Sun in Virgo

(August 23 - September 21)

New Moon: Friday, August 29 at 23:26
Full Moon: Monday, September 15 at 11:13
Motto: "I am the Mother and the Son, I am God, I am matter."
Rays: II and IV
Exoteric Regent: Mercury (Ray IV)
Esoteric Regent: Moon (Ray IV)
Hierarchical Regent: Jupiter (Ray II)
2nd mutable sign and 2nd zodiac land sign.

The symbol of this sign is represented by a Virgin, indicative of purity, holiness and the sublime nature expressed through the highest concept of motherhood. Cancer represents Nature as mother, Virgo the 2nd aspect of Logos as Mother (Creation as matter of the plane) that arises as emanation of the Lord, as a verb in 4 states, 3 of them are hidden in subjectivity and the 4 state is the objectivity of this Universe represented by Sarâsvati (The Divinity of 4 faces) or by "The Great Mother of Dawn" (Gâyatri), or by "The Mother of the World". If the disciple meditates on this concept, he can elevate him to the state in which the personality dissolves with the soul and it finds its place in the Mother, so that he perfects it and can raise it to the Father. When this happens the disciple becomes "Purusha", this process includes three stages 1st One with the eye, 2nd One with the frame, 3rd Self within The same, thus reaching the supreme ideal of the spiritual path, this indicates the birth of a Savior among men through the Mother and through the grace of the Father.

The Virgin in the sign of Virgo is described with a spike of wheat in her hand and a lamp in the other. The spike of
Wheat represents his son as the spiritual food of humanity (let us note that the autumn equinox points to the
return home from the fruits of the cultivation of the fields). The lamp is the symbol of the spiritual light or the light of the initiated in the dark. The Virgin, The Mother of the World conceives her son in the midnight darkness. After the crucifixion, Mary, the mother, approached her son in the dark of the night with a lamp in his hand.

The region that covers the 90º of Virgo to Scorpio governs the part between the navel and the hips, the internal tissues act as a single unit in the body of the man and the woman until 7 years, from this moment until the 14, stimulation of the sexual organs and sexual tissues occurs. This is the action of Libra to separate Virgo from Scorpio. This is one of the 7 keys to this part of wisdom. This great mystery of the astronomical, astrological and biological phenomenon is one of the most secret secrets of ancient wisdom that only the wise seers who live in the Himalayas, the North Pole and the 5 magnetic centers of the earth know. HPB was only allowed to give some small guideline on this matter, leaving the rest to the student's intuition.

Virgo presides over the activity of caring for and serving the sick, just as Leo presides over healing and Pisces the hospitals, so his opposite Virgo governs the nurses of the hospitals. It also governs maternity centers and pediatricians and raising children correctly preparing them for future social saviors. Orphanages, handicapped schools, leprosarium, sanatoriums and obstetrics centers are governed by Virgo.

(Currently all these activities are managed primarily by followers of M. Jesus).

In popular Astrology, the color of this sign is a mixture of all colors, but the true image of its color is the orderly manifestation of the rainbow. The Mother of the World in many of the ancient religions, appears decorated with a rainbow around her head. The grace of Mr. Descends through the Mother of the World in 7 planes, 7 colors, 7 musical scales, 7 rounds of planets, 7 planetary chains, 7 root races, etc. Because the entire Creation is through his grace in periods of 7 called the 7 days of Creation. Thus for the disciple raised to the state of grace the color of Virgo is the white milk "The Divine milk" or "The sea of ​​milk" in which the 7 rays are hidden.

The numerical power of this sign is 7. The radius is its metal. Sugar cane is its plant.

It is curious to note that neither Virgo nor Pisces is attributed "Chacras". For these children of grace, these signs acted through a newly formed "Chakra" between the Akh and the Coronary C. called the birthplace of Indra.

Virgo, Taurus and Pisces with a combined influence activate this "Chakra".

Excerpts from the book "Spiritual Astrology."
Ekkirala Krishnamacharya. Dhanishtha Editorial


"The Queen's Belt"

In the 6th work of Hercules, considered the 6th portal, he was asked to enter through and bring the belt of a queen. Hercules had to win the belt and seize it.

The belt is an ornament that is worn at the waist. (This sign is located below the diaphragm and above the navel).

The queen to whom she had to snatch the belt belonged to that bank of creation and not to it (The beginning is at the other end). This queen had a huge kingdom in which there were only women, but not men. (Since men are women in that creation).

Above that kingdom is the Cosmic Man and below that kingdom, or below the belt there are only women. From time to time what is above descends through the belt as the Son of God, but it must be born through this queen, so there is no one like it in this creation, and It is said that everything is women, because those who receive are women and those who give are men. According to the occult vision, there is only one giver and all others are recipients. That is why Mr. is chaired by the queen whom he calls "The Mother of the World", even he passes through Her or becomes Her. Because in the creation there is only She and He is in Her. (The word ELLA itself is EL if we remove L and A).

Infinite space is limited by a period of time and that is what is meant by belt and within it emanations that are circular occur. It is said that there are 7 emanations from which 7 colors, 7 Manvantaras etc. arise. and we see all this only when it has never emanated before, this means the love of the Mother through the Father's gaze, it is also what we express in the faculty of exchanging the gaze with other beings, this is the game of creation, where the whole game is in the exchange and so there can be experience. Although like any game, it is limited and has its rules).

This was the kingdom to which Hercules was sent to understand the belt.

As she approached, the queen said: “A son of God and still a son of man, is approaching us and comes for the belt, do we give it to him, or do we not give it to him? While she was considering the answer Hercules showed up (Hercules only knew how to kill people and steal things from him).

This belt was that of the Unity, that is, one must feel the Unity when it is within it and keep it inside, which is what allows us to sacrifice or
serve him and have confidence in Him. Thus there are 4 aspects within the area of ​​the belt, which are: The Unity that leads us to Love, the Love that leads us to the Sacrifice, and the Sacrifice that leads us to Trust. These are the qualities of "The Mother of the World, " he who possesses them can live in Creation without conflict.

As much as we talk about love it does not arise until we have understood and experienced Unity, so as long as we perform acts of love with ourselves, we will also do it with others, because in reality there are no others since everything it is the same being that
Just as it is in us it is also in others. Once we are in this practice, love flows effortlessly. (It is not proposed and spread love). In fact, when Unity is forgotten, love is automatically forgotten, sacrifice is void and trust is replaced by distrust.

Hercules reached the queen, that is, he felt the limitation and wanted to fight against her. History tells us that the queen wanted to give her the belt, but he killed her and snatched it away. That is what usually happens in the 6th house, when someone is giving us something naturally, why should we take it away by force? Due to the lack of understanding, inferior aspects of mercury Mr. De Virgo, who always takes us to discussions and misunderstandings: This is what happened to Hercules, he fell into the misunderstanding of not understanding what was the role of the Mother in this game.

This part of the story indicates the struggle of man when he does not understand Nature, and not only fights against it, but also insults it, ignores it and ignores the gifts it gives it. (It is like when we have pain, this is a warning that something does not work in our body and if it were not for it we could have serious consequences in another organism). If we are left alone with pain, we will see Nature as cruel, but it has really been a protection to balance the error that has caused such pain. This is a way of understanding the love of Nature.

The Master was very severe with the disciple for his rudeness towards Nature, destroying what he was given with love, and admonished him with not wanting to see him again until he rectified his behavior. Only when we respect and understand the laws, Nature takes us in its lap, this is "The approach to the Father through the Mother".

In creation everything fulfills a purpose and hate towards certain forms, qualities etc ..., separates us from "The Mother
Divine, ”let's overcome the limits intelligently.

Notes from the seminar held in Engelberg by Master KP Kumar in May 1994.
"Hercules the man and the symbol." Dr. KP Kumar Editorial Dhanishtha

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