has a leading role. Here is an image of a photo of a Circle of Crops in Wilton Windmill a few days ago. Show a snake !:

According to Astronomy Donna Provancher, the Serpent points in the direction of Stonehenge, and represents the union of the Serpent with the Perder of the Serpent in Stonehenge on the 21st of June at the Solstice. The Serpent represents the Power and Psychic Energy, and the Serpent Bearer is the one who can contain these energies and use them for the benefit of Humanity and the Planet!

The Cosmic Planners in the Higher Dimensions are not wasting time on this! As soon as Stonehenge is in line with the new Cosmic Frequencies, those who are open and ready are being given the opportunity to adopt the energies of the Power of the Serpent for Personal and Planetary Healing at deep levels. As the Ophiuchus Coraz n rises above Stonehenge on June 21, we are all invited to open our Hearts and become One with the Serpent Bearer, to empower us by embracing the Power of our Energy and use it for Deep Healing and Activation.

Those who are ready to become Masters of Time will undoubtedly celebrate this recalibration and will be ready to mount the waves of Cosmic Energy that also He makes one a Master of the Harmonics of Light . Because it is this Master of Time, together with the Master of Harmonics of Light that makes a person a citizen of the Cosmos, someone who is aware of the movements of the Celestial Supercomputer and who can assemble the incoming light waves with dexterity and presence of mind, and with strength and courage. It is not in vain that Indigo children have been playing and watching television series about Dominating Time and Energy! It is the gift that is offered to all of us when we can let go of the old timelines that are disintegrating and move on to an awareness of how the different cycles and frequencies fit together to trace our path to the Stars and the Earth Time Ship Path .

So, on June 15 and June 21, I encourage you to be part of these incoming energies by participating in rituals and ceremonies and meditations that will anchor these New Codes of Light in our Cosmic Hearts and the Cosmic Heart of the Planet.

For more information about Astronomology and these alignments, I invite you to visit Donna Provancher's website at (in English).

You can download the pipes and logs of Celia Fenn in Spanish, in Word file, in

Translation: Margarita López

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