Meaning of “Ace of Swords” - Tarot

  • 2016
Table of contents hide 1 What does the Ace of Spades of the Tarot mean? 2 The will is the most useful tool to achieve victory. 3 When the Ace of Swords comes backwards. 4 Fear is what you are feeling, Valentina what you are doing. Emma Donoghue. 5 The Image of the Ace of Spades on the Tarot cards.

The Ace of Swords in the Tarot is present to convey clarity and strength in your life. In a divination session or rather reading the tarot cards, the presence of the Ace of Spades represents a challenge or announcement of upcoming clashes with situations of the past and that we may not remember or new challenges that we will have to face. The presence of the Ace of Swords of the Tarot, indicates to you that you have to separate the illusions and find the truth that is in your interior, the resources that you have in your inner self are sufficient to face the new challenges.

What does the Ace of Spades of the Tarot mean?

The Ace of Spades is a letter that announces clarity, that you will be able to make decisions by having a broad view of the challenge you face. The triumph is present in the actions that you decide to undertake, this victory announced with the appearance of the Ace of Spades covers all areas of life, this does not mean that the triumph will be easy and immediate, the sword like your victory first goes through a period of forging in which the fire and heat of events cause suffering but are shaping, hardness and edge to the goal achieved. The forge gives the sword what life experience gives man.

Tarot cards, Ace of Spades.

The will is the most useful tool to achieve victory.

The Ace of Tarot sword means that the challenges to face will take them full of great emotions, if it is love for a woman or an object that you want it will be very intense, but if you face hate with this same force it will be present.

When the Ace of Spades comes backwards.

When the Ace of Spades appears upside down, he is saying that there is a lack of thrust or energy for that new project that is about to begin. He is warning that you are not traveling on the right path, the objectives you are pursuing may be wrong, you must untangle your thoughts and make an analysis of the situation and clarify those doubts that are in your heart.

The inverted Ace of Spades of the Tarot is warning you that you are not seeing things as they really are, that you may be immersed in false illusions that will lead you to commit acts that you will later regret, taking things lightly will only confuse you more . Look at things carefully, the letter warns you that it is better to see things twice avoiding confusion. It is recommended that you do not make definitive movements you should move with caution.

Tarot cards, Ace of Spades.

Fear is what you are feeling, Courage what you are doing - Emma Donoghue.

The Image of the Ace of Spades in the Tarot cards.

In the letter dominates the image of a gigantic hand that comes out of the clouds and contrasts its white color with the gray background of the letter and the dark gray of the clouds, this hand has a huge double-edged sword with a simple handle no ornaments In the upper part there is a golden crown that is pierced by the sword, it is a simple crown from which two bouquets hang one of olive tree that represents femininity and another of palm that is masculine.

The contrast of the grays in the edges of the sword and the hand with the clouds demonstrates a duality. This letter represents a divinity giving the sword to a kingdom of man. The element Air is present personifying the knowledge that is the basis to illuminate the darkness of ignorance giving the clarity necessary to take the path of knowledge.

AUTHOR: Antonio, editor of the great family of

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