On the energies of March 2016, by Lic. Marisa Ordoñez

  • 2016

I share some references to consider, if they feel that way.

Celia Fenn says in her beautiful and extensive channeling, watered down of details and orientations: 2016: THE INCARNATION OF THE MULTIDIMENSIONAL MASTER and FINDING HIS TEAM OF THE SOUL :

Beloved, it is an exciting time to be present on Planet Earth ... let's look at the important 'markers' in the flow of time and in which you will be better empowered to make changes and transitions in your personal and planetary timelines.

The first wave of intense transitional light of this cycle will occur in the month of March.

* On March 9 there will be a Total Eclipse of Sun in Pisces at the time of the New Moon.
This will be two weeks before the first equinox of 2016 on March 23, which will be the Spring Equinox in the North (and Autumn in the South). There will be an Annular Moon Eclipse in Libra / Aries on the 23rd, which will bring Codes of Balance and Power to Earth.

So the month of March will be intensely illuminated with New Codes of Solar / Lunar Light and Golden / Diamond Light, which will balance during and after the equinox. You can expect a lot of 'movement' and change in the flow of time and space in this month.

Many will face challenges in their lives and in their spiritual paths and in their journey of experience to ascension. These challenges will serve to ensure that you are walking on the path of the Destiny of your Soul and that you are ready to embody all aspects of the Divine Self in Mastery of Light.

They will be given the opportunity to illuminate a new path forward that will be closer to the essence of their soul in their colors, tones and patterns. So, what might seem challenging in fact will be a 'restart' to allow them to move towards a more fluid and light-filled reality ... they will be ... configuring and manifesting new timelines capable of raising consciousness to a new spiral of manifestation.

The confusion and chaos resulting from these timeline adjustments continue to feel as the old 3D structures continue to crumble rapidly in the face of these powerful new quantum currents of energy expression.

As a Multidimensional Master, the Heart is your Home and if you are present in your Heart, you are in fact at home.

When you activated your Body of Light and your thirteen-chakra energy system, you moved away from the old seven-chakra system with its center in the Solar Plexus. Now his 'center' or point of balance is in the Heart, the seat of Divine Love and Compassion.

But when they enter this activation, they also activate the Three Hearts System, where their own Sacred and Divine Heart aligns with the Cosmic Heart and the Heart of the Earth. This is the Sacred Mystery of the 'Three in One' or the Three that are One. It is the Key to Ascension and the new perspective of life on Earth.

So, his new system of thirteen chakras carries the powerful energy flows of the Divine Sacred Hearts, which include his Divine Heart and that of the Earth.

In their new energy system, they have under their feet the Earth Star Chakra, which gives them access to their akashic records of life on Earth and also the Heart of the Earth that pulses in resonance with the Cosmic Heart and with that of you (and so access) to the Akashic records in the Crystal Temple of the Heart of the Earth.

The Earth is a part of its Multidimensional Body. Divine Creative Intelligence exists within the Earth and in all Earth Creations.

Earth is a sacred creation. The way in which you perceive and interact with it, is also the way in which you perceive yourself and interact with your own body.
Do you see your body as a perfect creation of love, or do you see it as imperfect and in need of arrangement and changed to 'not good enough'?

When you talk about self love and empowerment, this also means love and empowerment for the Earth, or your part of the Earth ...

When you do your Sacred Ceremonies to honor and love the Earth, you are honoring and loving yourself. You are the Earth and an expression of the Earth ... (walking) through the Planet in material form in a multidimensional body.

What does this mean for a multidimensional teacher? That you are able to 'incarnate' the Earth as part of your Sacred Service to the Divine Creative Will ... as The Stellar Shaman who walks the path of the Earth's service and incarnation, dreaming / creating and sustaining a vision, at the same time who is able to embody the destiny of Spirit and Star.

*** By embodying Earth by honoring your physical body and physical home, you allow powerful currents of healing energy and Light Codes to flow through you to Earth and its people. ***

If you do this in Sacred Ceremony with meditative intention and activations, you amplify the flow of energy from the Cosmic Heart and your own Heart to the earth, creating a powerful Sacred Union of the Three Hearts that will allow powerful changes of consciousness.

And you will fully understand that Earth is the 'home' and that you came to Earth to assist with the manifestation and creation of a Garden Home for multidimensional beings.

Although many on Earth have forgotten their mission and their reason for being here, (they can begin to remember!)

Upon entering into a full awareness of your connection to the Earth and your access to the Earth's Akashic records, you will begin to feel a magnetic attraction ... for those ... beings with whom you will feel a resonance of the Soul Family and who will support you like you they support them in their missions on Earth. You will feel an immediate 'brotherhood' with them, and you will find new opportunities that open up by connecting to the flow of new projects determined by the Divine Plan and your Soul Destiny as you create it.

In this new form of team work Almico there will be no leaders or celebrities but simply awake beings who come together to work, create and share. Each individual in the 'circle' of the Team will contribute to what is provided by the person who awakens the circle.
Thus, spiritual practice will also advance from the 'consumerist' model where you consume ideas and work from others, to a 'participatory' model where you participate in the creation of sacred activities to manifest the Reality of the New Earth

May these words carry a breath of amazement to activate your willingness to experience your true identity And I invite you to keep


* / The parentheses are slight modifications to facilitate the abbreviated communication of the message WITHOUT CHANGING YOUR SENSE AND INITIAL CONTENT, as expressed by the original channel.

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