Sant Mat: Internal Light and Sound Meditation

Meditation is paying attention to a single point. It is simply to bring the center of your attention to an object.

During Your first meditation experience, you were able to experience and achieve a reality beyond your senses and imagination.

In the pages of this section you will get to know the great benefits of physical, mental and spiritual meditation. In order to obtain these benefits, you need to develop the ability to focus your attention and direct it inward. This ability is developed through daily practice of meditation exercises following the instructions given to you.

It is almost true that you will find some difficulties, you will have doubts and also many questions. All this is normal and you should not be disappointed. You are in the beginning and it will be your own personal experience whose testimony will have value. Learn how to overcome difficulties in meditation, such as lack of concentration, sleep and fear.

Find the helping factors to start having the benefits of meditation, such as: minimal practice; necessary changes in lifestyle and use of the spiritual diary.

We invite you to practice sincerely and, doing so, you will test the benefits of meditation on internal light and sound (Sant Mat).

* the five words

The five words you learned are known as Simran. Remembering Simran is very important to receive help in meditation and protection in life. It is not uncommon for people to forget any of the words after learning meditation. If you have had trouble remembering any or all of the words, contact the person who gave you the meditation instructions. This way, he or she can remember them with you.

Simran means repetition. According to the Masters, the technique of repeating the five sacred and charged names is known as Simran. These names refer to each of the rulers of the five inner regions.

The Simran is a tool that acts as a permanent guide system always leading us to our highest source, opening doors that would otherwise be impenetrable.

Below are answers to the most common questions about Simran.


What is the Simran?

When I repeat the Simran that I am calling and how will it influence me?

What is this repetition useful for?

What exactly do the five names mean?

Why can't I write the five names?

What benefits does the constant repetition of Simran give me?

What is the Simran?

When I repeat the Simran that I am calling and how will it influence me?

When we repeat the Simran we are not invoking powers but, on the contrary, we are tuning ourselves to the only power, the power of God that will be activated in us. The five names are loaded with the absolute power of divine love and serve as a passport and protection for our soul as we ascend through the different states of consciousness of our inner journey.

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What is this repetition useful for?

It is a shield against negativity. The constant repetition of the Simran of the five names during the day (while not meditating) forms a shield that protects the mind from acquiring negative impressions from the environment.

This will purify us. Repeating the names we burn (eliminate) the negative impressions we already have. The mind is cleansed and the soul begins to wake up.

Simran prepares us for meditation as it removes the attention of the senses and the physical body and concentrates it on the third eye or? Seat of the soul ?. He withdraws mental attention from ordinary thoughts and concentrates on this point.

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What exactly do the five names mean?

The meaning of the words is not so important compared to the loving burden that helps us to withdraw from the physical body during meditation and protects us in the internal planes while we meditate.

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Why can't I write the five names?

The Simran is the vehicle that the Master uses to transfer the sacred stream of Sound to the individual soul. This leads the soul to a higher potential and allows us to connect with the energy of God in the form of inner Light and Sound. The five words are not effective by themselves but by the burden they contain. If we bring the five words to the material world by writing them or repeating them to someone who has not been raised to the same potential, we run the risk of losing the energy or magnetism they contain. To succeed in our practice, we depend on this power that gives our soul the momentum necessary to experience the Light and Sound.

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What benefits does the constant repetition of Simran bring me?

The Simran is a protective weapon against hazards. Serenity, protection, well-being, strength and purification are some of the main benefits of the repetition of the five names.

Simran protects us, keeping Simran strengthens and sustains the body and mind during problems and afflictions. In addition to offering protection during meditation in the internal regions.

Learning Sant Mat in Spain

The practice of meditation in internal light and sound, Sant Mat, has been taught to many people in Spain who practice it today.
We offer classes and events as an introduction to the beauty and importance of the spiritual lifestyle that is the foundation of Sant Mat.
Meditation groups meet weekly. These groups offer the possibility both to prepare to learn the techniques of meditation and to meditate together with others who have already found the benefits of this meditation and find community in their practice.

What is Sant Mat?

Sant Mat is the practice of spiritual meditation in interior light and sound, taught by a living teacher. This is an ancient meditation technique, which has been transferred through the centuries from teacher to disciple ...

Currently in the world billions of people practice it. The teaching of Sant Mat is free, and you are invited in the sense of compassion, humility and selfless service to learn to all who seek their internal development.

Why meditate?

The benefits of meditation are deep relaxation, concentration, clarity, development of compassion and performance, as well as a greater perception of the purpose of life.

The goal of meditation is to know and enjoy our true spiritual essence and finally to realize our own being as a soul.

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“This is love: fly into a secret sky, cause hundreds of veils to fall at every moment. First let go of life. Finally, take a step without feet. ”
- Rumi

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