Shiatsu Unlocking Negative Energy

  • 2012


This is a series of 6 basic exercises focused on unlocking the energy of the 12 main meridians of shiatsu (shiatzu).

It is a simple and effective way for people to maintain their own energy balance.

The 6 basic exercises that work the 12 main meridians, can be performed daily in just 15 or 20 minutes.

This fundamentally energetic work, is suitable for everyone, it is not necessary to take time practicing exercise or be very flexible, since the important thing is to discover with the practice that hides behind our limits in concrete exercises.

If we are constant in practice, this work will lead us to self-knowledge and we will observe surprising changes in our body, in our psychological patterns and in our emotions.

Since each meridian is associated with behavior patterns and specific emotions, for example when we work lung we will be treating sadness, melancholy, living anchored in the past, when we work the large intestine we will become aware of attachment, when working the kidney we will face the fears, when we touch the liver we will release the rage, impotence, frustration and so on with each one.

It is a very interesting work to do in a group as a psychophysical gymnastics.

The benefits of these exercises are immediate and from the beginning there are surprising changes in the people who practice them.

They serve to tone the energy of each pair of meridians and realize what our weak and strong points are in energy terms. Doing them regularly can improve vital functions and prevent diseases

Do the exercises with attention and care, without exhausting yourself, or stretching beyond what your chances of health or physical complexion allow, Each person has the facility to perform certain movements and difficulty for others.

Progress is made with practice, so constancy is recommended.

Unknown author

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