Your Personal Grid and Earth's Grid - Rise of the Kundalini and Reconnection Process

  • 2012

by Denise Le Fay

This publication is for those who may not be familiar with the way the Kundalini energy feels and the reconnection process in the body. Many of you have already lived through these stages, so you already know it. However, there are growing numbers of people who have been activated in 2011 and who suddenly feel strange sensations and energies running through their physical body and this is mainly for them, but I hope you also enjoy this reminder summary.


In February 1999 my ascension process began suddenly - and I mean suddenly! Literally overnight I went from feeling and being in a way all my life that my body began to produce very strange symptoms. It was a horrible and very difficult time that lasted many years. Its duration will vary at this point in the ascension process, so do not be distressed. The worst of the worst has already been passed by the Lightworkers more than a decade ago, which has created a huge open road for everyone to travel energetically, which means that what you are going to experience will not be so Long neither as difficult nor painful.

Before ascension energies were available, people who wished to activate their Kundalini energies normally had to fast, meditate, remain celibate, and in most cases do this for years simply for their Kundalini energies to move. ! But with the beginning of the biological ascension process around 1998-1999, the need to do all those things of the old school was no longer necessary. Now they don't have to "do" anything to activate their Kundalini energies so that they rise and fall repeatedly by heating and flashing up and down their spine, and work with each of their chakras to transmute the energies stuck in them. Now all they have to do is keep abreast of the process!

They do not need to fast, meditate, remain celibate or do any of the old esoteric things of the past hoping to activate their Kundalini energy. At this point in the global ascension process, you will automatically be 'shot' or activated exactly when appropriate for you and suppose to be, and by designing, and at the perfect and trouble-free time of your own Higher Self. Therefore, do not worry about any of this because everything has been meticulously planned by your Higher Self to unfold when it is the most beneficial and appropriate time for you to transmute and evolve via the available energies of the ascension process.

Because the rise of the Kundalini is now being provoked by its Higher Self and the astrological, solar, galactic and cosmic cycles and energies, and not by the desire of its left brain consciousness and the ego's ego, the physical, mental, emotional and ethereal symptoms that they cause are not the same as the knowledge of the old eastern esoteric schools have taught. They do not work anymore for us now nor do they reflect what we are living through these current lives and times due to the ascension process.


The climbs of the Kundalini activated by the ascension process typically do so in a sudden and unexpected way that makes them feel instantly as if they were on fire inside. Heats are common, even in male bodies, just like sweat at night, which is simply a heat that happens at night while they sleep, or while They were a sleep! Once the Kundalini energies have been activated, they do not turn off conveniently every night so they can sleep well. Ah, if only that were the case! No, the rises of your Kundalini fire and your internal heat, sweat, emotions and clearances will be with you day and night for as long as it takes to work / burn / transmute / release the emotional energy waste. ethics that you have stored in your trunk and your entrails, your abdomen, your heart, your mind / brain and so on. Ah, happy day, huh? It really is a miraculous alchemical process they are going through, transmuting all their 3D lead at higher frequencies without polarizing and integrated from the 5D via the fires of the Kundalini activated by the current process of ascent.

The internal heat or fire of the Kundalini radiates outward and extends a good foot beyond the surface of your skin and physical body.

This same heat / internal fire in your spine / back moves repeatedly partially or completely up and down your spine / back.

This same internal heat in your spine / back stops in the different chakras to work on the emotional energy garbage that you have stored in each of them, more in some than others.

The fire of the Kundalini agitates the emotional / mental / ethereal issues that you have kept or suppressed in each of your chakras, which you WILL FEEL emotionally and the need to resolve and eventually release completely. This is a process that is typically done repeatedly, layer by layer, so that most of our internal energy waste is transmuted and leaves. This does not happen in a couple of weeks or months. Give him time to do what he has to do within you.

Strange dreams and lives are due to the fact that we do most of our inner work when we sleep and dream on the inner planes. We can discover and FEEL emotionally, resolve and integrate much more in a vastly shorter period of time while we sleep and are out of our bodies doing this internal work. Expect strange but informative or symbolic and archetypal dreams, paying attention to what they reveal about you and what they are transmuting.

Physical sweat… much and much sweat day and night. I suggest you stop using chemical deodorants so you can sweat the toxins. Try using a natural deodorant such as crystalline stick or a stone.

Emotional imbalances and difficult and almost "crazy" periods are due to past emotional issues / wounds / pains / fears / feelings of guilt, etc., and your energies are being brought to the surface of your consciousness and transmuted into, and through their physical and emotional bodies primarily.

When the fire of the Kundalini is working in its solar plexus chakra, its physical abdomen / bowel area, it causes them to swell frequently due to the intense energies and internal transformational work that is being carried out inside. Do not fear and know that it will eventually decrease. Know that this will also come back a few times before you have finished the alchemical process.

When the Kundalini fire is working in your heart chakra, you will often feel heat, pressure, and possibly movements in this area of ​​your body along with intense and uneven heartbeats or beats and strong beats. They will also feel emotionally in abundance, and they will cry and be irritated and feel moved by very simple and beautiful things, and by the very bad ones too. Do not fear this because it is the clearing of your heart and its expansion to feel and house much more of the higher energies, Light and consciousness.

When the Kundalini fire is working in your throat chakra, you will often feel heat and pressure radiating out from the back of your neck. Sore throat and jaw are common. They will also find themselves talking (or shouting or demanding) things that they have suppressed that they have not allowed to verbalize before. Finally, give voice to what you have not given voice and regain your power again.

When the Kundalini fire is working on its two lower chakras, old sexual matters, feelings of guilt, and suppressed energies will demand your attention. Also fears and / or a feeling of being a victim, etc. they will surface to be consciously recognized, emotionally felt, and finally confronted and integrated, and eventually released.

You know where each chakra exists within you and it is very easy to know which physical organs exist in those areas. Those organs are the ones that will be most stressed while your Kundalini fire is burning and bringing up old emotional energies that you have stored in them. Take care of yourself during these intense transformational periods. Drink plenty of pure water to help with heat and fire, constant sweating and the potential loss of minerals, in addition to the constant detoxification and cleaning created by this entire process.

When the Kundalini fire comes to your head, just let him do what he has to do and don't intellectualize the process much ... because they can't do it and they don't need to do it! You will feel the fire and the pressures inside your skull pushing and changing things there, and everything flowing and pouring out also by the crown of your head (crown chakra). Allow the Kundalini fire to transmute your brain glands and clear and clear your chakras between the eyebrows and the crown of the crown for what will happen next.

There are many more symptoms of Kundalini, but this would be too long and boring. Let's move on to the process of reconnecting your body, which can now be done more easily and quickly because the Kundalini fire has burned through, and transmuted most of the emotional garbage that had been stored for so long in its trunk!


The reconnection of the body does not hurt like most ascension symptoms. However, you feel rather strange because you can really feel the energies vibrating, buzzing and shaking very deep within your physical body.

Fortunately without pain, only a sensation of internal vibrations that typically begins in the lower section of your body and / or in its center. I felt them for the first time many years ago in the lower area of ​​my bowels or central area. Over the years, this electric type vibration inside my body moved slowly from one area to another and another, and so on. As the years went by it slowly rose through my body until finally reaching my head and brain. At that point, the reconnection of the brain took place, which caused and continues to cause to date headaches, pressures, pains both inside my head and on the surface of my skull and scalp and the area of ​​my crown chakra .


Typically one feels the internal vibrations of the body as a slight electric current flowing into one. She vibrates, buzzes, and even shakes them from deep within her body. It's not painful, it's a good change, right?

After the months and years this internal body vibration will move throughout the body. They will feel it in the lower part, in their area of ​​the base (of the spine). Then higher up, in the abdominal area where it does not only remain in one area in each section of your body, but will slowly move around its center, typically from the bottom to the top.

It is easier to feel this inner body vibrating when they have been asleep and suddenly wake up. While they lie quietly at midnight, they can easily feel a loud buzzing or buzzing energy inside their body. Run in 'on / off' cycles of several seconds, 'run, and stop'. This perfectly planned pattern will be repeated until they can safely withstand vibration for long periods of time.

Eventually this vibrant energy inside the body will increase to the point where it runs or is constantly 'on' within your body and there are no more periods where it is 'off' at all. This will take time, however. At this point you know that you are running and housing within your physical body and your self a much higher frequency of Light that you could never have done or survived before.

Once your entire physical body has been reconnected, it will then enter your head / brain, and then the process will begin. Stair steps, remember, or we would not survive the process.


When this process of reconnection of the ascension reaches your head and the two cerebral hemispheres, you can feel that a much higher and faster undiluted Light flows full of energy throughout your physical body. They have been reconnected, improved, and now have a NEW 5D grid system (central nervous system and much more), just as Earth has now. This means that - just like Earth - you can now flow and house 5D energies through your body and not 'burn' or die due to them! They have succeeded in transmuting their 3D lead alchemically and now they have the latest and most energy efficient 'model' of self-support in the market.

Congratulations! But, and not wanting to break his bubble of joy hardly won, there is much more ... much more, but it will be worth it so let us continue and reconnect the head and brain - and consequently, the conscience - to be equal to that of his reconnected body again.

Once these transformational reconnection energies enter your head and your brain, you will have to endure pain and pressure inside your head and skull. I will not hide this or say that it does not hurt occasionally because it does; but if you think honestly that what is happening inside your head / physical brain is worth so much those occasional headaches and pressures.

The two separate cerebral hemispheres will now begin to be reconnected to have a complete unified brain that works without the low 3D polarities of left and right brain awareness, and the terrible disconnections. We cannot yet fully perceive how we will perceive reality with a reconnected or unified brain. We will know soon.

The reconnection of the brain is occasionally painful and causes headaches, pressures and pains inside the head and pains and pressures in the outer skull. These pains and pressures are variable in different parts of the head and outside in the skull. It often causes a sensation or feeling of spinning or rotating, spinning and / or staggering or falling to the floor. It is not "dizziness", but a rotational movement.

This often causes lights, colors, dots or bursts of light, moving shadows, energy movements, and non-embodied and non-physical humans to be seen. Just watch the strange clairvoyant show, but also be aware that everything is not always as it seems. In other words, `` everything that shines from light '' does not mean that it is from the Light. Do not fear, just pay attention and discern.

You will feel pressures and pains in your area chakra between your eyebrows and more in your crown chakra area and the upper part of your skull / physical head .

They could smell fragrances or smells like burning smoke or incense very close to your body for days, weeks or months without end. They may also have an exaggerated sense of smell with certain odors that could make them feel almost as if they were suffocating, or make them nauseous. This is caused by reconnection within their glands: the pineal and the pituitary primarily and that are being connected or unified as well.

They will notice that they perceive, more exactly, know things instead of thinking and intellectualizing linearly as they are accustomed. This is due to the internal clearance work of the Kundalini, the posterior reconnection, along with the reconnection of the current brain. We are evolving / ascending now to what I call: Spherical Consciousness or Higher Heart Awareness of 5D what others call: Unitary Consciousness or Triumphant consciousness (triad) . Although to get there you have to go through all these previous stairway steps related to ascension and alchemical processes first. Soon we will know things from our Consciousness of the Most High Heart instead of having to think, speculate or guess linearly and hope for the best! All these things that are happening in our heads and brains also cause us changes in the sense of the ear, pressures in the inner ear and the occasional stabbing earache. They will also hear strange nonphysical sounds, voices, possibly words or their name being mentioned, etc. Again, fear not, just realize that the two separate brain hemispheres are being reconnected and billions of NEW neural paths of Light are also being connected, wired between the two hemispheres that are becoming in a whole unified brain. Of course we will see, smell, hear, feel, perceive all kinds of NEW energies, lights, beings, dimensions, etc.

Again, there are many more symptoms caused by the reconnection process of the brain as many more things are happening than I mentioned above. I am not intentionally withholding information regarding these ascension-related processes, it is simply that I have not yet completely deciphered how to articulate the geometric geometric symbolic Light forms that I receive. As soon as I can interpret them better in written linear words that I am seeing about human energy and physical bodies, I will also write about that. I know that they represent the bodies in multiple, multi-dimensional layers that we all have and how ALL of our different energy bodies from the most dense to the intermediate to those of the highest frequency closest to the Source are ALL of them evolving simultaneously now.


Copyright 2011-2012 Denise Le Fay.

Translation: Gloria M hlebac

The Light has arrived.

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