Feel, because God wants to speak to you

  • 2010

God speaks to you through the heart. God does not speak to you through the head.

And you know it, because both God, as Life and everything That has Value: Feels.

God speaks to you all the time through what you feel.

Renounce the painful separation of believing that you need to think to know what the Spirit wants to tell you: you have always known. There has not been a single moment in your whole life when God has not been close to you telling you what is good for you: not one.

God is life. And Life runs through you feeling like hunger and how to satisfy it, feeling like thirst and how to quench it, feeling like I dream and how to take care of it. But even beyond all this, life moves through you reminding you that we are all ONE and that benefiting others you benefit yourself, it drives Coming to unite with the most noble and deepest of you, feeling like a kind of spiritual hunger that cries out for being satiated. That can be satiated.

Please remember this: it can be satiated. We can unite again with the Great Father-Mother Spirit. That is why we feel this infinite longing: because we know it, because we remember it, even vaguely; and we want to go back there. To fullness.

And from this deep longing arises our search for well-being. Our search for Transcendence. Our search for ourselves.

We learn a lot of concepts about ourselves and the paths to meet. We learn so many concepts about it that we overlook a fundamental fact: we have never lost ourselves.

We have always been present. And if we have not met, it is because we have searched where we are not: outside of us; when we should look inside.

We are separated from ourselves only by the subtle and formidable illusion that we need to think to know each other. Separated from ourselves and the Spirit only by the common and harmful illusion that we should think something before getting in touch with what we feel.

We have admired the veil so much that we have forgotten to see the face.

Friend. Friend. Feel For the love of God: feel. You are life You are complete You are complete You're everything. Just get in touch with you.

Not in contact with your head whose thoughts change and leave like clouds in the sky. We will fail in our attempt to give coherence to our Spirit through a thought that has no consistency. We cannot drink a text that describes water.

We swim in this ocean of Love. Let's be this ocean of Love.

God sent us with everything necessary to recognize his messages. The rest we acquire. Let's not despise his glorious banquets for our pordioseras crumbs.

How will we listen to the messages of the Spirit to achieve well-being in life and union with the Sacred?

If you allow me, I want to share something that has been of value to me:

The HEART has to decide the WHAT?

The HEAD has to look for the HOW?

Only then can we be sure to flow with the cosmic order and to do what is good for us and good for others. If you ask the head what to do, you get into serious trouble and you get into serious trouble. Why? Because the mind cannot decide. The mind does not know. The mind will only tirelessly repeat what you have been told (much of which is contradictory).

The heart instead is wiser when deciding. Because he is the one who will check the consequences of the action undertaken. And the consequences are "felt." And what it feels is mastery of the heart. Only he can decide properly because only he is united to Life. To life that feels tirelessly. To life that feels all the time. The life that unfolds with a continuous feeling while the mind wonders confused what is happening without ever explaining it.

Have you felt it The wonder of life moving even in the smallest moment when the mind remains silent, reverent to the greatness of the Spirit? You know then that everything is exactly in the place it should be, just at the right time; that behind appearances Life moves by doing what it must do, calling us to join it: calling us to unite with ourselves ... with God, within us.

You know you hadn't lost anything, you just forgot where it was; And now you remember. That you just have to be attentive to perceive yourself. Be aware. The miracle of being present. The miracle of remembering that to see you just have to open your eyes.

Won't I fall into degeneration looking to feel all kinds of sensations? You can ask the fear within ourselves. Adding yourself to anything is always a possibility if we decide to do so. But there is a fundamental fact: addictions feel bad. So, if we faithfully listen to Life speaking to ourselves through what we feel, we will avoid everything that is harmful to us and we will only take what is beneficial to us: because it will feel.

I am not talking about pleasure and pain. I am talking about happiness.

I have suffered somewhat to understand it:

I want infinite sweetness.

I want infinite peace.

I want infinite Sweetness and Peace for you too.



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