We are an Indivisible All, by Yolanda Silva Solano

  • 2010

The human being has little awareness of this great truth and for the same reason, today the vast majority of the population lives stressed, because there is no unity between what they do and what they want to do. The division between his mind and his conscience is another of his great divisions, as are his thoughts and what his lips say, and between his soul and his body the abyss seems to be even greater since matter is considered to be nothing It has to do with spirituality. Jesus came to teach us that "to isolate part of life and call it religion is to disintegrate life and distort religion" because nothing of the material can be alien to the spiritual, because "man grows consciously from the material to the spiritual, by the strength and power of their own decisions ”

But the evil of our century, is that the vast majority of human beings do not have their own decision, they function as robots that obey the orders that publicity, consumerism and even those that the churches give. We do not think, we simply follow the indications that tell us that we have to be in a certain way and tell us what not to eat or what not to do and the day and time in which we should dedicate ourselves to God. The human being every day has less power of decision and the worst thing is that he is not aware of it and continues to be a puppet of circumstances instead of transforming the owner and maker of his own destiny.

God made us unique and unrepeatable people, we not only have a physical DNA but also a spiritual one, therefore no order should be generalized because true religion is “a way of life and a thinking technique, which allows us to move with full freedom to Choose what we want or not, do, eat, drink and believe.

A child of God who prides himself on being one must learn to be a Person, cannot accept to be one more of the heap, because that is not the way our Father loves us, for He “loves each creature as an individual son of the family Heavenly and this love accompanies him throughout time and eternity. ”

The divine will is that we must learn to “elevate the daily and common task” to find God in it because nothing a child of God does is indifferent because “while we dedicate ourselves to obtaining eternal realities, we must also dispose for the needs of temporary life ”and vice versa. "Never forget that once you feel divine filiation, all honest work is sacred, nothing is ordinary"

The same goes for what we eat or drink, because "it is not what enters the mouth that spiritually soils man, but rather what comes out of his mouth and his heart" Jesus had the audacity to replace clean hands for a clean heart as a mark of true religion Man not only forms a unity with the infinite cosmos, but also his body forms an organic whole, therefore all that God has given man must be used harmoniously, Nothing must be denied. In the same way that in an orchestra each instrument has its special participation, man is necessary for universal harmony, where the body, soul and mind must be unified, following the creative insinuations of the resident Spirit.

But we must bear in mind that unity, both cosmic and spiritual and material does not mean in any way uniformity, because this is only a utopia since in nature and in human beings nothing is equal, because ”Every race of humanity has his own mental focus on human existence; therefore, the religion of the mind must always be faithful to these various racial views. Religions of authority can never reach unification. Human unity and the brotherhood of mortals can be achieved only by the super endowment of the religion of the spirit and through it. Racial minds may differ, but all humanity is inhabited by the same divine and eternal Spirit. The hope of human brotherhood can only be realized when and as the ennobling and unifying religion of the spirit that is the religion of spiritual personal experience, the divergent mental religions of authority pervade and eclipse them. The religion of the spirit requires only unity of experience, not uniformity of destiny, thus allowing the full diversity of belief. The religion of the spirit requires only uniformity of discernment, not uniformity of point of view or opinion. The religion of the spirit does not require uniformity of intellectual views, just unity of spiritual feelings. Religions of authority crystallize in lifeless creeds; the religion of the spirit grows in joy and increasing freedom in the ennobling actions of loving service and merciful ministry.

The truth about man, about life and about God is one and we have to find it within ourselves, because within the same truth come many different points of view, which can only be appreciated by the individuality of each one, because “ the religion of revelation must always be limited by man's ability to receive it. From this concept the tolerance that we must have towards all those who do not think like us is born, in the same way that our Father has it when telling us that in heaven there is not one, but many abodes waiting for their children, that is why the absurdities are so absurd. philosophical or religious discussions, because they all contain some truth because they are modifications of the Universal Cosmic Religion.

The important thing is that each human being defines religion in terms of his own experiential interpretation of the divine impulses that emanate from the Spirit that resides in him and therefore, this interpretation must be unique and totally different from the religious philosophy of all other beings. Humans. 1130 ″ The important thing is not what is believed, but the sincerity and the consequence we have between what we do and what we say we believe, because ”true religion is living love, a life of service. The separation of the religionist from much of what is purely temporary and trivial never leads to social isolation and should never destroy the sense of humor. Genuine religion does not remove anything from human existence, but adds new meanings to the whole life; It generates new types of enthusiasm, fervor and courage. It is still possible that it engenders the spirit of the Crusader, which is more than dangerous if it is not controlled by spiritual vision and devotion loyal to the common social obligations of human allegiances.

Let us strive to maintain our inner unification, because it gives us the peace necessary to SEE the most appropriate path we must travel, both spiritually and materially. Let us listen to everything that is said, but let us be able not to be seduced by siren songs and learn to have our own opinions, our own faith and our own dealings with our Heavenly Daddy, in this way we will be consistent in our spiritual actions. and also in dealing with our neighbor.

Yolanda Silva Solano

Based on the teachings of the Urantia Book


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