Feel Heaven in you, by Jordi Morella

  • 2013

I am here. It is not a period of asking so much, but of feeling and letting everything be. Living the day will allow you to see the support and wisdom of the universe in your environment.

Our being attracts in an unusual way all the elements and signals so that your heart can realize that you are not alone and the Home is working in your favor. We began to attract and manifest coincidences as they had not been until now. Our capacity for creation is activated until we get to the key point to see our interior manifested in our environment, this world not visible but surrounded by a loving force that covers everything that comes out of our heart and is a with the Divine Will. So, now I find myself feeling these words and sensations within me, remembering in an instant the wisdom that is inside me due to a concrete and adequate instruction according to my soul .

I feel like walking on a well-settled floor, where the pillars are strong and well rooted in the divine structures of existence. I advance with firm and determined step. I know I must go forward. Maybe I don't know the details of the whole journey, but I do, with total conviction and certainty of the address and key moments of it. I know that I am moving towards what my heart feels and I receive beyond my rationality.

I move forward leaving my human condition behind, and I can tell you that while I do it, I am not alone. Surrounded by beings full of love and luminosity, they show me the familiarity of their presences in relation to me. As I move forward, everything becomes clearer, with a feeling of simplicity, sharpness and ability to create according to my will, as if it were linked to a superior, hidden from the embodied souls, unless one of them wake up and raise your vibration of the matter that you find to realize.

I move forward, but I feel taken, at the same time. It is as if they took me with the agreement of my manifested intentionality.

I continue walking steadily, with an all-terrain shoe, where nothing could stop my rhythm and my progress. I feel the strength within me, and a feeling of absolute protection, but not because someone protected me, but because there is nothing that can alter my will.

Those who are with me seem to indicate the way forward. I only have to move forward and move forward without pause and with the decision taken to want to get where I'm going.

When humanity is transcended, the door of divinity opens. Then, the Truth goes out to the LIGHT, because nothing shadows it. When someone is oneself, everything flows and the closed doors open; What has come to be done is done, and the understanding of why you are in this moment is included in every breath of your daily life. Everything is at the moment, without waiting, and what seems to be so, is only the preparation of your environment for your manifestation in it. Sometimes one also needs an internal restructuring. Nothing stops. Everything progresses. We think we can stand, but nothing is further from reality. The Divine Will is acting in your favor at all times. Good for one reason or another, your being and the world are transcending, each at their own pace because everyone is a single Family based on the innate essence that each one is.

When you go by train, are you sure you're wondering why you're not doing anything? Well, the same thing happens when your mind wants to betray you and worry you because you are not where your ego wants, or you don't get it when you ask for it, which is not always what you need. The incongruities belong to the human being, not to the divine being in you. When the mind manifests itself, the being annuls itself, and when the heart speaks to you and you carry out what it dictates to you, then ……… everything is possible!

I am in this timeless space, where I am now, with many other beings, some of them already disembodied. They are there smiling at me for being there with them.

- They are learning - I feel they tell me about them.

I feel at my side all those who guard my soul.

I feel the inner strength of my nature as everything will be realized as felt in my heart.

I am not in what is known as Heaven. I am Heaven! I do not expect to reach it, or you want it to come to you, because you are the same Heaven! Do not! It is not a matter of knowledge and knowing, but of feeling it! He has finished wanting to know and know, to have spiritual knowledge. This period has already ended. The time has come to feel and experience who you are inside. For years many of you have dedicated yourself to learn things and take courses and courses, but this stage of acquiring and not going beyond, has the days numbered. It is no longer necessary to learn more notions about us or the human being. The time has come to FEEL your own nature and open the door of your divinity to manifest. When you feel, you know about yourself, our origin and the Home. When you realize, you are not part of the Home, but you are also the Home, and that the Family gathers, then the most subtle and elevated feelings and sensations guide your life your vibration rises because you are close, constantly with those beings called heavenly, and not only be close, but you are one of them, and then ... ALL IS LOVE!

You are Love and the Source of Light so needed for yourself and the divine purpose for which you are here and exist.

I would like to take everyone by the hand and take you here where I am at the moment, feeling what I feel. Then your lives would change completely in an instant. Then you would lose all the fears, resistance and subliminal egos that act in your life. They would disappear, moving away from your being, like when you let go of a balloon and it rises and rises until it disappears from your sight.

You are so big and divine, that your eyes and your human condition does not allow you to see the majesty of your being. The situations you experience are experienced because you believe in them, but none of this belongs to your divine nature. Even aspects acquired about your nature go beyond what you think and believe.

It is not so important what you do, but the energies that you give off and contribute to the Earth, and these are in consonance and related to what you feel. This is part of the sense of your presence in this incarnation.

Now, with them, and being here, I convey my love, my peace and serenity to all of you. Those who meet me also send you their love and tell me that what you expect will not come because it is within each one. It is through the key of peace, love and absolute surrender to the hands of those who have created you, that you can free yourself from this dense, heavy being that is governed by a rationality due to your fears.

They keep telling me that none of this exists in your inner home. It is only the fruit of your untrained mind, as a result of the resistance to end your sleepiness.

Do not identify with anything of your dimension.

Feel who you are, and then you will feel us and who you really are. - They keep telling me.

From my heart, may Love and Peace be in all of you.


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