Lightworkers Series III: Time, multidimensionality and its Being of Light

In the previous chapters of the Lightworkers Series, we have told a more or less chronological account of the history and inner development of the souls of lightworkers. This story can give you the impression that you develop over time, from point A to point B, from darkness to light, from ignorance to wisdom. And in a way, this is the case.

Even so in this final chapter, we want to turn your attention to a different perspective, a different way of looking at yourself. A perspective that lifts them out of time, out of this particular story, and lets them know about their existence outside of time, in other words their multidimensionality.

There is a part of you that is completely independent of space and time. This part is free to enter at any time any dimension or area of ​​experience you want. It is free to choose darkness or light at any time.

From your terrestrial perspective, you travel from a point A to a point B in a linear way. For example, you travel through the four stages of inner development that we have discussed, step by step.

However, from a timeless, multidimensional perspective, the real you is not developing in time, it is the one who is experiencing development. The real you need not develop. Admit this experience by your own free choice. This choice is motivated by a deep knowledge of the great value of experiencing duality.

From the perspective of your spiritual Being, without time, at all times you are free to experience any point on the line from A to B to Z. You can activate any reality of consciousness for yourself at any time, since the idea of that you are stuck within a certain stage in inner development is ultimately just an illusion.

The reason we want to turn your attention to this perspective, is that this can help you break through the inner barriers. This can help you penetrate through that veil of illusion and come into direct contact with your own Being of Light: the energy of the angel that you truly are.

To understand this perspective as a real angle from which to consider yourself, we need to present a bit about the notion of time.

At the highest levels of unity, there is no time. This is the level of the Spirit, God, to be pure (see previous chapter). At this level, there is no development, there is no 'becoming' but only 'being'.

At the lowest levels of unity, in which separation is experienced more strongly, a false, linear notion of time is employed. By 'false' I mean a notion of scientific, abstract time that completely lacks subjectivity and perceived content. Time, in this sense, is an objective structure external to you. Time is something placed on your experiences as an external framework.

A 'curriculum vitae', for example, that you send when you are applying for a job, often consists of such an objective timeline of facts. In this year I did this, in that year I graduated from such a school, etc. You emphasize the visible, external side of things. The inner side of things - motivation, meaning, subjectivity is left out.

In the energy levels between unity and separation time is a reality that fluct a with your experience. Time is an experimental notion; A way to sculpt about the experience. At these levels, there is time, but it is not something independent of or external to your experiences.

For example, in the astral planes, where you travel while you sleep and also after you die, there is no clock time . Clock time is the extreme attempt to rid time of subjectivity, for example, of you and your experiences. It is a great illusion. On the astral planes, time is the rhythm of their experiences. Sometimes you rest, now you meet someone, then you study yourself, etc. Whenever one stage ends and another begins, it is not determined by the clock time - something external - but by its inner flow of feelings, so it seems natural to you.

This natural feeling of time or rhythm can also be part of earthly life. The subjectivity of time, ex. The fact that time can be experienced in different ways in various circumstances is familiar to all of you. You say that time flies when you are having a good time, while time does not seem to move when you are in the dentist's waiting room or in the queue at the Supermarket.

Now, the skeptic within you can say: time is perceived as moving slowly when the circumstances experienced are negative, while time seems to be faster when the circumstances are positive. But, the time itself is always the same, ticking in the same rigid way, in this way we experience things.

This is the notion of time of objective structure, also called the linear notion of time. This comes from an approach to rationalist, scientific time.

But imagine that there were no clocks, that there was no day and night, nor natural influences such as the sun, the moon and the tides with which to measure time. Only then could you trust your own subjective sense of time.

Its objective measure of time - the clock - is not really based on something external; It is the product of the human mind that you want to divide and classify. The human mind has extracted a certain order in the things of natural phenomena on earth. But the time in s, independent of the human factor, does not exist. It is an illusion that is the product of a type of consciousness that is caught in the belief of separation.

Time is essentially subjective. Time is a way of sculpting about experience, so that you can get an idea of ​​it. For example, you say of someone: "he is an old soul". Do you really think about the number of years or times of life when you refer to your old age? Or do they think by 'old' that he expresses certain qualities, such as wisdom, balance and serenity, more than a certain amount of time? The reference to time in the phrase 'old soul' really refers to experience.

Time, in the total sense of the word, is the "dynamic of becoming" on the inner levels. This can be a useful concept as long as it helps them articulate the natural rhythm or flow of things. But when it is conceived as something objective, standing over you and watching you, it tends to limit and distract you.

You are not limited to a particular timeline. You are not a linear being. There are levels of your being that are outside the time frame that you are experiencing at present. It is about this aspect of yourself, eg. its multidimensionality, which we wish to direct your attention now.


According to the linear notion of time, you cannot be present in more than one place at the same time. By 'you', the linear concept refers to your body, your brain and your consciousness that is somehow tied to your body / brain. (Science still cannot explain exactly how the body and consciousness are "bound, " but it generally maintains that consciousness cannot exist without a physical body.)

According to the concept of subjective, "total" time, you are present where your consciousness dwells. Where you are, in time and space, is determined by the focus of your consciousness, not by the location of your body.

For example: you are at the station, waiting for the arrival of your train. It will take a little while, so you sit and stare for a while and do not realize that you enter a slightly altered state of consciousness. They are thinking of someone they were talking to yesterday. You remember that conversation easily and vividly remember how it affected you. They are reliving certain aspects of that conversation, taking it from the past to its Now moment. What you are really doing here is that you are traveling to the past and are visiting again the energies of that moment. Your energies of Now interact with the energies of the Past, possibly creating changes in your experience at that time, and thus altering the past.

By altering your past we do not mean that you alter any physical factor, but that you cover them with a different interpretation or perspective. By altering the perceived content of a certain past event, however it may be, in some sense you are altering the event for you.

Just think of this example.

You had a conversation with someone, who was really offended by an observation from you, which really didn't have a critical intention at all. The other person they were talking to began to reprimand them and then left. Now, in turn you were offended, feeling not understood, angry and startled at the same time. After you got home, you felt disturbed for a few hours, but then you let it pass and had a good time. The next morning, at the same station, you had to wait for your train and suddenly remembered this particular conversation, in which things got surprisingly bad. Now you look at it from a different perspective, and suddenly you realize why that person felt so offended by your observation. You remember some facts from your past that you had simply forgotten before having that conversation. Now you can see your emotional reaction in a totally different light, especially as having nothing to do with you. It was not you who caused the injury; you just shot an old wound inside him. This perspective sets in motion a different emotional response within you. You feel a kind of inner relief, and yes ... sorry. "Oh, I see ... now I understand ... Poor friend."

At that time, you are recreating the past. They are covering it with a different interpretation of the facts, which replaces their initial response. To be clear, this does not mean that the initial response has not happened, but that the energies of anger, shock and misunderstanding have been transformed into understanding and forgiveness. A "spiritual alchemy" has taken place due to the interaction between past and present.

Actually, physical facts are not that important. It is the perceived content of a situation, its energetic reaction to it, that really determines its life and its reality. In this way, we can correctly say that you can alter the past by traveling through time to the energies of the past that still need resolution.

While you are sitting at the station, directing your time travel, there is some layer of your consciousness still present in your body. You may feel 'in the back of your mind' that your hands are getting cold or that some young boys behind you are talking loudly.
Consciousness is able to divide itself. It can be in different places at the same time, meaning that consciousness can dwell in different energy realities at the same time.

> This is the meaning of multidimensionality. Your consciousness is not limited to space and time.

Although you have a basic agreement during your life on earth that some part of your consciousness is always connected to your physical body, your consciousness is not limited to a specific point in time. You are not limited by the past or the future, because they are not fixed. They are liquid fields of experience. They are changeable and you can interact with them from the Now.

Your consciousness is multi-dimensional even when you think you are prisoners within your physical body. Do you know the expression: "she stayed in the past"? Someone cannot let go of the past and their conscience is full of past experiences and emotions such as regret, remorse or simply affliction. This person is not here. She is literally in the past. She is, as in the previous example, interacting with the past from the present moment, but not in a liberating, alchemical way. Her body is present in the here and now, and she is detained in the past. Time for her remains still, while the clock ticks and measures weeks and months progressively. This is because she does not move experimentally.

She does not flow with the natural process of living and experiencing.

This is an example of multidimensionality. Even when you limit yourself to such a narrow focus of consciousness, you are being multidimensional. By which I mean that multidimensional is not something that you become, it is something that you are. It is of its nature, it is its natural state of being.

The real question is: how can you be multidimensional in a liberating and transformative way? How can you use your multidimensionality so that you can move freely through the dimensions and not lose contact with your divine spirit? Being multidimensional from a place of wisdom and awareness: this is your spiritual destiny. It is your destiny to be fully aware, multidimensional creators.

Being consciously multidimensional means that you release the illusion of linear time, which also means releasing the notion that you are (nothing more than) your body.

Being consciously multidimensional is identifying yourself with the spirit (God) within you that is absolutely free to enter any reality of experience (= dimension) that you choose.

Being consciously multidimensional is an essential part of the reality of the New Earth.

The reason why you deny with the concept of multi-dimensionality, is that you conceive of 'being in two different places at the same time' in a physical form. Their physical bodies cannot be in two physical places at the same time. However, dimensions are not physical places, they are not like who says 'pieces of matter'. The dimensions are realms of consciousness, spheres of consciousness that adhere to certain (energetic) laws.

Your consciousness can feed on different dimensions at the same time. This happens NOW.
There are realities of the past, of the future, of the astral plans, of past lives, of the angel within you, and even more, that intercept and find within you right here, right now. You ARE multidimensional now, but are you in a conscious way? Do you allow the dimensions to flow in and out of you, do you accept what the energies bring you and can you recognize them as your own?

You interact with the other dimensions of which you are part of all the time, but if you do it in a conscious and welcoming way, you are really transforming those dimensional realities. By embracing stagnant or repressed energies of those dimensions, and exposing them to the Light of your consciousness, you release and integrate parts of your Being and change your present.

Many realms of consciousness are within you and you are essentially the Masters who choose to experience any of them. You are free to travel through them, fast or slow, far or near. As soon as you identify with the Spirit within you, you will maintain the awareness that you are free.

But when you get stuck in thoughts of limitation, holding beliefs such as this is not possible, this is not allowed, this will go wrong, etc., you immerse yourself in the illusion of separation. You get trapped in the illusion of linear time, the illusion that you are a body, the illusion that you are separated from God. In this way, the soul is temporarily `` tied '' to certain realms of experience.

She forgets her true origins, her divinity and her freedom.

Being trapped or tied up is also called karma.

Becoming free or loose, it often proceeds along a number of steps or stages to what you call "inner growth." From the human (linear) point of view, you are releasing karma and are slowly transforming yourself according to the four stages of inner development that we have described in these Series. of Lightworkers. From the point of view of the Spirit, however, you are simply recovering forces to your natural state of divine consciousness. From this point of view, releasing karma is nothing more than remembering your own divinity.

Your Being of Light

Many dimensions, many realms of consciousness, come together within you. And you really are the masters, the creators of the whole field of dimensions. You are a star with many rays, a soul consciousness with many manifestations. You are free to activate whatever reality you choose.

If you abandon the idea of ​​linear time or chronology, you allow yourself to believe that the past or the future does not determine you. Then you can feel yourself being at the center of a vibrant field of dimensions, all emanating from a divine source, without time: you.

Imagine yourself at the center of these realities, of all these possibilities, and then choose one that brings the greatest Light to you.

You choose the brightest, most loving ray in the field, and now, for a moment, go inside it and feel how it is to BE that ray.

This is your Being of Light.

This is the part of you that most resembles God.

Traditionally, beings closest to God are called archangels.
And that is what you are, in this dimension, right now.

You really are archangels.

The angels are beings that are very close to the Source / Spirit / God, but they are not completely one with him. They are one step out of absolute consciousness, that is, pure Beings without differentiation, identity or individuality.
The angels have an individuality class. There is uniqueness in all of them. It can be said that an angel has certain characteristics. One cannot say this of God or the Source. God is Everything and Nothing. Because of this, the archangels have entered the kingdom of separation, the kingdom of I versus Other.
They are part of the duality, although slightly.

An angel is an aspect of God that has manifested itself as a particular Being, a particular Form. The Greek philosopher Plato called this an Idea, which - in our terms - is a basic or arquet pica that transcends the physical world. The archangels are in that sense Platonic ideas. There is an angel (Idea) of Love, of Truth, of Goodness, etc., each personifying the energy of a particular aspect of God. The angels are not so much people as energy fields with a characteristic flavor.

Why does the Spirit or God externalize aspects of Himself in this way?
It was for the joy of creativity that he did this.
The energies of the archangel are an expression of the inexhaustible creative joy.

The archangels are not out of God. Nothing is out of God. God is in everything. God is present in all created energies as the "Spiritual aspect." This aspect is what makes all these energies ONE.
What separates one being from another, what makes it different and unique is the "aspect of the soul." The aspect of the soul includes the individuality of a being.

All created beings that have individuality are truly a mixture of Spirit and Soul, of consciousness (spirit) and experience (soul).
Creation is a dance of Spirit and Soul.

The archangels are, as he says, the firstborn children born of God. Not "first" in a linear sense but in the sense of: being very close to God. They carry a deep inner awareness of their divinity (the "Spiritual aspect"). Humans perceive the archangels as a bright and pure Light.

There are different archangels. Each archangel emanates energy as rays of light from a sun. By emitting these rays further and further, the archangel comes into contact with unknown spaces, with realms of experience that are new to him. The energy of the archangel becomes out of reach and in this spontaneous, creative movement, he coincidentally encounters what is Other than him, with what is not Light, but Darkness. Darkness precisely here means: the furthest part of the Unity / Spirit - the furthest part directed to the realms of individuality.

God or the Spirit is not Light or Darkness. God simply IS. The archangels are beings of Light. By creating Light, God also created Darkness. This is simply because the archangels are in the dimension of duality, outside of Unity. They have a sense of individuality. The creation of the being of Light (the angel) brought with it the creation of the Dark being, the part of the Being where the Light is absent. There is beauty in this polarity, since it constitutes the dynamics of creation.

God, being pure and conscientious, yearned for the experience, and this experience (s) he obtains through the created universe, through his presence in his aspects of light and darkness.
What the archangels were going to experience, after they entered the realm of duality, God did not know. This is what she wanted: not to KNOW everything, but to experience something new.
When taking a step outside the Unit, the archangels entered an empty space, a space of potentiality, a space of inexhaustible possibilities.

The archangels discovered that they could create many forms, and live in them. Each form that you inhabit as a conscious being has a certain angle or perspective on this, which allows a 'formless consciousness' to experience things in specific ways. The entire process of the archangels venturing outside for experiences can be described as an immense cascade of twinkling light. The energy of the archangels spurted out of the Source / God as a massive flow of bright, sparkling water, going in all directions. Within this huge stream of water, small flows separated, dividing even into smaller streams, until they were small drops of liquid light. These drops can be compared with individual units of consciousness, each with its own series of experiences.
The dance of the Spirit and the Soul had really begun now!

The individual units of consciousness, which we call souls, continued their journey. They carried deep within the energy of the Spirit or the Source, as well as the energy of the archangel from which they emerged. But, as they traveled further and further, they came to experience that it was possible to forget their origins, forget their divinity and get lost in darkness and illusion.
This polarity of darkness and light could best be experienced as a human being, living on earth.

When we describe the process of the archangels emanating from the Source and eventually becoming a human being, it seems that we are telling a linear, chronological story. But this is not so. The emanation or cascade of energy from God is happening right now. This account tells you about the identities that are available to you Now, not who you were in the distant past. At this precise moment, there is a layer of pure archangel energy within you, a layer of pure Light. There are also layers of confusion and fear within you. But you can choose, at any moment, to be the being of Light, the angel that you are. This is not something you need to develop, it is simply a part of who you are.

It is important to realize that you do not need to admire spiritual teachers, guides or angels.
> There is no authority over you. You yourselves are among the 'firstborn', sitting next to the throne of God. You yourselves are God and angel.

The easiest way to get in touch with your being of Light is by connecting with the layer of pure consciousness, pure Spirit within you. They do this by being silent, on external and internal levels. The silence you experience then is really always present in you; they just have to become aware of him.

When you are connected with silence, the dimension of eternity within you, you can feel the desire for experience of the Spirit. From this desire, his being of Light was born.

The soul experiences the greatest joy in the interaction between the Spirit and the experience, the interaction between divinity and humanity. This is the secret of the universe.

When you are purely Spirit, your reality is static. Nothing changes. Experience and movement only appear when there is a relationship with something outside of you / Spirit. When you feel something beyond yourself, there is an invitation to explore, to feel, to discover. But to experience something beyond you, you need to get out of absolute Unity, outside of God / Spirit.
When you do this, you become an individual soul.
You are a unique soul, a foot in the realm of the Absolute, a foot in the realm of the Relative (= duality).

In your explorations of relativity (duality), you can go so far from Home that you lose contact with the element of Spirit within you. Then his soul is lost in the illusion of fear and separation.

The greatest possible joy is when you are part of the realm of Experience, while remaining connected with the Spirit, with the Home. The balanced interaction between the Spirit and the Soul is the source of greater creativity and Love.

From this perspective, you are everything in your path to find the right balance between absolute Unity and being an individual soul. Those among you who are Lightworkers are currently working towards a greater awareness of their Unity with the Spirit. They have traveled within duality for a long time, and they, for example. You, my dear reader, are ready to return home. Not, however, to a static Home of Pure Unity, but to a dynamic, creative reality of divine, multidimensional humans, whose experience will be full of joy and Light.

This is the end of the Light Workers series. In all those who read this, there is an intense yearning for the Home and a deep determination to fulfill their deepest desires. Keep your desires and desires alive, and trust them, because they will take you home.

With my deepest love,

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© Pamela Kribbe 2004
Translation: Sandra Gusella
Original page in English: http / / lightworker / jeshua9.htm

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