Series: "Towards Total Consciousness" channeled by Andrea Labat

  • 2010
Table of contents hide 1 2 Series: Towards Total Consciousness 1st message: Daily Consciousness 3 4 FEELING THE SOUL - 2nd Message Towards Total Consciousness 5 HOW TO BE AN AUTHENTIC PILOT OF LIFE ROUTES - 3rd message Series Towards Total Consciousness 6 THE CURE OF LOVE IS IN YOU - 4th Message Series "Towards Total Consciousness" 7 I TELL YOU! Words from your Soul - 5th Serial Message "Towards Total Consciousness" 8 THE SOLUTION YOU HAVE - 6th Serial Message "Towards Total Consciousness"

Series: Towards Total Consciousness 1st message: Daily Awareness

To pretend to be of this world, is for many of you, a great art.

Consciously fighting against him, is the way they think they solve everyday issues ... but it is not so, it is not so, it is not so.

Extremely important is that you begin to understand, how the energies work on this luminous planet. When new challenges arise, don't think like humans, just put your mind in a state of higher consciousness, a state of love for the situation.

We are your partners in humanitarian action, we are your solution energy, and you authorize to live your situation consciously but without awareness of All That Are. One day they will understand, how limited everything can be, without awareness of All That They Are.

Everything will change very soon, their lives will take a quantum leap of capital dimension. We see energies in your environment of immense changes in your cellular consciousness. We see energies of making decisions, with no apparent solution in sight, because this will not be in the known solution springs, the solution will not be solely in your world, the solution will not be given by any solution energy you know, bright will be in a time plus solutions, because they will be given by the Human Spirit-Consciousness in association.

Every step they take in what they call evolution simply gets closer to that condition.

Many already understand that association and practice it, many understand it ... but many, despite understanding it, cannot make it flesh in their daily lives. Only when they understand how the process works, the word anguish, has no more meaning, the word pain, is not part of their lives, the rational word disease, is only a memory, because on one level, the mind understands that it has no more control, the mind begins to take its place, the mind stops fearing, the mind stops doubting, because it surrenders to the guidance of the heart.

And how is the guide of the heart? How do you know that the heart is in command? Simple, when they become aware that they are ONE with All That They are, When they take energy from All That They are, for the solution, when they become aware that the word "problem" does not exist in association with All That They are, that nothing will limit their actions because the guide is great, because they will never doubt, because they will never fear, because they know that All that They Are, is present.

You can understand that what matters most in this total process of consciousness, is that you do not end your directions, without understanding that everything is there, so that you reach your higher consciousness in association with All That Are ?

We say goodbye, Andrea and Everything She Is

FEELING THE SOUL 2 Message Towards Total Consciousness

Only one door must open to meet the Soul. Just one. And it is a small door at the side of their lives that says: I FEEL LOVE FOR MY SAME.

Opening that door, all the love of the Universe unfolds in front of you.

Opening that door, all the love of the Soul, is anchored in you.

It seems easy right? But for you it is not. And it is not, because no one knows that it is love for oneself.

None knows that love for oneself is what leads to Enlightenment.

None knows that love for oneself is karmically the greatest blockade of these times.

And why? No one else knows. Because nobody knows what Illumination is about. That's what it's all about: CURE LOVE FOR SAME.

And we saw doors of pain for you. We saw doors of tolerance for you. But we did not see healing doors of Love for All That They are, because they have no idea how to love each other, they have no idea how to value themselves.

Feeling loved and contained by you, something very difficult is because you do not love or value each other and go around saying: - How is it possible that everything is so difficult?, and know the answer ???, The only answer is: LOVE YOU. SAME, too, much, for the rest. And how do they do that? Contemplate yourself in their total magnificence, authorize to speak of themselves in the plural, tell yourself how much you love each other, the part you see and the one that you know are in their totality, recognize your Divinity, take your life and say: - Everything is fine because I authorize my divinity to be ONE with me, because the chimeras of the past are healed one by one, because I know that I can heal my entire existence, all my lives, one by one, and I can do it because I AM my entire Soul, I am what I AM.

And nothing can heal as fast as the energies of pain, because they should never have suffered, they should only learn. Learn by becoming aware of who they were, learn to love each other. All other paths are useless, neither pain nor despair, nor guilt. Only one path serves, only one can activate his Divinity, only one can heal them, only one can fulfill his purpose of life, only one activates the Love of the universe and the abundance that there is for you, only one: FEEL LOVE FOR YOU. SAME

One day everyone will understand the importance of loving yourself. Authorizing love for yourself is the only solution. Everyone will take their limitations and leave them behind just by loving each other, just by valuing themselves, just by understanding something so simple: Only by authorizing love for All That They are and only by becoming aware of that.

Everything wants to be resolved in their lives. Everything already requires a solution ... but by not loving each other, they block love, they block abundance authorizing despair.

The intention of these words is that they understand that everything has a solution when they are associated with All That Are and a well-being simply comes, when they manifest in their totality.

HOW TO BE AN AUTHENTIC PILOT OF THE ROUTES OF LIFE- 3rd message Series Towards Total Consciousness

New loving days are coming, to grant love to the universe.

A cure necessary rationally to understand how is the nature of the processes that are launched when deciding to change something in their lives.

Some say: - I will authorize changes but I don't see that they are correct for me.

Others say: - There will be healing in my life with this project that I have in mind.

Some are making decisions and others are waiting for the synchrony of the situation they want.

When you are waiting for new thoughts come to you loaded with fear and anxiety. They always authorize fear. They always authorize anxiety.

Do you know why? because they don't expect synchronicity! Another day they say: - Today my project is going to be completed…. And it never happens. Do you know why? because the manifestation door closed with so much fear.

Everything can be as they wish. They know how? Just saying: - This will be so, this will be reflected in my world, because I will authorize the necessary energies to do so, and if it does not have to be as I thought, I will be attentive to make the necessary modifications of my initial project to be Transform what is right for me.

But never, never never, I will say: - It is not for me, it will not happen, my life will not change.

One day they will understand the importance of trusting their life paths. They only have a map, how do they read it? With Faith, with patience, waiting for synchronicity.

Everyone has wisdom inside, but they live with so many doubts that they cannot read their life route maps.

Rumben love to your decisions, take them with love for yourself and you will never be wrong.

Give yourself time to think about whether the decision made impacts your lives well, and take care of it, wait for the results, wait for the environment to adjust to it. If you delay, understand that it is not because it will not happen, you just have to wait for synchronicity!

We saw many new decisions taken at that stage of the changes they want to generate. Do not make new decisions, just wait, observe, look at your surroundings ... will there be a small turn that my project needs? Will there be a small modification that I should make? and do it!

Trust you and your inner guidance, trust your decisions and wait for the right moment. Everything will manifest if they wish.

If they understand it, they will not fear more, they will not doubt more and everything will change!

THE CURE OF LOVE IS IN YOU - 4th Series Message "Towards Total Consciousness"

Granting Love is not how many see it ...

Granting Love is much more than looking at the other and authorizing loving him ...

To grant Love is to look at the other and feel it with you as part of a greater reality.

It is consciously giving, what they really know they are.

When the Being perceives that life is a game, a healing of Love occurs within it, because it understands that the mandates of the game of life cloud its vision of everything that really Is.

How to get to know that Unconditional Love ... is torture for many ... when it is simple and magnificent.

It is only to be born to the idea, to be born to consciousness, of a greater plan in their lives.

Being aware of silent karma, of life games, is very healing of the concept of Love.

An immense healing brings understanding of the games of life and karmic healing occurs, only understanding the greater reality.

Dear and beloved angels incarnate: what is your life like right now?

Do you understand Love from an earthly vision or from a bigger picture?

What is love like for you? A consciousness taken from lives and lives of earthly love, or a timeless awareness of Love, from everything you really are?

Are you aware of how magnificent you are?

Do you have consciousness that you are a Being of pure essential Love, born of the purest source of Love?

Are you aware that each Being around you comes from the same place as you?

Just be aware of that and don't stop at life's games anymore; Think no more with your earthly mind. Understand the karma of those around you, recognize the teachers in your life, those who brought out the worst in you ... the best in you.

Just think of them as what they are: Angels on a mission! Angels of God in earthly task !!!

When you can understand this, loving healing will have. Very old Karma will let go. Because Beloved, new life will have, new life comes to all, and will authorize it to be UNIVERSAL LOVE !!!!

I AM TELLING YOU!!!!! Words from your Soul - 5th Message Series "Towards Total Consciousness"

I AM TELLING YOU!!!!! Words of your Soul

The times of God are not the times that the human mind projects.

God's times are today, now, in this moment.

You should not perceive life as a succession of events full of pain or happiness. You must perceive it with the love you emanated from your Soul when planning it.

Because your life was created with a breath of your Soul.

Your life was created with a thought of your Soul.

Your life was created with LOVE

You are a manifestation in your plane of love of the Spirit in action!

You are the hope that darkness can be transformed into Light! The darkness of sick emotions, in emotions of Love.

You are love in every atom that composes you, and you are part of your Soul, and you are part of the whole, that feeds everything and sustains it!

How can you then doubt your creation? How can you even think that you are abandoned or alone?

How dare you believe that you are something separate from God and that you should seek it?

Oh dear to be! You are a small great manifestation of God !!!

You are God!!!

Ask your cells where they come from. Ask each of your hair who you are. Every part of you knows its origin… why do you insist on denying it by saying that you must reach God?

The day you simply accept that you are the most loved in the universe, the day you accept your origin of Love, the day you can see your Light…. That day you will stop feeling separated from the source, and you will feel one with God!

For all this beloved we tell you: stop suffering. You are a creator. You are part of the universe and as such known in every corner of this and loved without measure ... because you can not see it!? ... because you do not change your reality now !? Don't you see what that is about !? Don't you see that your light is in accepting that you can change your reality !? Don't you see that it is about changing the energy of FEAR to energy of LOVE!?!?!?

And how do you change it? TRUSTING Just trusting that your Soul cannot have done things wrong when planning your life, right?

So ... if you have this or that experience in front of you, just notice how you transform it into LOVE and you will see the results.

Don't feel you can't with her. Do not feel that it exceeds you. That happens only when you don't understand your origin, when you don't feel your Soul !!!!

You can't handle yourself with fear. Allow the Love that resides in you, pilot your life !!!!!!

Be true to your heart!

Love yourself if you measure!

We are always with you !!!

Your light guides

THE SOLUTION YOU HAVE - 6th Message Series "Towards Total Consciousness"

It is not a time of time of not time, it is not time to look or not to look, it is not time to worry about loving or not loving, it is time to look at the solutions in front of you and let it flow

You don't see them for a single reason, there is no intention in you to see them, there is no intention in you to resolve or to love you or to seek

You are in pain and woe all the time because you do not accept what I touch you in life, because you refuse your reality but you do little to change it, to look for what you call the exit.

And do you know why? Because there is none, you are where you should be and there is nothing more than this day to day that today

If today you are not happy there is no happy tomorrow

If today you have no peace there is no tomorrow of peace

If today you are not in your heart tomorrow you will not

We can only tell you to be happy! Love yourself today! Because that will be reflected in your morning, that will be manifested in your daily life tomorrow and tomorrow you will have what you sow today for you

There are no traps in this

There are no learnings, but to understand that you are what you want to be today and today you build your tomorrow because there is no time, there is no linearity in this ... today SOS what you will be tomorrow

Today SOS what SOS tomorrow

Andrea: And how do I do it? The problems I have today, the pain is today, because I get tired of sowing will ...

You never sowed will !! You always sowed fear for you, you always sowed pain for you

The change is inside you not in how others manage their life and they impact you, or the energy that surrounds you, or the problems of the world, the change is that you realize that if you do not find peace today, you will find nothing tomorrow

Andrea: And where did I rescue that peace?

From faith in the process ..

Andrea: No, I don't want to hear those words anymore: faith, process, learning, I'm tired of not finding the way out, I'm tired of everything

You can trust that there will be food on your table today, you can trust that the sun will rise, you can trust the love of your children or your mother, but you cannot trust us?

You are not alone, trust us fully, trust that we are with you all the time

In that lies your peace, in that trust lies your happiness, you are more than what you see, you should not see yourself as a puppet held by the forces of life, trust that we are assisting you all the time, trust that we are a part yours that knows everything and that we know where you are going, but so that we can act and work miracles in your life, you must trust, in us, in you and in the love that surrounds you and understand that there will be no more pain if you trust who you are really

Oh my god how do I do it? Why do I sink in despair?

Because there is no love in you for you, for this experience of living, surrender your heart to that force that grows in you when you are fed up and tired, to that kick all the boards, all the conditioning, all the restraints of this world ... sit down A powerful human to change your reality, trust that you can, just by imagining something else you are creating, such is your power as a divine human.

When you are alone, instead of being distressed by what you live, visualize another reality for yourself, sit in another world already manifested for you and you will see my dear friend as in the blink of an eye she would appear in front of you.

And when sad thoughts arrive, set them aside, start watering your plants, do not allow them in your life, feel part of everything around you, feel a spirit in an incarnational game. Hold that state of peace

And when your family comes up with a problem, listen to them and print them out of that confidence in life, print them out of love for themselves, fill them with confidence but don't let them drag you into their dramas ... nothing more useless than that to help.

You are a powerful spirit, as they all are, and they fight desperately to remember it, to get out of the darkness of their consciences and exercise it, and they will achieve it, they go well, they go where they should go, because everything absolutely everything that happens to them, is so they can remember who they are and the power they have over their lives and the reality that surrounds them.

Leave karma behind feel creators of your lives, feel angelic with power of manifestation, point out how Jesus did it and manifest!

We love you, we love you, we are waiting for you to achieve it

Your light guides

Channeled by Andrea Labat of her Higher Self and Guides in Love

This information is protected by copyright. Feel free to distribute it electronically exclusively, citing the channel Maria Andrea Labat and the site

Maria Andrea Labat

Co-creator Quantum Harmonization System of DNA

Villa de Merlo- San Luis

The Doors of the Soul

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