Signs in the Sky of June 2010: Gaia talks about Magnetic Change and containment, by Abjini Arráiz

  • 2010

The energies of June are presented as one more push towards the transformation, towards the light. All changes that occur in the next three months are a fractal of what will happen from March 2011 onwards. Best of all, the frequency of light is rising, bringing more awareness and love to all of us and to all the systems that are aligning in this higher vibration.

Our Sun is throwing great flares that as you will see are affecting everyone, at all levels and especially my tectonic layers and magma. The first flare with large amounts of plasma was on April 13 and immediately on the 14th the volcano was activated in Iceland that has affected the skies so much. This means, as I have told you before, that the whole system is changing, that both our Sun and the sister planets, as well as the stellar systems linked to our sector are in the process of raising their respective frequencies.

Also my electromagnetic body is changing, it has many large and small holes that are the consequence of the absence of magnetism in different places, the great flares of the Sun also serve to open these magnetic holes that act as zero point fields.

Eventually these fields can produce a magnetic pole shift of this my body. The magnetic body is closely linked to a mineral that abounds on my surface that you call magnetite and that to some degree have it in your physical body and especially in the tissues of the brain. Magnetite is what regulates part of this fluctuation of my field and also has to do with the memory and emotions of humans. Thanks to the magnetite, the bees and mollusks follow their routes through the magnetic lines, the pigeons have small grains in their beaks that help them to orient themselves when flying.

It is very possible that in these times they feel that their emotions are triggered intermittently and in cycles, everything is fine, it is the urgency of knowing them and the consequence of the magnetic change that is producing them. Just as it also affects what they call selective memory, that is, it is very possible that many memories that are filling programs in your brain are erased and that you experience them as memory losses, this can create anxiety and fear but do not worry This is necessary for other more advanced programs to be installed, because already those that are very associated with duality, they will no longer serve you.

Once this magnetic change is installed it will bring qualities not previously known as increased mental clarity, increased telepathy, empathic states or instantaneous knowledge. This type of knowledge is the one obtained with mental clarity and is given when they know something because they do, without explanation, and it is characterized because it comes easily. What I mean is that just by seeing someone they can know what's wrong. The same with situations and things, is when touching an object you can feel the frequency and know the history of it.

Magnetic change is something, it is something that is happening and that feels like disorder, confusion, chaos, but that will improve everyone's quality of life. Like any process it will have its peak at some point and then it will stabilize. Many tools have been given to handle this magnetic event, they serve above all, trust, heart, acceptance and of course personal and unconditional love. Then there are spiritual technologies such as geometric bodies, axiotonal networks and all those techniques and methods that allow them to stay in the center. Because the most important thing is to maintain peace, harmony and the joy of living.

I, Gaia, am also feeling these changes and the best prevention is to remain receptive and in absolute surrender to what happens. That is why the emergence of feminine energy is essential to understand the transits that will accelerate from now until 2012. The feminine energy is what will make adequate containment for survival and in that sense I will make great containment for you. My sons and daughters

The great containment has to be accompanied by the harmony between us, that is why the networks of consciousness that are already installed around me are so important so that we can contain many people in times of change. These are the information highways through which this tuning can be amplified and reach a critical mass of reconciliation and gratitude.

Already the geometric networks formed by the great monuments of stone have all the necessary codes so that the fluctuations of the magnetic field are harmonious and the changes take place gradually. Long ago the light masters established these coordinates with my consent on the geometric points of my external body, to avoid a violent magnetic movement that would lead to a new beginning of the human race on my surface. All you need is my sons and daughters to join this purpose consciously, to maintain balance, harmony and peace. Everything is already given.

This process of reconciliation and love must begin individually in the heart of each human being and then expand it in the networks and thus create a great love circuit with the frequency of peace, gratitude and forgiveness, once this happens a great weight it will be relieved and their souls will be released collectively. Because this process although it occurs individually, its maximum expression is collective and can happen overnight.

This is the good news that I bring to you ... I love you. Gaia

The month of June marks the beginning of an advance towards multidimensionality, a series of key dates tell us about the chronology of change, on June 6 the energy of the expansion opens and softens the changes that are seen in doors in these next years. On June 12, the new moon day marks the beginning in the integration of thoughts and feelings, to start projects with the couple or any balanced society. June 21 marks the Solstice once again, always as a door to higher dimensions, this time it brings the codes of light to be anchored in the earth for consolidation. On June 26 the full moon celebrates the culmination of a process and the beginning of a new frequency for Gaia and prepares us to receive the loving energy of the Goddess.

Signs in the Sky of June 2010, by Eduardo D Ascoli

Tuesday, June 1. Think about this, geniuses become children to become wise. Go to your inner teacher by recognizing again everything you see today as if you had never seen it.

Wednesday, June 2. Help everyone today, don't make distinctions or choices. Those who need a little of you will appear one by one this day. Open your heart to goodness, enjoy how sacred it is to do it without expecting anything in return.

Thursday, June 3. Learn from the light being dark. She speaks loudly and clearly when her presence is minimal. So you connect even more with your interior spaces.

Friday, June 4. Enjoy immersing yourself in the inner world today - without getting too distracted - you will get closer to the language of the angels.

Saturday, June 5. The saddest moment occurs when you decide not to smile. When you have no reason to laugh, it is so powerful that it will change your perception of things, it will simply make you happier and give others hope.

Sunday June 6. Knowledge is an infinite source and can help you a lot to understand things, but remember that this knowledge is to serve your soul.

Monday, June 7. Everything you see in nature is based on perfect mechanisms and laws. No doubt you are a perfect mechanism too, don't hesitate, don't let fears make it difficult for you to enjoy the perfect balance that you also represent.

Tuesday, June 8. Today make sure you are present in body and soul in the places where you are. Recognize the shapes, colors and emotions that each minute gives you. Take advantage of that experience because that is the dimension that will create for you hundreds of bridges that lead you to satisfaction, even ecstasy.

Wednesday, June 9. Today remember that breathing in silence is the best prayer to receive blessings, share this thought with the people you want. The more people do it the closer we will be to achieve harmony in the multiverse and your heart, which are the same.

Thursday, June 10. Approach today to observe the fire, see how in your presence your fears are consumed. Give thanks for clearing your soul and filling it with the light of life.

Friday, June 11. If you are one of those who expect a rapid change from a situation that you do not like, remember that the Great Spirit works calmly but can be very fast. Do not expect to find the answer to what has not happened, keep your joy and let him operate the best for you.

Saturday, June 12. Music, painting, art in general, often provide a peace that takes us to other worlds. Look for art but always recognize the one that heals you the most. It will be present everywhere opening your senses in this and other dimensions.

Sunday June 13. Sit comfortably and think about the oldest memory you have. Did you learn to walk? Did your teeth come out? Were you in the womb? Notice how that moment is happening now and enjoy all your ages, all your time at the same time.

Monday June 14. Find out today how the speed of your body is related to the speed of your thinking. Allow yourself today, for a few seconds, to walk at a usually slower pace. Watch your mind calm down.

Tuesday, June 15. Choose today from your intuition to wear a color that relates to you. Observe that color throughout the day in other people's clothes, in nature, anywhere. Seeing how the color is the same although its intensity, texture or luminosity varies. Investigate what meaning that color has for you and assess its presence in your day.

Wednesday, June 16. Start this day by thanking the blessing of the breath. Thank your body and thank the air. Elevate your highest condition so that you give it to everyone you meet today. Without distinctions.

Thursday June 17. If you can imagine being a tree today you will make a great gift to your heart, walk your gaze through your new body - your trunk - feel your branches, dream of the morning dew. That tree thinks to be you right now.

Friday, June 18. Look at the balance between what you receive and what you appreciate. Do you feel it is on par? Thankfully thank you for everything you receive.

Saturday June 19. Pay attention to the words that come out of your mouth today. Speak only to name beautiful things, you are not dodging the road with this, you are finding it.

Sunday June 20th. Celebrate the certainty of love that overflows your soul. Let that love come out of you and cover everything. That God is within you.

Monday, June 21. Down the volume. Turn down the volume of the radio, the volume of your voice. Turn the volume down to your thoughts and pick up the silence of peace as your most precious harvest.

Tuesday June 22. We all ride together on this journey, the road always brings us together. It is not about joining at the beginning or at the end but the path is always together. Today you will see that when you think you are being detained there is someone who advances for you full of love.

Wednesday, June 23. Your intuition does not fail, your thinking about your intuition fails. Today let your actions guide your heart without asking you too many questions. He knows, you know, trust.

Thursday, June 24. Recognize the life that is beyond your body but that you can feel in it. Recognize yourself as a fruit that saves life in a small seed at the center of your being. Feel that life force and let her talk to you about wonderful things you can do.

Friday, June 25. The mastery of life is accompanied by humility. Show your heart today how much you are able to learn and give without waiting for recognition. Let your good deeds be sweet and anonymous to bring that light to everyone.

Saturday June 26. The days are theater performances that are always in premiere. Try to see in each situation today what your role is and when you want to applaud. You are the work and the public at the same time, be generous with both.

Sunday June 27. Name to create the world you want for yourself. Name those you love and who not so much. Name your ancestors and your descendants, name the beautiful things you see and those you dream of. By naming them, they already exist and multiply the light of all.

Monday June 28. Do not assume this or that. Don't assume that the other knows or that you already said it. Don't assume anything and get ready today to do every good and simple action you want, but do it.

Tuesday, June 29. All doors open to joy. Let your life pass to joy today as if it were a cool waterfall over you. She works far from thinking and calms your soul, her blessings open like flowers with laughter.

Wednesday, June 30 . Give yourself the opportunity to wish you the best for you today, the best for you is the door to meet everyone's well-being. It flows in this joy.

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