We are stellar seeds, Archangel Gabriel, A. Maria, Archangel Metatron

  • 2013

Channeled by Elsa Farrus

But not only of our universal life, we are also of ourselves, of the ability to flourish as living beings.

Our function here in this life, is only to flourish, in the transit of current life, to achieve balance in all our acts, situations and conflicts, to go one step further. It is beyond life's challenges.

We are seeds of life, seeds that contain all the necessary resources for the present incarnation, for the challenges that our stellar conscience proposed to our soul, in this incarnation, and travel through the different planes of consciousness, lives and relationships in all of them.

We leave a wonderful solar essence, which captures in each trip to the corporeal, in each experience, new rays of light, that permeate within us, that nourish us and make us grow, flourish. Whenever we do what the heart feels, for a greater good, and that turn us off, when we move away from our heart.

The most beautiful of the springs, occurs, when entering in tune, with all the facts of our lives. Well, we know them before birth, before incarnation, and that we recognize with the little DEJA-bu ., Or when everything materializes synchronously.

The roses of the soul, in all religions, lotuses, floral traditions, are the reflection of thousands of births and thousands of events, which flourished, and that generation after generation share, that yes symbol

Who we flourish are living beings, in their path, it is their life, in their relationships, who are born from the sun, we lower the seeds with the seeds, which are gradually opening, when we reach the consciousness that opens them .

The magnificent solar emissions that are receiving, every time in more increase, are reactivating in you all those frequencies, which were disconnected in old trips, restore and heals you, the codes, who do not even suspect. And that they are in you, because in their day they flourished and in other planes they forgot.

That is why they feel a strange sensation of melancholy, of palpitations, of apparent calm, they rise in rage, they are in full boil, as if someone were stirring them deeply, their entire electromagnetic field, and they did not know why. Even causing large doses of anger in you.

They are star seeds, so feel that intimacy in you, walk inwards, feel the silence, meditate, walk in nature, beautiful baths in the sea, transform yourself, little by little and in silence. Go inside, no matter the technique, or the prayer, only the contact with nature or any therapy, will help you…. To discover, its internal seed, which allows them to grow, once they recognize it.

It is time to go out in the sun, to germinate, to share, be producers of happiness, expand beautiful things, confess your fears, share, dissolve, and if you are rejected, it is that this is not your place, there is another place to start .

Fertilize the earth, love your best land, your own physical body, which allows you to be multidimensional human beings, which allows you to be living beings.

From the deepest love, it is now when they will develop more as living beings, growing and growing in a few months, and releasing, releasing, by the evidence of not being the real path.

The frequencies of light until November 3 will be amplified and with them your awakening, and also the massive awakening of many of you and your surroundings.

Do not enter where there is friction, do not endorse the resistance or denial of others, do not take everything that does not belong to you, take the distance, in the conflict there is also growth for those beings, if you resolve it, they cannot be themselves, always remember that, love the growth of each being, deeply respect the times, and do not hide under old egos, of kindness, because if you do not respect the times and speeds, of each being in the universe, from an insect to a human being, there is no goodness, there is manipulation.

Be aware of this, they are not gods that can alter the destiny of others, on the contrary, they are co-creators of their own reality, extending beauty and harmony. Not imposing it.

Learn to love deeply all beings, their times and for what ... From their evolution, behind every decision of a human being, is the invisible structure of the evolution of that timeless being, of that star seed, and behind of that evolution is the balance of the planet and of humanity.

Open awareness is the key, since the vibration itself is the tool, it is the final time of the doctrines and of the saviors and healers. Only the truth of each of the beings that make up the universe, is the perfect gear, for unity to occur.

The unit in perfect rhythm, in synchrony, in palpitation of balance, in equal conditions, that of realities.

Happy mass awakening in the coming months, happy awareness of Unity. A. Maria. A. Gabriel. A. Metatron.

P.S. Not all healers fear, they have new tasks, personal and teamwork, you will see how they are quickly identified, to transform healing, in accompaniment to each being.

Thank you from the heart for forwarding this message to those of you who wish, and for sharing this time of growth, thanks Elsa. For any questions you can contact: And to find other exercises and channels, at http://ascensionalquimicageometrica.blogspot.com/

or at https://www.facebook.com/ReikiPracticesAndAscensionalWork?ref=hl


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