Secrets of the library of Alexandria, through Kirael

What was so special about the Alexandria Library? Was the library fire really an accident? What information did it contain that could help us now with the Great Change and how can we access that information?

In this monthly article, "Secrets of the Library of Alexandria, " the Master Guide Kirael takes us on a fascinating journey to find the answers to these questions and more.

Please enjoy!

KIRAEL: Let's talk about the secrets of the Alexandria Library. I don't want to bore you with details about how many times the Library of Alexandria was burned, how much was lost, and so on and on. However I want to enlighten you about what was saved and what you can expect to find from that Library.

If you want, it is a testament to the Creator's Light that the Library of Alexandria existed. You will come to see that there are innumerable stories of this era in particular, which is why many of us from the world of Orientation have reached their Earth Plane at this time.

Understand that the Creator, in his experience of Light, would never let all of something be lost. Whatever it is, it can be set aside for thousands of years, in some cases, but you never miss it. For example, the unwritten stories of worlds as large as Lemuria, Atlantis, Egypt and the time of Christ and the Now and the so-called future can only be brought about by the reality of Orientation.

You say, "Oh, Master Kirael, we don't think that would work, because how could we know about these unwritten stories if all the mediums decided to stop working tomorrow?" Don't let them leave, I think it's best What can I tell you? You see, the knowledge that you have lost is the knowledge that you believe you have lost, and you really need to have that knowledge in the Now.

Why now, of all time, and why the Alexandria Library? The contents of the Library of Alexandria were burned years before Master Jesus even walked on the Earth plane, and even more burned after He walked the Earth. Even if we could find that material, what could it tell us? Well, my friends, the answers to how to make your life what you want it to be, exist within what was written those thousands of years ago.

So listen carefully, my friends, as I bring up the energy of the scrolls and destroyed books of the Library of Alexandria. The information will have a definite effect on your life. You live within a limited society. Great minds have come before you and many will come after you.

You come from a source of light that we refer to as the Creator, a word that you invented here to exemplify the potential of creation. From that Creative Light came many lights before you, just as many lights will come after you. Just one or a few days ago someone asked me, "Master Kirael, is there an infinite number of beings of light, or is there a strict number through which the Creator expands?" The answer, my friends, from the Library of Alexandria is this: Notice what Plato studied and how he taught and delivered to one of his greatest students named Aristotle, and you will see that the potential is unlimited. There is no end to it. “Oh, ” you will say, “So what you are saying, Master Kirael, is that those of us who come from the Creative Light which of course are all of you We came from a source that has no extension, has no end, has no limit.

That is exactly what I am telling you. That is why it is called the Creator, and that is why all the beliefs to which they have clung so beautifully are falling apart.

All of them are based on a limiting society. Scholars over the past two hundred or three hundred years have mostly tried to limit everything they have studied. They tried to reach the absolute limit of their potential, only to find that this limit opened up to an area that was so wide as to realize that what they had just discovered in It was actually tiny.

Most of them were wondering why they had spent all that time just to discover a tiny part of the total. Why do we want to know about the Alexandrian Library? After all, that was not the only library of his time. There were libraries all over the world at that time. There was a library in Rome. There was even a huge library in Athens. However, the Library of Alexandria, my friends, was located in a seaport, if you like, and a wide river flowed past and through it, in A certain sense of the word. All the great energy patterns stored information there in vast quantities, far from where the masses could have access to them. They hid information to be able to feel that someone was in control of this massive chaos called life. That is the essence of the matter.

Life, as you call it, is a pattern designed for iluminand energy with a magnetic force, a vibration that is consistent with understanding. That all life has to have the vastness of experience.

That vastness includes an authorization to all information arenas and to the whole experience of life. Understand that you are unlimited. Go beyond your limits. Open your minds beyond everything you have read in your books. Someone recently stated that Master Kirael talks only about things that can be verified. Well, tonight I will go beyond it. I am going to give you an example of things that cannot be verified and of which I have spoken so many times. I have told you about Maria Magdalena. That was not his real name.

She simply came from the Magdalenia family. Well, somehow, Magdalenia and Magdalena got confused. Have you heard the hypothetical stories, if you like, that Mary Magdalene was a group of people gathered in different ways? I tell you, my friends, that hypothesis may not have been so far apart.

On the Earth plane today, Mary Magdalene would be considered a schizophrenic, or perhaps bipolar, certified as incapacitated. You see, Mary Magdalene spoke in a number of voices that she carried with her at all times, just as Master Jesus could verify for you.

There were times when in a conversation with the Master Jesus, Mary Magdalene would suddenly stop, and when he spoke again, his voice came out as a deep baritone. The baritone was going to tell Master Jesus about this great work that was being done. Some of you have already guessed.

Maria Magdalena was a medium. Isn't this amazing? I bet you won't find any of this information in any book. For more information about María Magdalena, please listen to the recording of the audio CD of Kahu & Kirael LIVE, * ”María Magdalena: What the Da Vinco Code Didn't Tell You” * In the truth of what you are today by day, you live in an unlimited society. I wish I could say it a thousand times and make it become a mantra - you live in an unlimited society of beings of light. There is no limit to what the Creator can create.

The only limits to which the Creator is exposed, are due to what they choose where not to move forward. So, how do you connect with this Creator energy? Many of the tools or techniques of the Ten Principles of Conscious Creation can take you beyond your limitation or your perceived limitations. Many say that my medium walks between the worlds. In truth, he walks within the worlds and studies there in the "etheric" plot so to speak. Out there, as you call it, is the unwritten information.

* Kirael: The Ten Principles of Conscious Creation * is available as a set of 10 audio CDs or a book at * * at our * point of sale online.

* Remember, Plato came from the same spectrum of light as you. When you return home, you do not abandon all this knowledge. They take it home with them and implant it in the energy of their higher self, and the energy of their higher self implants it in their soul family, and their soul family implants it in their higher soul, and so it goes on to the Creator. Everything in between.

So, what Plato said so many thousands of years ago, is available to each of you. You have access to all this information, including that of the burned books, the manuscripts, the scrolls and the rolls on rolls of information that was stored in the Library of Alexandria.

After all, this information came from Us People, and that means that it came from you. So, yes, you have access to all this. I would like to take each of you on a trip.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Focus more deeply than you ever did before. Remember the will and the word. Intend to go with me. Do it through your words. Very gently, I will expand my energies by moving away a little from the medium.

I'm going to hover over each one of you. Have the will to relax more and more deeply within the light. Feel the presence around you touching the skin of your face and your arms and hands. Use your will to see yourself in the beautiful energy of black light, the brightest core of black light. In the center of that core of light is a small point. For a moment just focus on that point. Use your will. Don't let your mind get away from my words. Focus on that point. Gently, from your third eye, run a stream of your light - color does not matter - and add it to that point. See how a laser beam of light comes out from your forehead and adheres with that point.

Do not worry; He hasn't connected with anything yet. Manifest your will there with me. Simply adhere to that spark of light. In a moment I will take you through that spark of light through a portal. Stop. Do not cross that portal yet. Before, I will explain what they will see when they leave the other side of that portal. Adhere to that spark and, gently, from your third eye, let your energy force go down that stream of light that is connected to the point. When they reach the end of that stream of light, stop for a moment until everyone gets there. Use your will, my friends, to go with me. This will be one of the most beautiful trips ever undertaken. Now that they are at the end of that stream of light, I am going to expand my energy once more.

If you accompany me now, in a moment I will take you through that stream of light. I will take you to the same trip that I used to take my medium ten years ago. Advance with me now, and when you pass through, you will see a cloud of golden particles as large as you can imagine the mind. Just let yourself float out there with me among all these golden dust type particles. In some places they are thicker than in others. It resembles a huge layer of clouds of beautiful golden particles. Stay floating there for a minute. When they look around, they will realize that they cannot count the particles.

How could they ever count so many? Every particle they see is a book of knowledge. Look at the distance and choose a particle, and by your will attract that particle gently towards you. While you see it coming to you through all the other particles, it acquires a special vibration. Have the will to stay with me because it is not easy. Take that particle to you so that it floats about six inches in front of you. Now let that particle enter your third eye.

Before the particle is introduced, open your 90% brain for this information that you are about to receive. Now let the particle penetrate and feel that it is introduced through your third eye. Open your ten percent mind to your 90 percent mind and read, listen and hear what you just discovered about another world, another place and another time. You may think that you have just read, heard or heard the greatest fiction in the world, but you have just experienced a journey between the worlds.

Now I want them to return safe and sound to the room. What you have done will never be lost. You can absolutely go there. That is why we are learning about the Alexandria Library.

This process was taken from Volume 4662, written by a beautiful energetic pattern known as Poliasis (phonetics), who was a student of the man who taught Plato. So, my friends, you have something from the Alexandria Library that you can use at any time. Just remember what I just showed you. If all else fails, listen to a recording of this session, and when I am about to take you through the portal, turn off the recording and go through the portal and take as many particles as you wish. Come back when you are ready. Once they have learned how to go there, they will no longer want to bring the particles back.

You will want to read each one of them out there, and each time you do, you will find yourself in a new dimension, a new reality of life that has very little to do with your Earth plane. You will be amazed to see how unlimited you are. The Library of Alexandria is only an example of what the human world has tried to keep hidden. My friends, the fire in that library was not an accident. It was because, with the information contained in that library, scholars could teach them how to be unlimited.

When the library was burned, scholars were limited in what they could teach. That is not going to happen to you. With the simple meditation that I have shown you tonight, you may very well go beyond the confines of human veils. Some are saying to themselves, "Oh, my God, I wish I could do this." If you believe you cannot, then you cannot do it. As long as they say, "I can't do it, Master Kirael, " I guarantee you can't do it. However, when you use the will and the word, and put your thought consciousness in it, you can go beyond the veils. You exist according to the awareness of your thoughts. So stop giving up on yourself. Oh, there is a thought.

I just got the eleventh Principle: Stop giving up. Stop giving up yourself. Stop trying to make a dollar. Let money be a byproduct of the love you express. Stop trying to be something you don't understand, and instead be everything. Fill yourself with the lively energy that will advance you to levels you have never considered before. Free yourself to open up to the Library of Alexandria. Find it for yourself. My friends, they may have burned the books, but they didn't burn the knowledge. There is a thought with which they can live.

Everything you want to talk about is yours to talk about tonight. You can reach any level you wish to reach. As you prepare to ask your questions tonight, close your eyes gently and gently and say, "Master Kirael, here's my question." This is what will happen: You will close your ten percent mind and let some ninety percent of your brain flow through your vocal cords. Your question will come from the depth of your desire to stock up on the spring that has no bottom, because there is no answer that cannot be controlled and rechecked.

Most importantly, there is no response that cannot be perceived. As we begin the questions, We the People will be in alignment with Us the Orientation.

QUESTION: It has been said that some of the Alexandrian Library documents are in the Vatican basement.

Do people who work in the Vatican understand or know the value of these documents? Will they be able to heal in the Creator's Love to share information with Us People?

KIRAEL: The answer is not one that will make everyone happy. There are more than 200 archives vaults within the Vatican, and within one archive there could be more than 200, 000 documents. I'm just talking about the main vaults. I am not even talking about those that bifurcate from them. There are so many documents. No one within the confines of the Vatican today, and that includes the Pope, has the knowledge of what is in those vaults. There is too much to know.

You have to understand that everything that has not been burned was copied and placed in these special files. There is a section of the archives in the United States of America that also contains a number of documents. A mass consciousness is what governs the Vatican. I am not saying that there is a conspiracy or something like that, but there is a wave of energy that governs the Vatican and it has been compressed below the Christ Consciousness. Now, that does not mean that they are bad people, but that they have simply compressed their energies.

Their belief systems, which were taught to them by generations of Popes and people of the same light, suggest that the information in those archives could devastate the human population.

They are wrong, a thousand percent wrong. They were right, until about two years ago, when you arrived at this special part of your journey in which Change is the priority of your light. You are now able to listen and use this information. Those who discover the information and are willing to bring it to light, would not be in a position to put one foot in front of the other, due to the special vibration of the Vatican Archives today . There are places in the Vatican Archives where human beings cannot walk.

The energy that prevents a human from entering these places is a combination of protective energy and a consciousness that lives within the framework of fear. Those two combined form a powerful force. Imagine walking through something in your life that was created in ignorance as well as in fear of the unknown. You also wouldn't try to walk through it. There are parts of the Vatican library that have not been entered for more than 50 years, maybe 100 years, in some cases.

The doors have not even been opened. Is there anyone alive today who knows everything in there? No. Will the files be discovered? Yes, my friend, in a magical way they will be. At the time of the Change, the doors of each existing archive will open and the information will flow out with such fury and speed, and so beautiful and illuminated, that the world will absorb the energy process of all that has been retained. No one will learn it in a life. Even if your whole brain was functioning, conceptually you could not understand what is in the archives of the Earth plane.

Remember, the Earth plane is one of the storage vaults of the Creator's fountain. It is there that not only their stories have been recorded, but also the stories of other civilizations outside their Earth plane. That is why they are not allowed to know what is in those vaults. Those other civilizations do not even vibrate on the Earth plane, and their stories are locked in a beautiful archive here. Somewhere in Washington, DC, you have about 184 boxes approximately four feet long, about two feet deep, and they are filled with the information of a star system very close to the star system in which you are.

The star system was studied and recorded in writing, in documents that were put in those boxes. The information is there today in Washington, DC Imagine what may be in the Vatican.

Listen to this question and answer with the Kirael Master Guide on the new audio CD, * Treasures of the Vault * available online at

QUESTION: I believe that some of the scrolls that survived the fires of the Alexandria Library are also in the Rosicrucian archives and some are hidden in the caves in Tibet.

You also mentioned that some of these documents were rescued by the Guidance kingdom in order to reintroduce them when humanity is ready for them. Where else is this information kept and are The Ten Principles of Conscious Creation part of these lost scrolls?

KIRAEL: Some of this information was also contained in a whole segment such as its galactic energies that were considered “energy forces of the type of digital data” that only had one thing in mind - the conquest of other societies and learn from them. Perhaps more interesting is the fact that at some point there was a percentage of the reality of Orientation that was lost in their own vision, in their own journey, and they opposed the illumination of the worlds as they know them today.

Many millions of years ago, a segment of the Guidance reality participated in trying to retain from societies the energy that I am giving them today. A society in Orientation reality took information from the Library of Alexandria and directed it towards that immense business conglomerate disguised as a church.

It was that Orientation group that kept the church at its highest point and expanded it across the earth plane, so that it could settle as it has. I am not representing myself as a type of savior, because I am not, but the world of Orientation that is now reaching its arena - and I will add my own energy to theirs for just a moment - has come to reverse the tendency of many forces that have retained the things of the human world.

We are not trying to reverse things because we are concerned about the fact that the conglomerate became a church. The church is a beautiful thing. The church was * guided * to retain information about Us the People. The emphasis is on the word * guided, * and suggests that a group of Guidance reality had this information and saw or felt it was too much for a civilization to understand. Therefore, they learned how to retain it. So, yes, Orientation, as I have informed you in the past, was able to take many of those written portions of ethereal light and absorbed your energies within the patterns of experience that were meditatively exposed similar to what I have told you shown tonight.

They saw that I showed them through their meditation how to go beyond Orientation. I took them to the portal and released them; I did not go with you. So the answer to your question is multifaceted. I hope that my answer gives you a conceptual response for your mind and for the minds of those who wish to go there with me.

There are archives not only in the Vatican, but also in America, in France and in the pyramids under the sand dunes of Baghdad. There are files beyond your wildest expectations. They are filled with energies that can release things such as super master minds. In the philosophical writings there is a key that can destroy the super master mind overnight.

Now, this is not going to make my medium popular, but that's fine, because I and a number of other energies are protecting it. The world of Orientation at one time held a scroll, which is no longer having it. That scroll has been brought to Earth's plane and is waiting to be discovered.

The key will open and destroy the consciousness of the super master mind. To understand the super mastermind, one must understand certain projections that result from the will and the use of words, which are not normally understandable in human reality. For example, in our meditation, some of you were willing and almost scared to death because you felt the movement.

What I told you tonight was basically the key to that scroll. It is accessible to any human being that exists. We have the Billion People's Meditation for Peace because it helps them unlock the mind. The Ten Principles of Conscious Creation are a segment of principles elaborated by Aristotle. Aristotle was not a human being as you thought he was.

Aristotle lived in all worlds simultaneously. He acquired the knowledge of all other beings, and he in turn received teaching of that by his great teacher, Plato. When Aristotle realized what Plato had taught him, he was so frightened that he decided to become human.

By becoming human, he went through all the traditions of being human. Did you know he was married four times? Their stories are not even going to inform them about it. It could be that they mention one or two marriages, but they are not going to mention all four of them, or the fact that he was married four times in the same amount for years. I am not saying that he is a bad man or a bígamo or something.

It means that he became human, and when he became human, he lost his progress until he met a 13-year-old boy, who was sent to him by one of his predecessors. This young man was Alejandro. The 13-year-old Alejandro arrived in Aristotle and said, "Aristotle, I have dreamed that you live in another world." At that time, Aristotle became Aristotle again and emptied everything he had at that time in Alexander, who became Alexander the Great and who built a library full of information. By accepting this download of information, Alejandro opened up to a whole new spectrum, and let his energies spread out in the other experiences. In doing so, Alexander brought up something that contained the ten principles of Aristotle.

The Ten Principles that I brought to the Earth plane are only a segment of one of Aristotle's principles. The integrity of those that I have sent are to help them understand that in the words in the records of these Principles is the same key that Alexander saw in his dream when he told Aristotle, “Open your mind and let the world start. " That's when Aristotle came back to life, and that's where you will see the truth of Alejandro's work.

It is also there where they will see how the truth of Aristotle's light unfolds in each segment. I have spoken words tonight that will make some of you say, “How the hell have I already known this? I have never studied Aristotle. I didn't even know that it had ten principles. ”You know it because you are connected to the universal energy flow, from which the guardians of light have removed all restrictions. Here is now the magical flow of energy with which everyone can connect - ten simple principles, not from Aristotle, but from the work of Aristotle that emerged after the young Alexander said * I had a dream.

* There is your beginning, my friend. So, yes, the loss of this information can be rectified. Those same guides who were so aligned to protect a small society called Earth, are willing to come here and open up. What we cannot find are mediums to pass on the information. The mediums of this Earth plane are few and far between. You say, "Oh no, Master Kirael, there is one that is emerging every day." There are not enough, my friend. There is a tremendous amount of information to share and we want our words to be devoid of interpretation.

QUESTION: Is there a sequence of the Ten Principles, and is it something you can talk about?

KIRAEL: There is a sequence, but you are very far from it. We have a difficult time for people to even try the Ten Principles. If you look at the Ten Principles, you will find a lifetime of knowledge to be displayed from your own mental awareness. The Principles are the key that opens the universal flow of light. So, is there a sequence? Oh yeah.

Each Principle has ten principles incorporated. Will you all get them in this life? Sit back and hold the air for only one minute. You can certainly have everyone in this life, but you will have to work on it, my friends, in a way that you have never worked before. Ustedes podr n afanarse en su trabajo, pero es aqu donde se encuentra el trabajo real.

PREGUNTA: Una cantidad de documentos de la Biblioteca de Alejandr a fueron confiscados o pasados de contrabando. Si las ballenas sostienen cada pizca de informaci n desde la creaci n, tendr an ellos a n la informaci n que hab a en Alejandr a antes del incendio? Estamos en condiciones de acceder a esta informaci n en la actualidad?

KIRAEL: Ciertamente. Hubo una cierta clasificaci n de Orientaci n llamados los gu as energ ticos infalibles. Yo estoy empleando sus palabras cotidianas. Se introdujeron Gu as energ ticos infalibles, al estilo de la fuente del Creador y de la Conciencia Cr stica. Ellos no fueron Jes s, sino la Conciencia Cr stica.

En aquel momento ellos vieron que la biblioteca se perder a cr anme; nosotros sabemos lo que va a suceder en el mundo antes de que ello se produzca as que un segmento de la Orientaci n fue enviado hacia all para aliviar a los viejos ya los nuevos guardianes.

Los viejos guardianes estuvieron retirando su fuerza de luz para los nuevos guardianes, tambi n conocidos como los Guardianes de las Sociedades en Desarrollo. Los nuevos guardianes fueron llevados al alineamiento con el plano de la Tierra.

Mucha de la energ a de la Biblioteca de Alejandr a no tuvo nada que ver con su plano Terrestre. Mucha de esa energ a era de fuerzas de la luz exteriores y ten a que ver con cosas que ustedes solamente pueden imaginar. De todas maneras se efectu una reuni n de la Orientaci n en la fuerza del Creador para interceder y aliviar a esos dos mundos guardianes y equilibrarlos como para que pudiesen liberar esta informaci n para la poblaci n, no solamente de este mundo, sino para todos los mundos de las hermanos y hermanos de otros sistemas planetarios sus hermanos y hermanas gal cticas.

Hubo un inmenso desacuerdo entre las fuerzas de los gu as. La vieja guardia trat de protegerlos al no permitirles ser demasiado perspicaces, y la nueva guarda deseaba exponer todo a todos al mismo tiempo y terminar con ello. El grupo de alivio fue enviado al centro de estos dos grupos. Ellos vieron que la Biblioteca de Alejandr a iba a ser quemada. As que este grupo de alivio de la Orientaci n entr a juntar todo lo que se hab a puesto por escrito, no solamente en la Biblioteca de Alejandr a, sino en todos los sistemas de bibliotecas.

Hab a bibliotecas en Atenas, frica, Polinesia, Asia, en todo el mundo. La tarea de este mundo de la Orientaci n era la de sacar toda la informaci nyd rsela a alguna energ a que pod a mantenerla en el plano de la Tierra, y que el mundo de la Orientaci n no tendr a problemas en comprenderlos la ballenas.

Ahora, recuerden, estoy hablando de algo que ha sido discutido aqu en su plano Terrestre. El grupo de alivio se fij en esta informaci n. Los nicos aliados que ten an en ese momento eran los mam feros del mundo acu tico, los que hoy en d a son sus ballenas y delfines. Tomaron un cierto tipo de ballenas y les pidieron absorber las energ as de la vieja guardia que sal ay de la nueva guardia que entraba.

Las ballenas tuvieron los condensadores de cerebro m s grandes, incluso m s grande de lo que son hoy en d a. Ahora hemos aprendido a compactar esta información. La energía fue sacada de la vieja y de la nueva guardia y dada a este grupo de alivio de los guías y luego fue descargada dentro de los animales del océano, si se quiere.

Ese segmente en especial de guías fue luego enviado de regreso a la fuerza del Creador y se retiró, porque ellos no iban a volver a trabajar en un plano como la Tierra nuevamente. Ellos fueron enviados de regreso hacia la Orientación de toda la Creación de Dios, o de su Fuerza Creadora, y ellos permanecieron ahí hasta que algunos de nosotros fuimos llamados para salir del retiro y regresar y anuncia el Gran Cambio en el plano de la Tierra.

Para mayor información, ver por favor *Kirael: El Gran Cambio* Edición Revisada por Fred Sterling. Así que si quieren conocer una ballena, averigüen su nombre.

Si su nombre comienza con una K, él es de la clase de energía que es el sostenedor del conocimiento. Así que, si le miran al ojo de cualquier energía ahí afuera dentro de la población de las ballenas, cuyo nombre tiene una K al principio del mismo, es una ballena de la clase K. Es un guardián de los registros. La información fue almacenada dentro de esa ballena para que esté disponible para ustedes en este momento. Es también por ello que hemos sido llamados para regresar de nuestro retiro.

PREGUNTA: ¿Cómo está conectada la Sala de Registros de la Esfinge con la Biblioteca de Alejandría?

KIRAEL: La Sala de Registros es un codificador de índices. Cuando ellos extraen estos registros, todos los distintos lenguajes que fueron utilizados, ya sea Hebreo o sea lo que sea lo que emplearon para escribir entonces, puede ser descifrado por medio de códigos. Todo lo anterior e incluyendo los escritos a mano Lemurianos, pueden ser descifrados.

Los pergaminos de la Esfinge son los descifradores de códigos de estas energías. Los mismos son de vital importancia, lo cual es el motivo por el que han sido puestos ahí, y es por eso que ustedes no los pueden encontrar. Nosotros no los podemos liberar en la actualidad porque ustedes no serían capaces de descifrarlos.

PREGUNTA: Así que, ¿hay una protección dimensional sobre la Sala de Registros?

KIRAEL: Definitivamente hay protección dimensional, pero en mi mundo se lo llama semejanza dimensional, lo que quiere decir que hay códigos encima de códigos que solo pueden ser abiertos cuando la conciencia humana haya llegado a un nivel para comprender que la llave se encuentra ahí. Esa comprensión por si sola va a abrir el cerrojo.

PREGUNTA: ¿Es el Arca de la Alianza una de las llaves y está asociada con la Biblioteca de Alejandría?

KIRAEL: No es una de las llaves. Está asociada con la Biblioteca de Alejandría desde el punto de vista de que el Arca de la Alianza tiene la descripción de todas las fuerzas de la luz de discípulos, no debiendo confundirse esto con los discípulos de Jesús. La luz de discípulos de la que hablo es la experiencia del Creador que actualmente encarnó en la Tierra, en forma similar a la que hizo Jesús.

PREGUNTA: ¿Me gustaría saber qué es lo que se supone debo estar haciendo aquí en esta isla?

KIRAEL: Lo que se supone que usted debería estar haciendo aquí en esta isla, probablemente es que tiene que participar en la sesión de esta noche, a fin de que pueda recordar que es uno de los portadores de las claves de las fuerzas de luz. Usted quiere escuchar algo muy de tercera dimensión, pero usted escuchará lo que tiene que escuchar – de que llegó a esta encarnación no habiendo nacido a través del canal de sus padres. Usted ha llegado a esta encarnación al traer a otra parte de su ser superior.

Usted no es un 'walk-in' (*alma entrante)*, salvo que quiera considerar que ha sido penetrado por usted mismo. Usted ha sido traído a fin de experimentar el despliegue de la mayor parte de la conciencia sanadora Lemuriana. La conciencia Lemuriana no trata solamente la sanación física por medio del contacto.

También tiene que ver con el despertar de la energía del alma dentro de cada uno, de las fuerzas de energía en hibernación del núcleo extremo del mago. Así que usted ha traído consigo una llave que abrirá mucho de eso, y yo diría que usted se halla probablemente a menos de seis meses de tiempo para liberar esa energía. Eso es lo que lo atrae a Lemuria. Para mayor información sobre “walk-ins”, por favor vean *Guía hacia el Yo Invisible, * por Fred Sterling.

PREGUNTA: ¿En qué punto se comienzan a registrar el pensamiento, la palabra hablada y escrita en los anales del tiempo o en la Biblioteca de Alejandría, o sea donde sea que hayan sido registrados?

KIRAEL: Si yo respondo de acuerdo a la forma en la que usted ha preguntado, nadie lo va a comprender. La palabra hablada, el pensamiento y la palabra escrita son una trinidad de llave de la cual pueden descifrar.

Esa es la conexión entre esa trinidad y la Biblioteca de Alejandría. Hay muchos de ustedes en el planeta actualmente que han sido entrenados en otro mundo, no un mundo irreal como otro planeta, pero un mundo totalmente diferente, en donde fueron entrenados para hacer surgir esta energía. La sociedad de asistencia de la realidad Orientadora puso todo esto en perspectiva hasta que la Tierra estuviese lista para pasar por el Cambio. Al mismo tiempo, nosotros le estamos enseñando a su energía cómo todo esto se convertirá en realidad.

PREGUNTA: ¿Ha quedado registrada en cristales la Biblioteca de Alejandría, o cualquier otra biblioteca?

KIRAEL: Mucha de la información en la biblioteca en Atenas fue codificada en cristales. Cuando el mundo de la Orientación descifró esta energía y lo trasladamos a diferentes segmentos, existieron ciertas cosas simples que le pudimos transferir al mundo de los cristales. Los cristales fueron traídos de otros mundos.

Hay unos pocos cristales aquí, cuyo origen no conoce nadie. Bien, ningún cristal se originó aquí. Muchos de los cristales – incluso aquellos introducidos mucho antes de los tiempos de Lemuria – fueron traídos por razones significativas para codificarlos con energía. Es por eso que hay tanta gente que se siente atraída al mundo de los cristales. Los cristales son parte del mundo de ellos. Los cristales son una parte de una gran fuerza magnética que guarda información.

PREGUNTA: ¿Cuándo la Biblioteca de Alejandría existió en el planeta físico, estaba disponible para toda la gente o solamente para un grupo selecto?

KIRAEL: La librería fue quemada porque estaba a disposición de la población. La mayoría de los varones de la sociedad estaban asesinando y depredando, teniendo un tiempo maravilloso. Así que les dijeron a sus contrapartes femeninas, “Mira, yo me voy a la guerra ahora. Puedes ir a la biblioteca y fijarte en lo que me puedes averiguar, y cuando regreso me pones al tanto?” Ahí se fueron las mujeres a la biblioteca.

Es ahí donde estuvieron todas las otras mujeres, y cada uno tuvo acceso a los contenidos de la biblioteca en forma simultánea. Las mujeres se percataron, por medio de la lectura de los documentos y registros, de que eran seres ilimitados. Así que, una leyó un libro y la otra leyó otro libro, y luego fusionaron sus mentes para que una pudiese recibir la información del libro que la otra estaba leyendo.

Ellas descubrieron de que el agarrarse de las manos podían formar una trinidad, dentro de la cual cada una podía leer un libro, dejando luego que toda la información leída de los pergaminos sea absorbida y retroalimentada hacia ellos todo simultáneamente, como una. Mientras tanto, la energía masculina, haciendo tajos con sus espadas, no tenían la posibilidad de comprender lo que estaba pasando.

PREGUNTA: ¿Hay un equivalente a la Biblioteca de Alejandría en el plano de la Tierra hoy en día y está disponible para todos?

KIRAEL: Las ballenas clase B y los Registros Akáshicos – no tanto los Akáshicos Terrestres, sino los Akáshicos Cósmicos – contienen el equivalente de la Biblioteca de Alejandría. En este momento el Akáshico Cósmico es de más fácil acceso que las ballenas. Ellos tienen todo lo que constituyó una vez la riqueza de información de Alejandría, porque los guías de auxilio lo extrajeron todo y lo enviaron a múltiples direcciones.

Nosotros no íbamos a interferir con una sociedad de personas y correr el riesgo de elegir al grupo equivocada para entregarle todo. Pueden confiar en mí, están distribuidas por todas partes; nos ocupamos de ello.

PREGUNTA: ¿Los cristales que se encuentran en el fondo del océano son también registros de información, y si es así, tenemos que ir mediante la energía del amor para hacer surgir la información de esos registros? ¿Cómo podemos canalizar esa información para ayudar a guiar y enseñar a otros como así también a nosotros mismos?

KIRAEL: Antes que nada, cuando ustedes atravesaron el portal en la meditación que les he dado, ustedes consiguieron un atisbo finito de la quinta luz, o quinta dimensión, y sea como sea que les resulte cómodo llamarlo.

Cuando usted formuló esta pregunta, yo me fijé en su cerebro con la mayor atención posible, y usted estaba hablando de la quinta luz. Lo que usted vio fueron los extractores de cristal, y, debido a que no tiene un marco de referencia para tales cosas, su mente lo tradujo a la terminología de la tercera dimensión.

Los extractores de cristal de esa dimensión cruzan a través de todas las dimensiones. Para su mente tiene la apariencia de un océano, pero son dimensiones. Mientras cruzan a través de estas dimensiones, los cristales absorben el conocimiento de cada dimensión a través de los extractores de cristal.

El conocimiento es almacenado en la quinta dimensión, la que se encuentra más allá de todos los archivos y todo de lo que están hablando.

Ustedes pueden tener experiencias como la recién descrita si mediante su voluntad atraviesan el portal. No fue un sueño. No fue imaginación. Fue realidad. Ustedes vieron los extractores de las fuerzas de luz, los que son por los que los cristales atraviesan cuando pasan por el proceso dimensional, tal como lo están atravesando en su tercera dimensión actualmente. Ellos juntan todo lo que hay para saber acerca de la evolución de este viaje en la fuerza del Creador. Ellos no están poniendo a prueba al Creador.

Ellos manifiestan la voluntad de que su luz le muestre al Creador hacia lo que el Creador mismo ha evolucionado. De esa forma, el Creador puede seguir avanzando hacia el Cambio y permitir el despliegue de nuevas din micas. Ustedes vieron una prueba del porqu un Cambio va a ocurrir. Ustedes vieron a los extractores que han visto a este mundo y que vieron que es capaz de cambiar.

Yo los alabo con mucho cuidado aqu porque ruego que su ego pueda ser mantenido a raya. Usted es una de esas se oras que estuvo a la cabeza de la Biblioteca de Alejandr ay que se agarr de las manos. Tenga la voluntad de seguir adelante. Deje de tratar de hacer que otra gente vea hacia d nde se dirigen. Perm tase ver hacia d nde toda la Tierra se est dirigiendo. Usted puede ir a aquellos extractores y extraer.

PREGUNTA: Cu nta de la informaci n que se quem en la Biblioteca de Alejandr a se halla actualmente almacenada en la conciencia de seres encarnados aqu en el planeta en este momento, y tienen ellos acceso a tal informaci n dentro de nuestro 90 por ciento del cerebro?

KIRAEL: Solamente cien por ciento de informaci n est almacenada en la conciencia de seres encarnados aqu en el planeta. Cada ser encarnado tiene acceso a la informaci n. Cada uno de ustedes se puede conectar con el flujo de la fuente universal.

La fuente del flujo universal es donde las ballenas se comunican con el Creador, y donde el Creador, sin sus propias habilidades de comunicaci n, es dejado para encarnar su energ a en luces de la fuente.

Cada ser humano es un producto de la luz de la fuente, lo que significa que ustedes pueden encarnar en la materia que vibratoriamente es consciente de si misma. Por consiguiente, todo lo que tiene un cerebro incluyendo una peque a rana tiene acceso a estos registros. Los rboles en su planeta en cierto momento durante la civilizaci n de su mundo fueron los nicos seres que absorb an esa luz. Si ustedes hubiesen comprendido eso, nunca habr an talado un bosque durante su vida.

Ustedes hubieran construido sus viviendas entre los rboles. Esa es una historia totalmente diferente.

PREGUNTA: Cu l es la conexi n entre las energ as de la Atl ntida y la quema de la Biblioteca de Alejandr a?

KIRAEL: La Atl ntida fue una sociedad que prolifer en base a una energ a muy impetuosa, una energ a conceptual. Todo ten a un concepto. Tal es as que una cantidad de esos seres fueron enviados a la energ a de Plat n. Mucho del trabajo de Plat n se origin de la energ a Atlante. Cuando Alejandro se despert, la sociedad se hab a alejado tanto de Lemuria que ya no pod an regresar.

Es ah cuando toda la sociedad misma cambi su forma. En aquel entonces gran parte de la realidad de Orientaci n se vio forzada a reestructurar los patrones vibratorios de la Tierra. Para aprender m s acerca de la antigua tierra de Lemuria, por favor vean *Kirael: Legado Lemuriano para el Gran Cambio *por Fred Sterling. PREGUNTA: Qu tipo de informaci n fue encontrada cuando se descubrieron las tumbas del primer Emperador de China?

KIRAEL: Probablemente, cuando esta informaci n fue extra da, lo que se encontr atemoriz a los excavadores de tal manera que decidieron tapar el resto del mismo. El Cambio se trata de cambiar esa vibraci n de miedo y destapar esta informaci n.

Es por ello que ustedes hacen las Meditaciones por la Paz de un Bill n de Personas no solamente para tener paz en la Tierra, sino para tener un despertar vibratorio. Cuando realizan la Meditaci n por la Paz de un Bill n de Personas, ustedes iluminan la vibraci n de la Tierra y su circunferencia ya toda la energ a que la rodea.

Todo lo que se halla dentro de unas cuantas miles de millas de toda cosa que haya sido afectada por la meditación, ha sido despertado. Así que, ahora hay gente en la China que está dispuesta a ser simplemente China y hacer lo que hacen los Chinos, y así sigue y sigue. Ahora repentinamente ellos están diciendo, “Esperen un minuto. Nosotros tenemos una de las partes más antiguas de la sociedad. Nosotros tenemos más fuerzas energéticas que casi cualquier otra sociedad en el plano Terrestre” ¿Están conscientes de que cuando los exploradores Chinos regresaron de sus expediciones, ellos le informaron a su Emperador que no había nada ahí afuera que ellos no tuviesen y que ellos no iban a regresar de nuevo?

That's the truth. Cuando el resto del plano Terrestre descubre algo, China dice, “Nosotros sabíamos eso”. Lo que ellos no saben en que no se pueden acordar de ello hasta que alguien más lo descubra. ¿Ven la tristeza que hay detrás de todo eso? Ellos no se pueden acordar porque, bien al principio, ellos eligieron no compartir lo que tenían.

Ustedes tienen a tantos en el mundo de la China que no están dispuestos a compartir porque no están dispuestos a escuchar al resto del mundo. Si los Chinos escuchan a uno, dos, tres del resto del mundo, ellos consiguen, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez, once, doce, trece hasta veinte, pero ellos no saben qué hacer con cuatro a veinte, porque ello no concuerda con lo que acaban de oír. Probablemente hay tanto conocimiento en esta tumba de la que usted habla, que una hoja de pergamino o un bloque de piedra labrada probablemente los mandó a los excavadores a una inconciencia casi total. China tuvo razón.

Ellos enviaron hacia fuera a su gente, la que descubrió que no había nada que no sabían ya, y se enclaustraron a si mismos. Por consiguiente, ahí es donde se encuentran en el día de hoy mientras estamos hablando. Ellos ya disponen del conocimiento. Simplemente tienen que recordarlo.

PREGUNTA: ¿Se halla bajo agua la biblioteca Atlante, y es Atlante la biblioteca en el Lago Tahoe?

KIRAEL: Si, probablemente la mayor parte se encuentra bajo agua. La razón por la cual nadie puede encontrar a la Atlántida es porque está esparcida por todo el mundo. Cuando la Atlántida se quebró, partes de ella se fueron flotando del núcleo en donde había estado. Es por eso que ustedes pueden encontrar energía Atlante en la costa de Australia, en Groenlandia, y en muchas otras partes.

Es por eso que tampoco pueden encontrar en dónde se originó. La mayor parte de ello se desintegró y se enterró a lo largo del tiempo. La biblioteca en el Lago Tahoe es Alfa Centurion R.

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