Symbols of Light in Mexico

  • 2012

Symbols of Luz® in Mexico in February

I want to tell you with a lot of love that, as it is impossible for me to go to Mexico in February,

Leticia Freire will be a qualified Teacher of Light Symbols to give the seminars so that they can go up the Steps of this Ladder of Light and Love

In this year 2012 so special!

That is why we inform you of the Steps that will be given in February!

Mexico DF

1 Rung February 25 for those who begin!

2 and 3 Step on February 26 for those who already took 1 Step

to sign up:

To all those who feel in their hearts to attend, we ask that you sign up quickly so that you can organize the seminar in your country.

To those who will take Steps 2 and 3 remember that they have to bring the certificate of the previous Step to enter. They must sign up in advance.

And it is an honor for me that Leticia Freire Enabled Teacher of Light Symbols, come to your country so that you can go up this Stairway of Vibration of Light that is of Symbols of Light to begin this year full of Love!

I will find them all again with a lot of Love when they are on Top Steps that are those from the 5th onwards since starting them on these Steps is my Task, so I will go this year later again.

They will be Days Full of Light and Love!

We ask you to reserve your place and sign up to send us an email to

and we will send you all the information of the event.

We need your confirmations quickly to organize the entire event.

We await your answers with Love!

Blessings of Divine Light!

In love

In God


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