Healing our body, mind and soul through Healing Thought

  • 2011

By: Lorena López de Lacaille

Every creature is the architect of its present and future temples, and was one of those of the past

The form of Healing Thought (a) is another gift of the Love of God scientifically formulated to re-magnetize and to restore the elements of our four lower bodies (these are; the physical body, the etheric body, the emotional body and the mental body) to the design of nature. This way of thinking is composed of concentric spheres of God's healing Light: a white waiting surrounded by a blue sphere, both suspended in a green globe.

When you ask for healing, you must know that the call demands response. Next, visualize the sphere of sacred fire that descends in the form of the pulsating presence of the Holy Spirit. Visualize it around any sick or aching area of ​​the body the core of white fire centered on the glowing blue sapphire flame surrounded by the jumping green and emerald fires.

The blue sphere, once again in combination with the violet fire, is the action of the will of God that summons by divine decree the atoms, molecules and cells, so that they conform to the original internal pattern.

The green sphere, together with the scrubbing and purgative action of the violet flame, is the miracle of the immortal life of God that restores the flow of spirit in matter and restores its fullness.

In short, visualize the white, blue and green spheres, spheres of God's sacred fire around all the atoms, cells and electrons of your physical heart or any organ that is in need of healing, thus restoring the original pattern and The divine fullness of your life. Without forgetting of course that this forces you to renew your way of thinking. As you know man is a mental being, the mind is cause and experience is effect .

Hence the importance of keeping our thoughts positive in a high vibration, because what we think materializes as an experience for better or worse. The moment they realize that you have a negative thought, dismiss it immediately, "a negative thought is to believe in the absence of God . " If we are feeding negative thoughts such as hate, anger, revenge, poverty, depression, we will get nothing more than the same, the law of attraction makes no distinction attracts good or bad according to our thoughts. Besides that we are making our physical body sick by attracting all kinds of discomforts, and even serious illnesses.

It is important to learn to listen to our body “ the disease occurs when the being -Soul- Real Me- forgets who he is and where he is going. It is a direct message that tells us not only the way in which we are unbalanced, but the steps we must take to return to the Real Self and health (Alice Bailey). ” This forces us to make a deep introspection of our lives, as we direct them, which negative patterns we must convert to positive, abolishing these patterns is not an easy task, but, with will, discipline and love it is possible to regain our physical, mental health and spiritual

Remember that much of our happiness depends on our mind, on a positive mental attitude. So if we have a negative mental attitude, we repel everything good that life wants to offer us and attract the opposite. Napoleon Hill tells us that our mind is our invisible talisman of good luck : “Your success, your health, your happiness and your wealth will depend on the way you use your invisible talisman. How will you use it? It is only up to you. ” In conclusion: we must keep our thoughts all the time focused on ideas of health, happiness, wealth, success, prosperity and peace of mind. These thoughts inspire us, elevate and dignify our souls.

Some tips to heal our thoughts:

- Express joy, face the world with a smile. Smile, even if it takes a little effort and keep it until it becomes spontaneous.

- Loosen up! Relax! The carefree approach to any attempt is a shortcut to success.

- It is not advisable to mentally review a certain problem constantly. It is advisable to let it rest occasionally, thus giving it time to clarify itself; but take care that you do not rest for a long time so that you will completely forget to discern. Take advantage, rather, these periods of rest to deepen deeper inside, immersing yourself in the deep peace of your intimate being. Then, once you are in harmony with your own soul, you will be able to analyze all your actions; and if you notice that your thoughts or your deeds have deviated from the goal, you can correct their direction. This power of divine "tuning" (or harmonization) can be developed through practice and effort.

- Forgive and forgive yourself, and follow your path you have a unique and wonderful Plan and nobody and nothing has the right to prevent you, do not give that power to that person or situation, free yourself! . “Each person has their time to grow, if you are in an internal work stage and those around you do not allow it, cut with them. There are those who only have to accompany us on a path along the way, do not feel bad about leaving them. It is no longer your responsibility to be close, just thank them for the lesson they taught you. ” Georgette Rivera.

- Do not be afraid of change, do not resist, fighting the current is exhausting and useless. When a problem or situation arises in your life, it indicates a change. Count on God, He is with you unconditionally and omnipotent, He will never let you down, realize that this is nothing more than a door that has been closed over a chapter in your life, but a door has been opened, new people, experiences wonderful await you and you will continue to evolve ...

- No to negativity this is usually insidious, it can enter your life through the nightly news and the newspaper. It is so common that we find it almost normal; We have become immune to the daily doses of war, violence, crime and corruption, it seems that everything is darkness and that this world is going from bad to worse. Be firm, refuse to give your attention. You need to stop paying attention to things you don't want to attract. Remember: your energy flows where your attention goes.

Do not forget that love can do everything, the key is there. It is for love that there is this world and everything in it, this great force, this great energy moves everything, it is an almighty energy and there are no limits. Love and let yourself be loved, express the divine love that is in you, when you fill your heart with this love, then you will not criticize or judge. Nor can you be irritable will you be more compressive. If every day, you get up with this idea in mind, to allow love to express itself in you all day. He will keep you from criticizing, judging, and feeling unhappy about any situation or person that appears to be inharmonious. The world will seem more beautiful and you will be a magnet of love ...

Namaste! and until next month my dear readers of Metaphysical World any comments or suggestions write to Copyright Mundo Metaphísico is a Registered Trademark ® its use is illegal without the author's authorization constitutes a crime. All information disseminated on this Site is freely distributed as long as you respect the author's name and do not alter the information in the articles.

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