Signs in the Sky of July 2012 / Dimensions according to the Pleiadians

  • 2012

Hi beloved, I'm Gaia,

Much joy now to establish this communication with you, those who read me, much love from my heart. Being connected, knowing that they have been sensitized to the need for planetary balance is very stimulating and reassuring.

The Masters of the Light are at all times pending of your evolution, of your hearts, it is crucial that we are united in that vertical axis formed by my conscience that of you and that of the ascended masters. That line of communication has been restored and it is now virtually impossible for it to be interrupted or closed again.

All creation meets a harmonic design based on geometry, just as you have the power to create as a reflection of the divinity that you are, so the divine mind creates the first designs of reality as geometric holograms evolved on the basis of perfection and the harmony of the form. Before these holograms are formed there is only frequency, vibration and sound, all this coexists in the universe in different dimensions.

There is only pure light emanating love, radiating infinitely from what we call the Source. That radiant light emits indiscriminately to all corners of the universe.

The dimensions are combined in unity, in the Source, all the beings created by the divinity are reflected in us, we all have intrinsically in our essence the set of dimensions.

On this occasion I have invited the Pleiadians who are experts in this area to explain how the dimensions of the earth plane work:

Best regards to all who read or listen to us,

We are the Pleiadians, from our central sun Alcion we greet you. In our land there is the great living library in this corner of the Galaxy where we live with you.

This library is located in a stellar university where knowledge of the structure of creation is kept. Satya speaks to you right now, I am a being with prevailing feminine energy that has the honor of being the guardian of multidimensional knowledge in this library.

There is a model to teach the dimensions that I would like to share with you. We have adapted this model and it is explained from your planet as a reference point so that it is more easily understood.

We know that a model will never replace experience, but for now it helps us to learn how dimensions work.

According to this model there are 13 dimensions that can be perceived in the terrestrial sphere, of which for now only 9 are able to understand from their linear way of thinking.

Today we will begin by reviewing the first 6 dimensions of consciousness in response to Gaia's request.

The best known to you is the third dimension, this is that of materiality, that of linear time, where everything works in sequences, past, present, future, where there are irreversible facts, such as aging, death, separation.

In this dimension there is a feeling that things are separated, that there is no connection between events. It has a dense frequency, it has its specific weight. Until now the earth has lived mostly in this dimension supported by the belief system that forms it.

The second dimension is the biosphere, it is formed by animal species, by the surface layer of the earth, the so-called telluric world. It is the dimension of magic. In ancient times there was an intimate relationship between these two dimensions, human beings, listened to the voices of plants, communicated with animals, learned the wisdom of rocks, there was a shamanic relationship with nature.

This was broken at a time in history and subsequently through their religions, those who performed these practices were systematically punished, accused of sorcery, persecuted and exterminated. It is misrepresented when used to damage by turning this power into the so-called black magic.

The first dimension is the realm of the elements, of the water, of the minerals, crystals, of the unicellular life forms, viruses and bacteria, DNA, is where automatic functions, of information storage, of programs that are repeated are fulfilled In a specific way. Each cell knows what it has to do and performs that function repeatedly. It is located in the basement of Gaia and corresponds to the microcosm

Formerly human beings knew these dimensions very well and exchanged with the energies coming from them, there was a connection that was lost in the oblivion of time.

The fourth is the dimension of the intangible, of imagination, dreams. It is the gateway to the dimensions of light and love. It is where the archetypes, the collective unconscious and the emotions of humans meet, is where the concrete reality is created.

In these moments Gaia and you humans who inhabit it are submerged between these 4 dimensions, where all are confused. Great learning is just knowing the fourth and using it to create that new desirable reality for all.

The fifth dimension is that of creative love, it is when a feeling of enveloping love that expands from the heart creates reality in beauty.

To reach the dimension of creative love, one needs to have passed through the tunnel of emotions and archetypes of the fourth dimension; one needs to have recognized the magic of the second and the healing powers of the first.

The sixth dimension is that of sacred geometry, there are the models, matrices and forms of creation. These forms also have a universal frequency that is the same for everyone in the galaxy.

The dimensions are like radio bands to which you can tune in, we invite you now to do a guided exercise of connection with the first of the dimensions and explore their healing powers.

Take two deep breaths, feel your body the way it is, keep breathing and while breathing, imagine your body expanding beyond the limits of your skin.

Feel as if roots come out of the base of your column that connect you and grow very deep in the earth until you reach a crystal cavern, it is a very wide place with large quartz crystals, you can feel the energy of the crystals

In fact you merge into one of them, you can see its transparent walls and observe its brightness, its facets, its perfect geometric shape that forms a path, this leads to a circular temple, you are in the center of the glass its tip creates a dome of Light, you marvel at the beauty of the place.

In the temple he receives the crystal guardian, who teaches you the files of your soul. There are stored your personal memories, everything you have lived on this earth.

The guardian shows you a holographic image that is projected on a transparent wall, comes the memory of what happened that day for you, suddenly you see yourself in another time, it is so vivid that you can feel the emotion you had in that situation, you observe and you revive

The guardian helps you to clear that image, invites you to heal it, if it is a painful memory you can now create a memory that replaces that pain with a happy one. If it is a happy memory, recover the joy you lived on that occasion.

Once the image is clear the guardian says goodbye, you return on your steps to return gently to your body.

You have visited the first dimension of consciousness, where you can heal your most hidden cellular memories, you know how to get there, you already know the way, when you need to heal your past you can redo this process.

We say goodbye with much love from the heart of Alci n

The Pleiadians

Abjini Arr iz

+ 582-4142373866

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