Synchronicity, resonating with the universe. By Christian Franchini

  • 2016

In this article I want to share my research on this exciting topic of "Synchronicities" who has never experienced this ...? Can we say that these coincidences that intersect in our lives really have a meaning ...? Let's analyze some implications of these acausal experiences in our spiritual path.

The classic definition of Synchronicity is that experience of two or more events that are happening apparently without a causal relationship, being something significant only for the subject that experiences it. This was known at all times, and the mystics of all cultures recognized the importance of these "events without apparent causes" and their importance in their own way by providing symbolic responses in an implicit sense that it is always necessary to attend to reveal their meaning.

Carl Jung was one of the researchers who has investigated in depth the synchronicities, it was he who coined this term that today is so familiar to us to describe these acausal episodes. Jung himself observed that some patients who were advancing in the "alchemical" process of their Analytical Psychology (towards the individuation of being) in many cases experienced this ... the anecdote related by Jung and the golden beetle walking in the window is already very famous, while his patient tells him a dream with a beetle! This led him to delineate a theory of alignment of the universal forces and the existential experiences of certain individuals.

Physics have also studied synchronicity, it is curious Albert Einstein's statement when he said: " Synchronicity is God's way of remaining anonymous, " other scientists like Pauli and Bohm who propose that there is an " Order involved and explained "outside our space-time, both have contributed to understanding how" waking up "consciousness establishes a bridge or connection to a transcendent experience that science is just beginning to understand and value.

Personally, I consider it very important to analyze the different approaches to synchronicity research:

  1. From everyday reality, they are often considered only as acausal situations, episodes that "cross" without explanation and that end up being just a colorful anecdote, understood as a crazy coincidence that does not provide any information.
  2. Understanding synchronicity from psychism, only as a "psi phenomenon" that a person experiences a certain altered state of consciousness, not sought by the individual, from this approach, parapsychology has promoted different theories and hypotheses, always based on phenomenology.
  3. We can understand the "synchronicities" from a spiritual approach, it is at this level that I am interested in deepening, since it is where a bridge is articulated, or at least a contact from our "microcosm" with the "macrocosm" begins to be established understood in the past, today we know from psychology and quantum physics, the individual who experiences "synchronicity" is in an increased consciousness (manages to define an inner question with a genuine intention) and as he learns to direct his focus and attention "Responses" become more frequent in the form of synchronicities. Curiously, they are people who have already begun to recognize their purpose and savor more and more frequently intense moments of "extended presence" where they are more receptive to receiving these "messages" or winks from the Universe, as part of a Common-union language, which I call Co-Creator level.

This means that we can understand the synchronicity from 3 different perspectives, all of which are valid ... the difference will be from where we approach this experience, this means that for those who know that it is more than just a phenomenon, it is an indicator that allows to "flow" with the Universe, that Cosmic Consciousness in resonance with our spiral path.

Synchronicity as a "moment" of Magic

This happens when we are receptive, this requires a level of focus and attention in our present, in this way synchronicities will appear in our lives. Many people who have experienced these accusatory episodes, feel a deep emotion and sense of unity, it is common to hear them say in their story, that it was a moment of true Magic, where time stopped ... (since they experience the present extended in their consciousness increased) until some perceive colors differently ... indeed, this is intensified as revelation and more opportunities (no longer occurs in isolation) this is often experienced by those beings who discover the difference between living and existing, which is the same difference between being motivated by results or a purpose ... this requires getting out of the collective hypnosis that immerses us in routine and social mandates.

Synchronicities are the GPS of the Co-Creator

The Co-Creator is the one who manages to align with the “flow” of the Cosmic Consciousness by previously sublimating their lower bodies (this process is outlined in the article on the Map of Initiation), in this way it is possible to flow with the Universe reaching moments of deep inspiration, a word that means " in spirit" that allows us to recognize that language of God through the "hearts" ... simply because the co-creator's soundboard is the Heart, not the mind, for that it is necessary to begin to remember, keep in mind that this word comes from re-cordis, which literally means… going through the heart… thus reading the signals that the Universe gives us in an established interaction… between a being in expanded consciousness and cosmic consciousness flowing in the same direction ... this will allow us to "recalculate the direction in our spiral path."

Author: Christian Franchini
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