Healing sounds

  • 2016
Table of contents hide 1 Frequency 432 Hz 2 Solfeggios 3 Binaural sounds 4 Multidimensional music

Music has always been an important element within the diverse cultures although over time there have been great changes in the sounds, styles and ways of interpreting it. Music is conceived as a food for the soul and that is why each sound affects our being in some way. The body reacts to different sound frequencies. All frequencies that travel through water and air alter the vibration of matter. It is well known to us that much of our body is composed of water. According to Masaro Emoto's studies, water changes its structure according to the sound we apply to it, the words or messages we send to it, which concludes that our body, being mostly composed of water, reacts in the same way against the frequencies This is how certain frequencies can produce states of tranquility and peace while others can lead us to states of fear, aggression and depression.

Frequency 432 Hz

According to research carried out by Adriana Marcano in 1953, it was adopted that music should be tuned to 440 Hz. This frequency is not harmonious with our body, producing disharmonic states in us, on the contrary, ancient music was tuned to 432 Hz. corresponds to the frequency of the universe. When we begin to vibrate with the 432Hz frequency we enter into greater connection with nature, it generates harmony in our chakras and our DNA, we reach higher mental states and have feelings of unity. The tuning at 440 Hz inhibits mental processes, hinders coexistence in harmony and the activation of some amino acids in the DNA, so it is recommended to change the music to 432HZ. There is currently a lot of controversy regarding this issue, so the best way to determine if there is a difference in listening to the different frequencies is to experience each one of us and make our own decision.

The Solfeggios

Solfeggios frequencies arise from the combination of tetragramton letters associated with the amino acid conformation of DNA. Within the mathematical study of these frequencies it has been determined that there are two types:

  • The Solfeggio diamond frequencies that relate to this reality and the proper functioning of DNA in this existential plane. They help maintain a good state of health, heal emotions and the body.
  • The Solfeggio square frequencies that correspond to the process of transition towards higher levels of consciousness, the transformation of DNA to achieve the perception and interpretation of a higher level of reality, achieve a more subtle state, expand consciousness and produce spiritual changes.

The Solfeggio frequencies produce changes and unlocks, which is why when you start listening to them you may feel nauseous or headache. This happens while unlocking and cleaning the body.

The frequencies and their usefulness are shown below:

  • 396 Hz Release fear and guilt
  • 417 Hz Facilitates change
  • 528 Hz Repair the DNA
  • 639 Hz Help in relationships
  • 741 Hz Increase intuition
  • 852 Hz Expansion of consciousness

Binaural sounds

Binaural sounds are a sound therapy used to treat diseases, raise states of consciousness, enter states of deep relaxation, perform astral travel, stress management . They should always be heard with hearing aids since for each ear they produce a different frequency by synchronizing both cerebral hemispheres and thus generating a third frequency that modifies the frequencies that produce physical ailments in the body.

To listen to binaural sounds it is essential:

  • The use of good quality headphones by placing the mark with R in the right ear and L in the left ear
  • Preferably use original CDs, since the mp3 eliminates some sounds as it is a compressed format
  • In case of using mp3 it must be more than 320 kbps
  • Listen to the sounds only 20 or 30 minutes at the beginning
  • Some waves can generate discomfort so it is important to be cautious with the use of these
  • In case of seizures, epilepsy, neurological or cardiac disorders, it is advisable not to use binaural sounds
  • In children, the use of these sounds should be avoided.
  • Binaural sounds are not recommended when performing tasks that require our full attention such as driving or operating heavy machinery.

Multidimensional music

Multidimensional music is a technology that generates vibrations that allow us to harmonize, enter a higher level of consciousness, increase creative potential, synchronize the cerebral hemispheres, allow access to information stored in the subconscious, induce states of Relaxation and deep meditation, harmonizes our energy centers, produces greater oxygenation in the blood, increases white blood cells and. Multidimensional music induces a state of consciousness of unity through conscious harmonic resonance producing a feeling of change in emotions, feelings. Sometimes pain can be felt when the vibrations of the music touch some incoherent frequency in our body.

Recommendations for use:

  • Multidimensional music can be heard with low-volume speakers, or with good quality headphones
  • The bass and treble buttons must be in neutral
  • You must listen to the complete CD in order as each track is a step to produce the expected effect.
  • If you want to use this music to achieve states of relaxation, stress management or depression it is recommended to listen to it in a low volume while if you want to recharge energy, achieve states of attention, concentration and creativity, it is advisable to use a medium volume.
  • Multidimensional music at low volume also helps children calm down after a hectic day.
  • It is not recommended to listen to this music after having eaten a lot or a heavy meal, since the metabolism becomes slower with this music.

Author: JP Ben-Avid

Editor hermandadblanca.org


Marcano, Adriana. (2015). The magic is you. R. E-Book Distribution: XinXii

HC Elias. (2014). In the name of HVHI.

Thesz, Marcela. (2013). The Way of the Snake.

Multidimensionalmusic extracted on November 25, 2016 from http://www.multidimensionalmusic.com

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