Feeling at home on Earth by María Magdalena through Pamela kribbe

  • 2013

Pamela channels Maria Magdalena

English translation by Sandra Gusella

Dear friends, dear men and women:

I am happy to be with you on this clear morning. We are old friends. Our paths have crossed many times before in time and space. Feel our old friendship; We are part of the same family. Appreciate for a moment this feeling of familiarity, of arriving at Home. Just relax and release all the tension within you. Visualize how tension flows into the Earth and is neutralized. Feel how your body relaxes and becomes heavier. Receive the healing energy returning from Mother Earth and let it surround your feet and your legs and flow into your waist and abdomen. Feel supported by the Earth; You are safe.

Feel the rhythm of the Earth; It is slow and stable. This is the rhythm you are looking for. Your soul comes from a different kingdom; and when it descends it has to adjust to the rhythm of the Earth. Your soul has to inhabit a body and has to learn to use a mind, and it can become confused due to this. The soul is on a learning path. It is not only you as a human being who is learning, your soul is also learning and growing.

In your soul you carry painful memories of being on Earth, and therefore it is not obvious to you that you can trust the Earth and surrender to it. There may be a blockage in your body that prevents them from relaxing and feeling safe here. This blockage is an energy, it is not just physical. In reality, this blockade was not caused by the Earth, but by what happened to you in the human world: the negativity you experienced here, the pain of rejection and of not fitting. This has made it difficult for you to feel at home here.

I want to remind you of the true nature of Mother Earth. She herself is an angel. Think of the beauty of the forests, the oceans, the flowers. That is the true nature of Being on Earth, and you are part of this majestic reality. You yourselves are like a flower, but a flower cannot be opened unless it is firmly rooted. You have to feel at home on Earth to be able to express yourself, to express your light. So now I invite you to connect with Earth, the angel she is. Feel your energy deep within your body; You are your child and you can relax.

Imagine that you are now walking in a beautiful place in nature. It can be a forest, or near the ocean, or in the desert, and make this vision very real and alive for you. Feel the elements of nature, the wind, the sun, the air. Feel the earth beneath your feet. Then sit down and put your hands on the floor. Let the Earth affect you, heal you, and remind you of your relationship with her. Your soul wants to be here, although your soul has been hurt on Earth, especially because of the fear and struggle that is present in human society. But as a human being, you are also connected to nature and to the harmony and rhythm there. And if you embrace nature, both outside and inside, you can clearly hear the message of your soul.

So they are still sitting on Earth. Feel how an energy comes to you from below. You are very capable of receiving it, because now you are connected to the Earth and its energy. These two energies are meant to be together. Let this energy of your soul shine in you now like a sun. Just enjoy it for a moment.

Often, when they connect, or try to connect with your soul, your mind interferes. They want to have concrete, practical information about your life. But to receive real information, you must first change your consciousness; because the need for information, the need to know what to do often arises from fear. First they have to relax completely and be in an alert state of fantasizing or imagining. So now enter that state.

Imagine that you are completely free, without ties to the laws of human society. They are an angel, and like a butterfly they go from flower to flower. Ask yourself: “What gives me joy in my life?” Do not think about the result it offers you, just focus on the feeling of joy and inspiration. You can receive inspiration from very simple things like taking a walk or having a quiet time for yourself. It is important that you recognize the language of your soul. He does not speak with an obvious voice to which they are accustomed. They are used to speaking very severely. They criticize a lot. They have a mental image of how they should be and constantly compare themselves with that and feel they are failing. But in fact judging is the real problem. This kind of judgment, or this tone of voice, does not come from nature.

The language of your soul is very different. It is very soft. Offers suggestions, but never wants to force them to do anything. So ask your soul: "What do I need right now?" And they could receive the answer as an energy and not necessarily in words. Release all expectations. As a human being, your problems are often caused by the fact that they have a blind spot. They have some persistent beliefs that they really are not aware of and your soul wants them to come out of those beliefs. This means that you have to release your deepest convictions and open yourself to something entirely new. They have to let your soul surprise them.

So whenever you have a quiet moment and yearn to connect with your soul, let go of your mind and connect in a spontaneous, playful way. That is the way of nature. You can see it in all animals and in all the plants that live on Earth. They happily accompany their rhythm. They do not think about the future, yet they are perfectly aligned. You are part of the Earth and part of nature.

© Pamela Kribbe


Spanish site: www.jeshua.net/esp

Feeling at home on Earth by María Magdalena through Pamela kribbe

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