Healing Polarity: Weaving a New Tapestry of Emotional Resonance

  • 2010


On this New Moon ~ Wednesday, April 14

Collective Unification Approach:

On this New Moon we are moving more deeply towards a personal responsibility to heal the polarization of our own emotional creations.

From a position of peaceful emotional neutrality, we will no longer be bound by the dual experience of polarization. We become the immensity in which all possibilities exist. From this position, we recognize that resistance only perpetuates resistance, and that freedom is found in trusting in the Divine Love in which we find ourselves contained at all times. Only from this perspective are we able to create consciously and harmoniously using our emotional resonance.

Healing the Polarity:

Weaving a new Emotional Resonance Tapestry

Have you ever turned a tapestry? On one side is a carefully interwoven frame. On the other, the side that does not want to show, the strands fight, shake and get tangled up in chaos.

We interweave a tapestry at every moment. Each emotional resonance that arises within us carries a particular frequency, a particular color of the strand. When we express emotion, these strands of energy move from us and we create something in our world. Every time we react to an emotion inside us, we are not choosing the color of the strand, we create it unconsciously. The threads we emanate are entangled in chaos, like the lower part of the tapestry. This unconscious creation energy is the frame that holds the veil of separation in place. Believing that our emotions are a reality imposed on us, a state of being over which we have no control, this is what creates polarization in our experience.

Restoring our human emotions to their correct position within our frame of reference is the greatest single thing we can do to heal the polarity of our human experience. Mastering emotional resonance with mastery is the key to managing the unlimited power of Love, the only and truly renewable energy source.

It's not about clearing the emotions we don't want. It is about consciously responding to emotional frequencies and putting them in your own perspective for the benefit of the greater whole.

We are conditioned since we are born to believe that we are our emotions. Even our language reinforces this when we say "I am angry" or "I am afraid" rather than saying "I feel anger" or "I feel fear." This mistaken belief is what sustains us in a cycle of reaction to each emotion that arises. We are not our emotions. We are the space in which they originate.

Only when we are in a place of Peace within ourselves, a place of emotional neutrality, can we consciously create. It is the area of ​​inner peace and calm from which we are able to look at the image from the top of the tapestry as well as the side we normally observe. Not only that, but from this place, we have a large number of perspectives available. We can look closely at the details, or stay behind and understand the larger image with ease. This clarity of vision and diversity of possible perspectives offer us many different options; from which to respond easily and confidently to any situation that arises.

Trying to change situations by reacting emotionally is like trying to adjust the image on a tapestry by sewing it from below. We cannot even see what colors we are working with until we have given a stitch. It simply creates more chaos.

From the posture of gentle emotional neutrality, we are no longer bound by a polarized dual experience, but we become the vastness in which all possibilities exist. From this attitude, we recognize that this fight only perpetuates the fight and freedom is found by trusting in the Divine Love in which we are sustained at all times. ONLY from this perspective can we create consciously, using our emotional resonance.

Fear begins in the mind and paralyzes the heart. When we feel fear and fail to return to our heart center, we dispense with our power and cannot hear the voice that speaks in silence. We perpetuate the resonance of chaos simply by resonating with it.

It is possible to stop the unconscious chain reaction, stopping - as soon as we realize our emotions - and consciously return to that place of inner stillness. This is possible even in the face of great panic, if we TRUST that what is inside us is bigger than what is outside. As soon as we go back to this place of Trust, our perspective changes: The tapestry changes direction and we can transform any situation through the renewed alignment of ourselves with the inner Divine and create it with the colors of our choice. This heals the polarity created by our dissonance and emotional resistance and restores a flow of unity in balance.

A person who changes this course can influence an entire community. Many who choose this course, together in an attempt to let go, influence everyone.

Let us consciously unite in this New Moon Transmission to move more deeply towards personal responsibility to heal the polarization of our own emotional creations - and also sustain and radiate this attempt in pursuit of those who cannot yet see the larger image.

Let's move forward together holding and radiating the vision of a human race that is not enslaved by emotion for longer, but instead enjoys the diversity of the creative potential that the energy of emotion offers us. Visualize our emotions not having control for longer, but instead being held as colors in a palette from which we consciously create.

These colors of emotional resonance interweave the tapestry of life. Consciously surrendered to the Divine within us, they will not become entangled or conflict, but will weave a new visualization into a very deep harmony.

Join us on the NEW MOON ...

A complete period of 24-hour transmission of the energy of the New Earth From the Crystalline Grid and Intentional Collective Consciousness Field.

With Unified Meditation and / or Ceremony for 4 hours worldwide:

Sydney 8 pm, Paris 8 pm, New York 9 pm, Buenos Aires 10 pm

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