We are the reflection of our interior by Mer Vivar

  • 2015

One of the most important principles of personal improvement is that which affirms that our outer world is a reflection of our inner world. That is why if you do not like what you are seeing in your life, there is only one person responsible: You. And if you want to work on changing it, the point where you should start is inside.

We are interpreters of reality and it is our own way of deciphering it that we reflect outside and that is why we find a great variety of interpretations: There are the positives, the optimists, the fearful, the fatalists, the opportunists, the pessimists, the distrustful, the libidinous, the complaining and could spend several days listing all the groups of reality translators existing in this dimension, but we all know them.

Many of us have been in groups where the exercise is presented to present an action of a certain history and then collect the analysis that each assistant makes of that representation and there are so many stories regarding that situation. n that you doubt what you have seen and it is only to realize that each person has their own perception of reality and that there are as many realities as people in the world

If we are not happy with the material reflection we are expressing, the good news is that we can change it and everything starts from the inside: more than thinking, we have to feel and from that vibration we project the outside.

When you start to change the attitude with which you look at life and face problems, everything changes abroad as well. If you manage to focus on the positive side of things, your vibration increases and you connect with the most prosperous energies of the Universe.

The time is over where we used to expect that life, God, destiny or some fairy godmother would give us everything we need, now there is much more awareness that we are responsible for what happens to us in all areas because with every thought and every emotion we throw a vibratory note to the Universe that reflects it corrected and augmented for us Are you afraid of the future? Be careful because the magnifying glass that reflects it will send you more of the same and you will be able to see how your fears are growing day by day. Do you feel anger at not being able to meet your expectations? ? Eye! Because that anger will continue to multiply with the bellicose situations that you will see in your daily life.

Living consciously involves questioning us from time to time and at some point to ask ourselves What world do I want for myself? and discover what reality we want to live and start projecting it. You will be amazed at the results

We are the source from where everything we can see in our lives sprouts. If we consciously focus on all the positive we will see each blessing we receive daily multiply. Because everything we see abroad is just the reflection of what we carry inside

By: Mer Vivar
Source : http://mer-sanandoelalma.blogspot.com.es

We are the reflection of our interior by Mer Vivar

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