Sound and Healing Music; Consistency of Evolutionary Consciousness, by Dr. James Neruda

  • 2010

Music is a language that directly communicates that which cannot be said in words. When you encounter rhythm, melody, timbre and harmony - the components of music - your first instinct is to surrender to their language. You cross into the mysterious world of your creative presence where a bridge can be built and the integration between these two worlds can be created.

The human instrument absorbs the sound present in the music and can, if the music is properly tuned, form a solidarity resonance with the music. Similar to two tuning forks that resonate at the same frequency when only one is struck, the human instrument can be a resonant system in which its cellular and atomic structure is dragged by music - or more specifically - by the vibrational frequencies contained in the harmonies of the music.

The atomic structure of the human instrument is a harmonic vibratory system. The nucleus vibrates, and the electrons in its orbits vibrate in resonance to its nucleus, but does the nucleus with which it resonates? What is the primary vibration that establishes the vibrational expression of a human instrument? And can this vibration change or adapt - in the sense of migrating to new levels of vibration that are more aligned and support more the spiritual purpose in which the human soul chose to incarnate?

Modern humanity has been disoriented by sound and music - in fact, they sing for it to sleep. The material world of sonic vibration has trapped the human instrument, keeping the original vibration of the human soul repressed and diminished. This condition creates a highlighted sense of separation, which in turn creates a wide range of unspecified anxiety that is difficult to identify, and consequently, to resolve.

It is this vibration of separation and anxiety that most humans undergo, and as resonant systems, unconsciously nourish and promote. But the truth is that life is an encapsulated spirit, and all life is part of a unified creative presence that lives below the material world as a channel of movement, lives beneath the solid and opaque ice of a frozen river.

Using this analogy, music can break the ice and allow the individual to stretch their hands towards the water and feel this movement - this stream of universal life that arises unquestionably just below the surface of the material world. This is the reconnection experience that cures the sense of separation so powerfully woven into the human condition. The music of Chambers 4-6 is intended to restore and support this sense of reconnection.

Within esoteric fields of study, it has long been known that sound is the most powerful way to move beyond separation and rekindle the sense of integration between the heart-mind-body-soul system. The music, properly tuned and orchestrated, is like a needle and thread that sews together these parts of the human entity not in a permanent union, but in a manageable alignment and coherence.

It is this alignment and coherence that allows your spiritual work to emerge and flourish, and the sound is the bridge that connects the "archipelago" of the heart-mind-body-soul system. Uniting them in a singular choreography or system in service to the native and original purpose of individualized consciousness. (See Figure).

That does not mean that you necessarily become a healer or a master of spiritual works. The original purpose of the human and soul instrument - as a unified team - is to harmonize consciousness from the density of material survival to the highest vibrations of love. This harmonization is not normalized by the definitions of goodness and evil or right and wrong. It is exclusively about bringing disparate vibrations into harmony and building coherence between the two poles of survival and divine love.

Spirit becomes matter through vibrations of sound, and similarly, matter becomes spirit through the harmonies of sound. It is a reciprocal transfer of energy - one that science is just beginning to understand now. Since prehistoric times, humans have known that music modifies the environment and our relationship with time and space, but now science is revealing that music also modifies our cellular structure, our energy centers (chakras), and coherence. between our total substance (heart-mind-body-soul system).

In the study of the phenomenon of waves known as cymatics, sound waves produce an effect on inert matter, structuring their geometry, even their archetypal shapes. This mere cause and effect relationship of sound waves in matter is what produces the effect on the atomic and cellular levels of the human instrument. However, it is more than just physical expressions of sound waves. There are harmonies within the sound that extend within the frequencies above and below the audible range of the human ear, but nevertheless they impact the vibrational structure of the DNA of the human instrument, the mind-brain structure, and the central nervous system.

The vibratory structure of the human instrument, which includes the body, emotions, and structures of the mind, is a perfect demonstration of non-aligned frequencies. The vibrations of one organ are different from those of the other - to say the stomach when compared to the heart. The vibration of the genetic mind is different from emotions; The crown chakra is different from the vibration of the pituitary gland. The human instrument is an extensive collection of vibratory systems, each operating in service to the functional outcome that serves the material needs of the human instrument to survive in the physical world and evolve into the spiritual worlds of the First Source. These opposite frequencies create the condition of floating intentionality - resulting in the diffusion of the intention and will of the individual.

Because the vibratory structure of the human instrument is misaligned and asymmetric, it is a collection of vibrations operating in a wide variety of resonant systems. There are root sounds that are primary and, due to their primary stature, are causal. These root sounds are inaudible, but nevertheless provide an orchestral frequency that brings a certain degree of coherence to the human instrument.

Mantras, especially as they were applied in esoteric schools of sound and light, were designed to strengthen the root frequency vibration source that establishes the unified vibration of each human instrument. It is this Source Vibration that generally defines the descending form in which the human instrument manifests itself in the physical domain, as well as the ascension path on which it evolves.

The Source's Vibration of the individual intermingles with the world of forms as the human instrument manifests. This is the Vibratory Soup of the external world that impacts, and influences, the human instrument. This vibrating soup, particularly in regard to technology, acts to decrease Source Vibration in the space of human consciousness. This Source Vibration is analogous to what in esoteric schools call the soul beat-.

Figure 2 represents this global relationship between the internal connectivity of the individualized consciousness of the First Source (God), and its interface with the external world of vibrational forms and density. The spiritual sound helps to create an Exchange Zone between the human instrument and the vibrating soup of the world of forms. This Exchange Zones support the mission and purpose of the human instrument, avoiding its vibrational contamination as a vessel for the human soul and an exit from the Sound and Light expression of the First Source, or what is sometimes called Para Vach.

For Vach it is the Causal Primal Sound and Light that transcends both manifestation and non-manifestation. It is the Breath of the First Source beyond the cosmos that creates, vitalizes, and sets in motion the vibratory substance of matter. It transcends the manifestation of light and sound even when it exists in its purest and brightest state.

There are references in virtually all religious texts, as well as in physics and cosmology that describe however indirectly the Para Vach is. In the Bible is the Word made flesh; it is the Nada of the Upanish ds; the Kalma-I-ilahi or internal sound of the Koran; the Hu of the Suf . The music of the spheres of Pythagoras' philosophy; it is the Fohat in Buddhism; and the Kwan-Yin-Tien in Chinese mysticism. Regardless of its name or precise definition, it is a fundamental cause of all sound and all light within the Great Universe, which in turn is the fundamental cause of all manifestation.

It is this connection that is embedded within each of us. It is our source of pure vibration on which we live as infinite beings. The Book, Liminal Cosmogony, says as follows: From the Hidden Father the harmonies of Light and Sound originate - the universal codes of unity - which are distilled within their Bright Children in the worlds of form. However, form worlds can adulterate and contaminate this connection and subtle vibration, hence the Exchange Zone is an essential concept to understand.

Harmony is the governing principle of the Exchange Zone, and music - properly tuned in - can help create, direct, and sustain this sense of harmony. If the Exchange Zone is properly managed, it will provide a buffer between the human soul and the worlds so that they exert pressure on it. This is a result of the vibration density inside the worlds so that inadvertently, and, in some cases, intentionally, decrease the vibrational state of the human soul's container - the human instrument - at the vibratory rate of matter.

Sacred music, songs, mantras, and harmonic vibrations are the compensatory effect of this vibrational density, and it is the most powerful way to direct and sustain the inherent harmony of the Exchange Zone that surrounds each of us. In a meditative state, the sound of one's voice singing a mantra or the sacred name of the first source is very powerful, particularly if one is actively visualizing and imagining a harmonious Exchange Zone.

There are melody lines embedded within the music of Hakomi Cameras 4-6 that can be internalized and used as a harmonic “broom” to sweep the densest vibrations that can accumulate within your Exchange Zone. This procedure does not require a good voice, and in fact, they can be more potent if it is expressed within your consciousness rather than through your vocal cords and mouth.

A speech will be published in the following months that will provide greater depth of introduction and practical applications related to the Exchange Zone and its role in supporting and facilitating evolutionary awareness.

From my world to yours, James (Jaime)


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