Meanings of Reiki symbols for healing

  • 2016

Have you ever heard what the meanings of Reiki symbols are ? Over the centuries there have been many symbols that have shown healing. These symbols represent healing, and have a positive effect when viewed . As time went by just seeing these symbols, they caused a positive outlook for many people. Healing is something that everyone does at some time in their lives. These healing symbols have an ancient memory, and can infuse some peace within you.

Many of these healing symbols invoke feelings of love, peace and tranquility. Many can also help increase your energy level, and make you feel better. If you want to express the healing of a loved one or friend, you can print healing symbols and send them to anyone who needs them.

Here are some meanings of the most important Reiki symbols of healing

Here are some Reiki symbols for you, the reiki symbols symbolize healing in many ways.

  • Reiki Cho ku rei symbol : Cho Ku Rei is a symbol of power, Reiki energy will flow without using it, however, when used, it is believed that the energy increases significantly within you. It's like changing a bulb in a lamp from 50 watts to 500 watts. With this symbol at the beginning of a healing session, and at any other time you need additional energy. This symbol is specifically for healing within the physical body.

  • Reiki symbol sei He Ki : The sei He Ki is a symbol that is used for the mental and emotional, also for healing, protection, purification, compensation and balance . This symbol is at the heart of the disease, which can often be hidden in the subconscious (emotional body) and in the conscious mind (the mental body). When the disease manifests in a human body, it is often attempted to deliver a message that there is something in the body that needs attention and care. This symbol of mental and emotional healing balances the right and left brain.

  • Reiki Symbol Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen : This is the symbol that can transmit Reiki energy through space and time. This means that energy can travel through a city, through a room, and even most places or countries around the world. It goes beyond distance and can be used to connect time, either in the past or in the future.

  • Reiki Symbol Dai Ko Mio: The most heard meaning of this symbol is “great being of the universe, shine in me, be my friend.” The light of the awake heart is the main essence of your being. This symbol emphasizes clairvoyance and wisdom, which are important elements in the healing of the soul.

These meanings of the traditional healing and healing Reiki symbols were used in Tibetan healing temples. They can strengthen your Reiki energy and provide specific healing classes for different types of problems. It is believed to improve meditation and all forms of prayer or spiritual efforts.

Reiki symbols can be placed at the bottom of your massage table, under your mattress, drawn on clothes, hung on the wall or simply look at the symbol of meditation. It provides healing energy to the person near him.

The meanings of the Reiki symbols are real and if you do them with faith for healing and energy they will give you the best results.

AUTHOR: JoT333, editor of the big family of

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