If it is spiritual, it should not be charged. Or yes?

  • 2014

After seeing a debate that was built on this issue, if the spiritual should be charged, on a Facebook site that I follow, I had the urge to expand on this topic.

Personally, I was finding my place of inner comfort in front of a fee for my work as a professional translator. That would not enter into this discussion because it is "outside" the spiritual realm and, therefore, we all usually agree that there are no problems in charging for professional, corporate, ex officio or whatever work, as long as it is not about something related to the religious or the spiritual.

Anyway, I wanted to mention it, because when I was raised a while ago the internal dilemma of charging or not for something that was related to the spiritual world, before my internal and external search for solutions, opinions, anecdotes, examples to follow in In these cases, I found answers of all kinds (internal and external), among them, that I did not value or did not believe I deserved and, therefore, did not encourage me to charge. Well, it is seen that I do value myself and that I can charge ... at least for a job "in the material world ".

Today, after much searching, asking and evaluating in my own internal mirror what this topic generated for me, and knowing that there is no single answer but that each one will discover how it resonates when facing this issue and trying to transcend it, I would like to express Some conclusions I reached:

  • It is fair to have a retribution for what one gives (it is part of the balance of giving and receiving), whether in money or otherwise. In that sense, what resonates with me the most is to set an amount that is consistent with what I provide and be flexible in accepting less or nothing material if the person cannot afford it and I feel it is good that he receives the same. Here, to know what is fair and what is not, nothing better than the internal guide and, why not, a look at the other similar activities that occur.
  • The Universe rewards the flexibility of sometimes accepting a minor or zero payment, but that does not mean that it should easily fall into the temptation of "always doing things for free" because that creates imbalance and, in many cases, we know that it is easier to “give” than “learn to receive and demand what is one's own”.
  • It is easier to give than to receive. Because it is better seen, because it makes us look better, because it makes us feel better internally and because it avoids the roll of having to face fear, devaluation, the earthly task of charging. Here many phrases are put into play, many things that, surely, we have heard since childhood and are already so incorporated that we do not even know what we really think about it:
    • "Money is bad"
    • "He who has money, surely did something wrong (stole, cheated, manipulated, etc.)"
    • “The person who has money is cold and superficial”
    • "If one is interested in money, it is because it is materialistic and then it is not spiritual"
    • “He who wants to charge for what he does is greedy”
    • "The spiritual is not charged" (To what I say: We do not charge for the wisdom that God channels through those who choose to do spiritual activities, but we charge the hours and expenses that these activities take)
    • "If it comes from God, it is not charged" (and I wonder: is there not a divine spark all vocations? Does that mean we can only charge if we are doing something we do not like?)
    • Etc.
  • It is an imbalance just giving and not receiving . If we only give, we are taking away from the other the possibility of giving us. What if I set a price the other is forced and is not the same as "give me"? Well, let each one feel what resonates with him and, perhaps, instead of setting a fixed price, say that it is a voluntary contribution, a voluntary contribution or something like that. It is a flexible way of charging.
  • Not charging doesn't mean it's free: someone pays for it. In short, someone along the chain will be paying for the activity that occurs. It may not be the person who is enjoying the activity, but someone paid for the transfer of who gives the activity, someone pays for that time, so that person studied and prepared, by the means that were used to make the call, for the light used in the place, for the materials that may be provided, etc. Attending a free event is fine, but you have to know that someone was willing to provide all these things for that to happen.
  • It is time for integration. And, therefore, to work the polarities, to include the material in the spiritual and the spiritual in the material, to live consciously in an urban life and to integrate nature and our human and divine essence in everything we do.
  • Money is just an expression: of the energy we move. Money itself has no good or bad connotation, it is what we make of it. If we flow with life, the Universe will give us easy access to all the money we want and need to fulfill our mission, to move forward, to share, to enjoy, to grow, to express ourselves in our full potential. And, in that sense, money is an exchange. I receive from others to, in turn, give it to others who will use it to follow the wheel. Thinking like this connects us with the Law of Abundance and causes us to stop focusing on scarcity.
  • Let us bless the money we receive so that it can continue its path with light, with loving intentions, for beautiful purposes, to be an instrument of peace and growth. The more people we do, someday, if it is still money, it will be as transparent as water and as healing as light.

I strongly believe that it is very good for those who dedicate their time and energy to teach, to do workshops, to read, to give healing sessions, or whatever spiritual aspect they choose. After all, if these people had to continue with their usual work to be able to pay their bills, many would miss being able to enjoy their work and grow with their channels and the teaching they transmit. That money is not an excuse to get away from our inner path.

Written and shared by María Ivana Croxcatto



Image: Crosspoint Church, CA

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