Solutions for Ascension Symptoms (fibromyalgia) by Jelaila Starr

  • 2014

I consciously began the ascension process in 1996. I had asked my guides to "help me regain my ability to hear, see and hear other dimensions in the way I did."

This article is my attempt to provide answers on why our health is affected during the ascension process, as well as give some solutions related to our health.

After some years on the Ascension Path, I have realized that ascending has a price. Reaching a high level of consciousness is not achieved by osmosis, it requires commitment, diligence and a little sacrifice. But, I feel that the reward of ascending has advantages that far outweigh the pain of getting there.

There have been times when I questioned my sanity as I walked this path, confronting my fears on each occasion. I have lost many friends, I have moved away from lucrative jobs and suffered from much pain in my heart and intense loneliness. However, none of that is comparable to the devastation I felt from losing my health. I have always believed that as long as I was healthy, I could face everything.

Unfortunately, we don't have a manual on how to ascend !, detailing the pros and cons and explaining the steps. As a result, many of us, including myself, are stunned and confused by the degree of physical and emotional pain we have experienced, and we do not understand how or why this is part of the process or how to regain health in such a way forward. .

This article is my attempt to provide answers on why our health is affected during the ascension process as well as give some solutions related to our health.

I consciously began the ascension process in 1996. I had asked my guides to "help me regain my ability to hear, see and hear other dimensions in the way I did." In a few hours my request was granted and I started the first of many cleanings necessary to achieve ascension.

What I mean with cleanliness is to clean all the old, low-frequency emotions that are blocked, such as anger, anger, shame, guilt, regret, remorse and bitterness that are part of the wounds and ancestral memory. These traumas are stored together in blocks of layers that look like an onion. Also included in these blockages are beliefs and behavior patterns from which these traumas were created. While we clean each layer of those emotional body blockages, the physical body releases the equivalent to its level. We call this process ... Emotional Cleansing.

Ascension is consciously moving from one reality to another. Since each reality is a dimension, what we are undertaking is, in essence, a dimensional change. To make this change, we have to change the way we think and be. To change my way of being and thinking, I became aware of my beliefs and behaviors (fog in the head), inflammation in the throat, cloudy vision, inflammation in the bladder and intestines, few degrees of fever, and depression. Through hundreds of comments I received from all readers of my ascension articles, I learned that others were experiencing some or all of the same symptoms at different levels and combinations like me. I was amazed and confronted myself with the fact that I was not alone in my experiences.

I began to wonder if there was a period for these symptoms and I began to investigate and search, why we were paying such a high price to ascend. I focused on two recently discovered diseases. They are called Fibromyalgia (FM) and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) ... and they exactly match the symptoms of ascension! And both have been "discovered" in the last 10 years. I personally found this amazing.

The endocrine system, not only gives you your psychic abilities, it also regulates the production of hormones in our system and the hormones regulate every function in your body, including your emotions, weight, body temperature, libido, mental acuity, concentration, sight, etc. The hormones tell the other cells of the body what to do. If some hormones are deficient, the cells that depend on them do not function properly.

Based on this information, I began to wonder if the cleansing of the emotional body was somehow connected to the FM and the CFS. During emotional cleansing, the endocrine glands (hypothalamus, pituitary, pineal, adrenal and gonads) are stressed with the detonation of deep fears and repressed memories.

When we experience emotional or physical stress, our hormone production is irregular. When this happens continuously in emotional cleansing, some hormones are almost annihilated and others produced in excess and we experience the corresponding symptoms such as excess weight, pain in muscles and joints, short periods of memory loss, persistent fatigue, a little of fever, etc. In other words we develop FM and / or CFS.

Personally, I found it difficult to accept that I could develop these diseases since I was cleaning myself of the old energies and integrating fears, which I believed were the cause of the diseases (some time ago we came to the conclusion that the root of physical diseases I was in the emotional body).

I believed correctly or incorrectly, that spiritual people were happier and healthier than non-spiritual people, therefore, if I was becoming more spiritual, I should experience greater health and happiness. This made me wonder if I was really becoming more spiritual or not. Apparently he overlooked the fact that when one moves from one state to another, there is a period of imbalance, chaos and adjustments, before reaching the new state of equilibrium.

Although this was a frightening and daunting discovery, at the same time, it was a relief to finally understand what was happening to us. I had felt for a long time without control because of the debilitating nature of these symptoms. Now, when I finally understood the great picture of the Ascension Process, I felt in control of my life again. How does this happen? How does emotional cleansing end in FM or CFS? And most importantly, what can we do to heal our bodies from these diseases? Why do some of us have CFS and / or FM and what is the utility?

Because not everyone who goes through emotional cleansing and ascension develops FM or CFS, I think those who attract those diseases need the kind of assistance that those diseases provide. Let me explain.

A couple of years ago, my guides informed me that there would be new viruses on the planet that would be incurable with third-dimensional methods, due to that had been developed for higher purposes. They informed me that those viruses would be created to literally melt DNA patterns Now, there is a scientific law called, `` Structural Dissipation Law, '' which says that Before a new structure can be established, the old one must be dissipated or dissolved. It is my belief that behavior patterns are genetically encoded in our DNA. They are passed from generation to generation and originally created by our belief systems.

If CFS and FM are these viruses, then they can assist people with these patterns, dissipating them from their DNA. Then, those who attract CFS or FM do so to get the assistance they need to clean up rebel patterns, which are deeply entrenched in the DNA. Going further, given that these viruses are related to the neuromuscular (they attack the muscles), they force us to slow down, take inventory of our lives and change beliefs about ourselves and This is really important. They force you to change your priorities, giving you the help you need to bring your life to balance. For example, I was one of those people who defined myself for what I did for a living. I always had a deep need to get what I wanted, afraid to ask for help. Because of these viruses, I was forced to reevaluate my belief in defining myself for my career, while changing from a very acceptable 3D career to a psychic / intuitive counselor. I could no longer spend my energy working in the field that had been my passion for so long.

Due to a fatigue that weakened me, I couldn't achieve much every day and my self-esteem and self-worth fell apart all the time. This forced me to reevaluate my beliefs about achievements and why I needed them so much. Because I couldn't work much, I didn't have the amount of money I needed to pay my bills. This forced me to confront my fears about asking for help. I learned that my symptoms were increased by my anxiety, when I became fearful of not having the money to pay the bills. I learned to be open and allow my guides to help me and while I was doing this, the money came every month. Now I realize that without those viruses I would not have changed my deep beliefs and entrenched patterns, because I would not have to do it, unless I was forced. So maybe CFS and FM were my saving grace. Perhaps they are the "great weapons" that some of us call, to help us clean patterns that would otherwise block our ascension.


Over the years, I have used many things to relieve my symptoms, including leaving sugar, wheat and dairy products in my diet, eating organic products, salt baths, essential oils, Bach flower remedies, massage, chiropractic and yoga. Everyone helped me ... but none could give me back my life. I experienced debilitating fatigue, intense pain in the muscles and joints, irritated bowel, fever, edema, rapid weight gain, loss of photographic and short-term memory, and loss of my passion for life, in addition to other things.

It was not until my emergency hysterectomy, that I discovered a therapy that relieved most of the symptoms and gave me my life back. It is called "Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy" (NHRT). Now, I am not talking about synthetic hormones, I am talking about natural, plant-based hormones. In simple terms, NHRT complements the hormones in our body, giving our endocrine system time to regulate itself and begin producing the right amount and levels of hormones by itself.

I have been taking natural hormones for 9 months and now I have experienced an 85% improvement in my FM and CFS symptoms. For example, I can now exercise 40 minutes, 4 times a week. Before, I could try to exercise and every time I was tense a muscle or something happened that prevented me from continuing the exercise. I tried diets and no matter how much diet or exercise I did, I didn't lose weight! I have lost several inches and have gone down from size 12 to 8 on my return to size 6. What a relief!

Bowel movements are normal most of the time and I have a lot of energy. I can remember things better because my short term memory is returning. I only experience anger when I strain excessively and become anxious and fearful. My husband Jonathan has been with NHRT for 5 months and has experienced approximately 15% improvement in his symptoms, not an improvement as spectacular as mine. I have noticed a decrease in your chronic depression from 6 days out of 7 days, to 2 days out of 7 days. When you live with someone with chronic depression this is a very big improvement. I have noticed that he has no anxiety attacks as often as before and has more energy. Considering that he was diagnosed with CFS in 1996 and 5 years have passed without treatment, this is a great improvement.

Another gift was the Neurocranial Restructuring (NCR). NCR has a good record eliminating diseases including FM and CFS because both are neuromuscular and because it works with the sphenoid bone, the bone pivots in the body. Your head rests on your body balanced on this bone like a bowling ball on a stick. When this bone is out of alignment, it causes the other bones in the body to become unbalanced to stabilize your head. After only 4 treatments I experienced an increase in my mental clarity, a decrease in neck and upper back pain and muscle spasms. My neck was straight and I achieved greater flexibility in my middle and lower back because my spine became straighter. I had had a mild scoliosis (curvature of the spine) since birth. He also had some cervical injuries.

NCR treatments helped me move my head back in alignment with my neck and pulled the pressure from my muscles so that my bones could support my head instead of my muscles, allowing my spine to relax. I also noticed that things were brighter. It was like coming out of the shadows into the sunlight. Many NCR patients report that kind of improvement. I plan to continue with these treatments to complete the stretching of my spine and repair the damage of my cervical injuries.

Jonathan also had 4 treatments and his lack of air when sleeping fell by 85%. He can't verify this, since he doesn't feel himself gasping for breath at night, but I do. His breathing is much deeper. I have kept track of his emotional states since the NCR treatments and have noticed that he is in relative good mood 3 days out of 5. Before NCR it was 1 out of 5 days.

It seems that we attract solutions for our symptoms and are guided to therapies and therapists, to complete the healing process while cleaning the associated beliefs and patterns. So there is a help for our ascension symptoms. I am not saying that these are the only therapies that work and that everyone will experience relief if they use them, but they are two that have worked well for me.

In conclusion, it is my wish that everyone who reads this article will understand that physical symptoms are part of the process of emotional cleansing and ascension. To think that we can clear and clean our emotional and physical bodies without experiencing pain and discomfort is unreal. But our symptoms are not perpetual and from my experience and research, they can be relieved and eventually eliminated as we complete the ascension.

By: Jelaila Starr

Solutions for Ascension Symptoms (fibromyalgia)

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