Physical Symptoms and Emotions for the months between May and August 2013, by Archangel Gabriel through Ron and Robert Baker

  • 2013
Table of contents hide 1 May 2 June 3 July 4 August 5 Physical Symptoms and Emotions for the months between May and August 2013, by the Archangel Gabriel through Ron and Robert Baker

Weather Report No. 53

Physical Symptoms and Emotions Time Report for the months May-June-July-August 2013

Translation: Alicia Virelli

We have reached a time that has received more attention than any other time we have known ... a time of great prophecy and change.

"The end of the world, " as we have known ... as the planet reaches the midpoint of its life. This change at middle age is the moment when we move back to "home", towards the Divine Source. This will bring a deeper understanding of the soul consciousness and the fact that we are all sacred beings, a part of the Creator.

This will bring the need to face the limitations we have known, trapped in the most primitive stages of attachment to the physical as a source of our well-being. This has been merely a learning stage in which the planet has been immersed for so long.

But the deepest truths are waiting to be revealed! More personal and collective potentials await us, many more than we have been able to access before this time!

We have only been at the edges at the beginning of this awakening in the last decades, when we have accelerated in many ways more than we did during the last thousands of years ... And we have just begun!

2013 is being called a Year of New Beginnings through the end of the Conflict of Opposites by Archangel Gabriel

In the Overview of the Year, we have talked about the three quadrants (four month segments) of the year. This channel will be about the second quarter of 2013 specifically.

“Beloved beloved Children of the Light, as you know we are called Gabriel and as always, it is a pleasure to be in your divine presence.

This is the most important moment of soul awakening. And now you are entering the second four-month period of 2013 - which is a time for A RADICAL CHANGE.

The month of May has to do with the development of CONSCIENCE.

There is much activity manifesting in the seventh divine chakra, which relates to the consciousness of the Mind of God. This activates the cycles of the soul, which begins to activate the penetration of the soul consciousness into the physical body.

The activation of the seventh chakra brings the download of information in the DNA of the cells, the activation of the codons starting with the frontal lobes and Temporary brain.

The interpretation of the information begins to occur in the crystalline structure above the temporal ones, so there will be a great deal of activation in the glandular system of the body.

This begins to reveal for the first time only the uncovered beginning of the information of the first four archetypes of the Mind of God Revelation, Inspiration, Expression and Experience

The conscience of God that is undifferentiated will begin to connect to the individual consciousness.

Then, in June, he will begin to activate the sixth chakra, which contains the information and interpretation of his individual place in the Divine Plan. This will imply beginning to make new choices based on the AWARENESS that you develop in May.

This will begin with the revelation of your place of service, related to your highest truth of existence, expressed through your talents, abilities and qualities of Being.

July will then discuss the fifth chakra and putting his new elections in ACTION. This is the center of commitments and expression, following the truth of his being.

Then, August will deepen the COMMITMENT towards the action of their elections, based on the consciousness that begins to manifest itself.

May Awareness
June Make New Elections
July Putting the Elections into action
August Deepening Commitments to those Elections.

This is the general perspective of the radical change segment of 2013.


The month of May will find a great deal of confusion on your planet. This will come from the higher energies that reach the conditioned brain, based on its usual thought forms and emotional attachments.

Everything that is related to the paradigm of survival of the lower ego is emerging. This will create some deeper identity crises. The soul is its true self, but the survival of the ego is always based on a description or a decision about themselves.

This comes from conditioning attachments and emotional ties that have come out of those first experiences.

As they enter the state of disappointment more and more, they will also have advances and inspirations, which inspire their CONSCIENCE in this month based on an inner truth that they have not known. before.

You will begin to negotiate and trust that, it springs up as intuition in ways of development and knowledge. This will move you beyond the old mental and emotional patterns that kept you busy and prevented you from communicating with your Soul.

Physical symptoms may occur that include pressure on the head, headaches, tension in the neck and shoulders, as well as in the upper part of the head. body. Pressure or ringing in the ears can occur from the discharge of energy.

This is being prepared to connect them to the "music of the spheres, " which is how information is transmitted and connects them to the physical ... operating through subtle vibrations and frequencies connected to certain sounds. Some will be too loud in vibration to listen to them consciously, but as they raise their own vibration, they can communicate through an aberration of pressure in the ears, with sharp piercing sounds.

This is not going to create a physical problem, unless there is a huge blockage in the head. This month of May could create an increase in brain problems, if there is a huge traffic jam.

If you have been doing your internal work, releasing blockages, you are unlikely to have to worry about these extreme impacts.

The entire world will experience great confusion and indecision as things enter the consciousness from different systems around the world in several countries. The Shadow of the Self is reaching the surface in a great way, in different ways, depending on the problems of countries and groups.

Expect an impending conflict in the East, in need of some new decisions that are being avoided so far. There may be pressure on the US So I can make some clear decisions.

Individuals will begin to experience more things each time, as well as the way they are connected to each other. This is the principle of unity consciousness and how all things serve other things. This begins multidimensional awareness and the impact of resonant causation, rather than cause and effect.

While this is happening, you must move towards greater neutrality to clearly see the interconnection of more things. The Soul operates through resonance ...

When it is operated through the connection of "we consciousness", they begin to be more aware of the resonance of things and the synchronicity of things more fully. Arc Gabriel


This month he is considering NEW ELECTIONS, based on how they have developed May's consciousness based on their inner truth. This awareness will come and go depending on clarity and healing.

The interconnected nature of things will inspire new choices, options that are measured for the highest good of all that surrounds them completely. WE awareness. Consideration of others.

This will bring enormous feelings of communion and unity, connected to new levels that had only been suspected before.

At this time, they will activate the sixth chakra completely, as well as the pineal and pituitary glands ... which will also activate the thymus and the subconscious mind of the Soul.

You will find yourself introducing yourself more and more to the ability to be present in the NOW, at every moment. For the most part, this has only been a concept, not an experience.

While the conscious mind is occupied with the re-description of thought forms and emotional attachments and gratifications, you are caught in the conditioning of your past. This has not allowed them to see the deepest truths that are present in the here and now of stillness.

You will know that you are more in this state when your feelings are not in your charge, but you have the ability to choose how you feel in each moment.

As they are able to accept the presence of their own being, freed from the forms of thought and emotional conditioning, they will be present in a multidimensional consciousness for the first time ... the reality that everything is connected.

That is the presence of the subconscious mind, the soul's mind. The conscious mind has been the least conscious mind, which has been habitually distracted, protective and on the agenda of the lower will and the ego.

By making new elections this month, they will begin to act from the revelation and inspiration of the moment ... in the reality of what is happening. This will provoke a knowledge in the 3rd eye (6th chakra) that will resonate with the deepest truths.

There will still be confusion for many who have never experienced these new depths ... or how to direct or trust them. The ego ego always wants to re-describe something of the old paradigm. Deciphering will not work. Show yourself with the astonishment of a child, the innocence of a child who simply shows up, discovers and responds.

Allow yourself to trust more and more. And negotiate the identity crisis that feels threatened by the novelty.
Entering your personal power and your place in the Divine Plan and how you relate to yourself specifically, will create confusion for many, as well as doubt yourself. You will work it your way and move towards trust.

The child has felt more secure with what is repetitive and has resistance to change, where he does not know what to control. And you go through a change in the way you perceive, see what reality really is and what it implies.

You are entering the presence and power of those who are like a divine being and this is scary for most people ... who feel more familiar with the fight and control and oppose what they want to avoid. Being present is much more frightening for the injured lower self.

You are discovering that you are multi-dimensional ... and most of you are beyond the third dimension. During this month there will be a lot of indecision, feeling unsafe to make decisions. The whole world will be putting things out very often, without knowing how to make decisions.

Making decisions that serve the good of the whole is not something in which the world has been very good ... with everyone taking care of themselves, each group for its own approach, opposing everything that is different.

June will also involve great activity again in the head, but moving down to the throat. Survival chakras will shake as higher energies influence the movement of their energies toward a new approach.

Family survival options may be scary, since the superior influence wants to include the good of others in elections. This will create hesitation for many.


This is a month that implies starting to take specific actions, since they have had some time to negotiate and evaluate from the previous months.

This will be a time of many advances, being able to predict elections more fully since their intuition and clarity begin to be reliable. Your decision will be more refined and specific.

Some will continue with the same hesitation, if they are not clear about having done an internal work that allows them to evaluate in the same way, taking into account the awareness of "we".

This will be a time of greater depths of communication, of sharing and relating to others. This will lead to greater trust with your human partners. Motivating each other, as you begin to attract to you the synchronicities of your own soul levels.

Groups of souls will meet completely, operating through this new inspiration. They will be inspired by the ideas of others. There will be greater consideration for others, for those who have become more aware through the performance of internal work.

This will allow them to make better use of this time than for those who have not been doing internal work ... even if they are influenced by the same energies.

No one can avoid being influenced by the Divine Plan, the planetary Hierarchy and Ascended Mastery. They are working on changing the connections of the law lines that allow the revelation of the "we" consciousness.

Different areas of the world will be penetrated with this influence, based on the needs of various groups and soul levels.

The hierarchy will make more contact in the dream state, especially in June and July. They may have strange or peculiar dreams with specific symbols. When this happens, start writing these symbols.

This is the way the hierarchy is putting the information in their conscience in a key way. This is how the subconscious is impacted, through the archetype of symbols.

In July you will move more towards actions that are guided by what you need for the development of your soul level.


August will be a moment of follow-up through the commitments, learning how to sustain a deeper commitment to the new types of decisions and actions that you have begun to make.

This will deal with how to access consciousness and make concrete decisions, based on their place in the Divine Plan.

Your actions become more specific as your choices are kept more specifically informed. This will also raise your subconscious commitments, revealing what has hindered the path.

It will be a time of great cleaning of the old that no longer serves them. You will see the commitment in new ways, from the way it is done from the perspective of the sincere truth of your being.

You will begin to deepen the resonant causality, leaving the cause and effect within these commitments. You will no longer need to avoid and oppose the fears of the lower self, if you have done the inner work to resolve your hurt feelings.

As they learn what the force of love is and embrace neutrality in the heart space, with a truth that knows itself and is unquestionable, they will feel more and more effective in integrating the energies of the soul that are beginning to emerge

You are just beginning to use the causality of resonance and the law of synchronicity, which is nothing more than an affirmation that everything is really connected. When you are not opposing from the lower self, you can flow with true synchronicity in new ways.

This month there could possibly be a deeper conflict and a declaration of war in areas of the Middle East or with Korea, unless you change your duties. That is totally in the collective consciousness.

The more they move towards their individual neutrality, the more they empower the world to embrace each other in love and in the value of the paths of the paths of others.

This year is about the complete initiation of the seventh Ray of Consciousness, the Ceremonial Order of Magic that governs the Divine, you will be in a complete restructuring of the old ways ... the ways in which you have perceived, chosen and acted your reality, are Changing.

And in this last month, they will move more fully towards the heart chakra carrying the creative aspects of the 5th. chakra from July towards the center of his being and experience of interaction in the heart.

There will be a lot of activity in the heart, chest and solar plexus. More control dramas can surface, as well as a greater impact on the heart. If people are blocked, they may encounter more heart problems that are happening.

There may be pains in the center of the back of the heart chakra, as well as pressure and energetic movements. This is the center where they have focused on third-dimensional consciousness ... and as they move towards a multidimensional reality, this assembly point will change.

This can create stunning qualities or feel stunned as well as feel less anchored. The physical world can sometimes seem more like a dream.

The etheric body will experience a lot of movement, as it helps prepare the physical body for the connection of the soul. This can sometimes feel as if your body is being absorbed by the etheric body. For example, they may feel compelled to take a deep breath from nowhere ... by then feel full of the energy of the etheric body.

As the etheric body becomes more active in time, it will begin to perform the functions of the organs of its physical body.

And this is an overview of what you can expect in this second four-month period of 2013. We thank you for allowing us to share with you and as we retire in a most joyful way, we ask you to be able to remember to love oneself. the others.


Physical Symptoms and Emotions for the months between May and August 2013, by Archangel Gabriel through Ron and Robert Baker

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