Lightworkers Series: From the Ego to the Heart I

Four stages in the transformation of consciousness: In the previous parts, we have described the historical background of the journey of lightworkers from ego-based consciousness to heart-based consciousness.
This part will be entirely dedicated to the psychological characteristics of this transformation. We have divided this process into four steps or stages, which we will summarize again to clarify:

1. Be dissatisfied with what the ego-based consciousness has to offer you, yearn for 'something else': the beginning of the end.

2. Begin to be aware of your ties to ego-based awareness, recognize and release the emotions and thoughts that go with it: half of the end.

3. Allow the old energies based on the ego to die within you, eliminating the cocoon, being your new being: the end of the end.

4. The awakening within you of the heart-based consciousness, motivated by love and freedom; Help others make the transition.
Stage one: the ego no longer satisfies

The transition from ego-based to heart-based awareness begins with the experience of an inner emptiness. Things that once caught their attention completely, or situations that completely caught them, now leave them empty or uninspired. Somehow, things seem to have lost their usual meaning and purpose.

Consciousness, before this emptiness is experienced, is in the grip of fear and consequently needs to constantly reaffirm itself. It is constantly seeking external validation, because it is not willing to face the underlying fear of rejection and loneliness. This deep fear and the need for external validation may have been hidden for a long time as the real reason for his actions. Your whole life may have been built on this, without you being aware of it. Perhaps you are aware of a vague uneasiness or inner tension. But frequently, a major circumstance such as the breakdown of a relationship, the death of someone loved or the loss of a job, has come to invite you to truly examine what this tension or uneasiness is all about.

When the ego is the center of your being, your conscience and your emotional life are in a state of cramp. You are cringing in fear, and because of this position, you are constantly on the defensive. When you are in the ego stage, you always experience lack, need for more. The basis of your thoughts, feelings and actions is a black hole, a void that can never be completely filled. As you divert your awareness of it, it is a fear hole, a place covered by shadows. In the shadows, there is a void, which you are vaguely aware of, but you do not want to go there.
At this stage, your relationships with God or All That Is is marked by feelings of separation. Deep inside, they feel lonely and abandoned. They feel as if they were a broken fragment, without meaning, without purpose. And while you hide your fear of this, you only experience it indirectly, like a shadow.

People are terrified of facing the inner emptiness with full awareness. They are terrified of finding the head of their inner darkness and investigating it. However, if you do not face it, it will still be there, and you will need to develop 'strategies to manage it' to make life bearable. The ego's strategy is always to deal with the problem in the periphery, rather than in the center. The ego seeks to solve the problem by moving consciousness out. Try to relieve internal pain by feeding them with external energies. The energies they particularly like are recognition, admiration, power, attention, and so on. In this way, the ego apparently creates a response to the deep longing of the soul for unity, security and love.

This yearning is in itself entirely valid and genuine. It is God calling them. It is their own nature calling them. You are God! God is the energy of unity, security and love. Everyone longs for the unconditional love and the embrace of the Energy that you call God. In essence, this yearning is the yearning to fully realize, and therefore be one with, your own divine Being. His own divinity is his entrance to unconditional love. You can only find it by going through the fear and darkness that surrounds you, and this is done by turning inwards, instead of going outside. You do it using your conscience as a light that drives away the shadows. Consciousness is light. Therefore, it does not need to fight with darkness; its mere presence dissolves it. Turning their consciousness inward, miracles will really happen to them.

The ego, however, proceeds exactly the opposite way. Record the need for love and security but aim to respond to this need without facing darkness and inner fear. To do this, apply a certain truco : it transforms the need for love into the need for approval or recognition by other people. Once you think that to be loved is to be admired for your achievements, you do not need to go inside for love ever again; You just have to work harder! In this way, the ego strives to keep the lid in the pan of fear.
His original longing for love and blissful unity has now been distorted in the desire for recognition. You are constantly looking for external validation, which temporarily provides some security. Your consciousness is essentially focused on the external world.
You trust other people's judgment and are very nervous about what people think of you. This is very important to you, since your self-esteem depends on this. In reality, you feel that your self-esteem descends and descends, since you are surrendering your power to external forces, who judge you by your external performances, not by your true being.

Meanwhile, the deeply settled feeling of abandonment and loneliness is not relieved. It actually gets worse, since you refuse to look at it. This, which you do not want to look at, becomes your shadow overshadowed. Fear, anger and negativity can be around and influence them, intensified by the denial to go inside.
The ego can be very tenacious when it comes to suppressing certain doubts, suspicions and feelings; I won't leave control easily.

What you perceive as `` bad '' in your world is always the result of adhering to personal power. It is refusal to give up control and accept fear and inner darkness.
The first step to enlightenment is to surrender to what is.
Illumination means that you allow all aspects of your being in the light of your consciousness. Illumination does not mean that you are fully aware of everything within you, but that you are willing to face each aspect consciously.
Illumination equals love. Love means: acceptance of yourself as you are.

The inner darkness, which feels abandonment in the depths of your souls and that you all fear so much, is temporary. The ego stage is only one step in the long development and unfolding of consciousness. At this stage, the first leap is to move towards an individualized divine consciousness.
The birth of an individual consciousness, your birth as a 'separate soul', goes along with the experience of being left alone, of being separated from your Mother / Father. It is comparable to the trauma of birth in your physical world. In the womb, the baby experiences an oceanic feeling of unity with his mother. When it is born, it becomes a unity in itself.
Because of this birth trauma - speaking now of the birth of the soul - the soul acquires a feeling of being set aside; It has to get rid of everything that is taken for granted.
(In a later chapter, we will return to the notion of the birth of the soul; we only want to emphasize here that there is also an aspect of the soul that is eternal and timeless, that is, not exposed to birth and death).

The newborn soul yearns for a return to the state of semi-consciousness of unity, from which she comes and which she considers to be her Home. Since this is impossible, she experiences great fear and feelings of desolation and doubt. This inner fear and disorientation will gradually generate the place of procreation for the confiscation of ego power. The soul has to deal with fear and pain, and the ego promises to give it a solution. The ego exhibits the prospect of power and control to the soul consciousness. The soul, feeling powerless and lost, surrenders and places the ego in command.

The ego is that part of the soul that is oriented towards the material, towards the external world. In essence, the ego is the instrument of the soul to manifest itself in the physical being within time and space.
The ego provides awareness with focus. This returns to specific consciousness instead of oceanic, 'here and now' instead of 'everywhere'. The ego transfers internal impulses to specific material forms. It is that part of you that fills the gap between your non-physical (spiritual) part and the physical part.
For the soul as a non-physical spiritual being, it is totally abnormal to be stuck in time and space.
The soul is the essentially independent and free part of yourself. The ego, on the other hand, ties and sets.
It allows them to function in physical reality. As such, the ego plays a truly valuable role that has nothing to do with 'good' or 'bad'. When it works in a balanced situation, it is neutral and an indispensable tool for the soul that inhabits the earth in a physical body.
However, when the ego begins to govern the soul consciousness, instead of functioning as its tool, the soul becomes unbalanced. When the ego disposes on the soul (the typical feature of ego-based consciousness), the ego will not simply transfer the internal impulses to the material form, but will selectively control and suppress those impulses. The ego then presents you with a distorted image of reality. The unbalanced ego is always chasing power and control and in this light will interpret all the facts as positive or negative.

It is quite instructive to discover your own motivations based on power and control in your daily walk. Try to observe how often you want to tie things or people to your will, even if it is for a noble cause. How often do you get annoyed because things don't go your way?
It is important to realize that below the need for control is always the fear of losing control. Therefore ask yourself: what is the risk of releasing control, of letting go of the need for the predictable? What is my deepest fear?
The price that you are now paying to keep things 'under control' is that your attitudes towards life are tense and repressed.
When you dare to live from inner inspiration, and only do what gives you joy, this will create a natural and true order in your lives. You will feel relaxed and happy, without the need to shape the flow of life. This is living without fear: living with full confidence in what life will bring you. Can you do that?

For a young soul, the ego-based conscience trap is almost inevitable. The ego offers a way out of the problem (of fear and abandonment); divert your attention from 'what is there inside' to 'what you want to get from the outside world'. This is not the real solution to the problem, but it seems to bring relief for a while. Exercising power and control over their environment can give them a temporary satisfaction or 'stimulus'. There is a brief feeling of being loved, admired and respected. Relieves your pain for a while. But it is short lived and they have to strive again to stand out, to be even better, more beautiful or more useful. Please be aware that under the banner of the ego, you can be both sweet and malicious, both those who give and those who take, both dominant and servile. Much of what is apparently given with generosity is an unconscious call of attention, love and recognition towards the one who receives the gift. When you are always caring for and giving to others, you are simply hiding from yourself. Therefore, to understand what ego domination means, you don't necessarily have to think of cruel tyrants like Hitler or Saddam Husseim. Hold this simply; Observe yourself in your daily life. The presence of ego domination can be recognized by the need to control things. You want a certain person to behave in a certain way, for example. To make this happen, you exhibit a certain type of behavior. You are condescending and sweet for example, and try never to hurt someone else's feelings. There is a need for control behind this behavior. "Because I want you to love me, I will never be against you." This line of thinking is based on fear. It is fear of depending on yourself, fear of being rejected or abandoned. What seems to be sweet and pleasant is actually a form of self-denial. This is the ego working.

While the ego governs their souls, to feel good, they will need to feed themselves with the energy of others. You seem to have to deserve the acceptance of other people, of an authority outside of you. However, the world around them is not fixed or stable. You really can never trust the permanent fidelity of the one you trust, be it your spouse, boss or parents. This is what you have to 'work' all the time, always be on the lookout for 'approval portions' coming to you. This explains the state of tension and nervousness of the mind in which anyone who is in the ego stage is permanently.

The ego cannot provide them with true love and self-esteem. The solution it offers for abandonment trauma is actually a bottomless hole. The true mission of the consciousness of the young soul is to become the parents it has lost.
Please be aware that the structure of terrestrial life, considering the process of starting as a helpless baby and growing up to be an independent adult, often invites you to do just that. How often the key to real happiness in your lives is this: that you become your own father and mother, and give yourself the love and understanding that you have lost and are lost from others. In the long run, at the metaphysical level we have been talking about, this means: to come to understand that you are God, not one of your little lost sheep. This is the understanding that will take them home. This is the understanding that will take you to the heart of who you are, which is love and divine power.

The end of the ego stage appears when the soul realizes that it is repeating again and again the same cycle of actions and thoughts. The ego loses its domain when the soul becomes exhausted and bored of striving all the time for an even fleeting treasure. The soul then begins to suspect that the promises of the game she is in are false and that there is really nothing there to win for her. When she gets tired of trying and being on top of it all the time, she lets go of the control a little.
With less energy going to control thoughts and behavior, an energy space is opened that allows new and different experiences.
At the beginning, when you enter this stage, you can only feel very tired and empty inside. The things they considered important now may seem completely meaningless. Often, fears may emerge that have no clear or immediate causes. They can be vague fears of dying or losing their loved ones. Anger may also arise, related to situations in their jobs or in their marriages. Everything that seemed to be self-evident is now under doubt.

That which ego-based consciousness tried to prevent, finally happens.
Gradually, the lid rises from the pot, and all kinds of uncontrollable emotions and fears come out and enter your consciousness, sowing doubt and confusion in your life. Until that time, you were mostly operating on autopilot. Many patterns of thoughts and feelings within you happened automatically; you allowed them to pass unquestionably. This gave unity and stability to his conscience. However, when his consciousness grows and expands, his personality is divided into two. One part of you wants to stay in the old ways, the other part questions these modes and confronts you with unpleasant feelings such as anger, fear and doubt.

The expansion of consciousness that occurs at the end of the ego stage is thus often experienced as a spoiler, a badly received intruder that ruins the game. This new consciousness alters everything that seemed obvious before and arouses emotions within you with which you don't know how to deal. When you begin to doubt the ego-based models of thought and action, a new part of you enters your consciousness. It is the part of you that loves truth instead of power.

Living according to what the ego has is very repressive. You are serving a little - fearful - dictator who aspires to power and control, not only over your environment, but specifically over you.
His spontaneous feelings and intuition flows are repressed by him. The ego does not like spontaneity very much. It keeps them from freely expressing their feelings, since feelings and emotions are uncontrollable and unpredictable, which is dangerous for the ego. The ego works with masks.

If your ego dictates: "Be sweet and considerate, to win people's sympathy, " you will systematically suppress feelings of dislike and anger within you. If you begin to doubt the viability of this mandate, these suppressed emotions will appear immediately. Feelings are not eliminated when they are suppressed. They continue to live and gain intensity the more they are suppressed.

Once the soul experiences the emptiness and doubt that is so characteristic of the end of the ego stage, it is possible to find and face all the feelings and emotions that were previously hidden in the dark. These contained feelings and emotions are the gateway to your Higher Self. Exploring what you really feel, instead of what you are supposed to feel, you regain your spontaneity and integrity, that part of you that is often called your 'inner child'. Taking contact with your true feelings and emotions are placed in the path of liberation. The transition to heart-based consciousness has begun then.

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© Pamela Kribbe 2004

Translation: Sandra Gusella

Original page in English: http / / lightworker / jeshua6.htm

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