Sagittarius Arcane Wisdom 2009 | World Plenilunium Meditation | See Vigil

That the group remains within the New Group of World Servers
as a great 'army of implacable spiritual will' in a moment of decision . ” The Constellations are Living Beings that express themselves through a set of suns or stars, just as the Human Being expresses itself through a physical body. The irradiation of each Constellation reaches our Solar System with certain characteristics that change every month, because the Constellation Being that exerts influence also changes, and thus its aura e influence. Knowing those characteristics serves for a better use of His affluent energies.

[Festival of Plenilunio Sagitario 2009 ]

Key Note:

“I see the goal, I reach that goal and then I see another one”

Exact schedule of the Plenilunio de Sagitario:

Wednesday, December 2, 2009 07:32 am GMT

Sagittarius comes after the hard test in Scorpio and provides an interlude of stability during which the disciple can learn balance, fair receptivity to inspiration and the perfect vision of the goal to be achieved. Why is it so important to acquire these characteristics? Symbolically, they correspond to the archer's need to be perfectly stable and calm before throwing his arrow. Disciple is the one who seeks to follow the inner direction of his soul. Better contact is made with this inner direction during meditation, when the mind is stable in the light of the soul. By this method contact is established and an intuitive perception is known. The arrows, in reality, are intuitively perceived lightning bolts that the archer must follow to maintain his sense of direction. This sharp direction leads you towards a goal, which finally leads you towards the mountain of the initiation in Capricorn.

The esoteric keynote of Sagittarius is: "I see the goal, I reach that goal and then I see another one." It is clear from this keynote that the main theme of the Sagittarius experience is that of direction, direction in the sense of a purpose that guides, governs and motivates. The purpose, which guides, governs and motivates the life of the disciple in Sagittarius and throughout the Path of Discipleship, is to serve in the light of the soul. A light that guides the personality on the path of service so that the personality, infused by the soul, can in turn serve as a “beam of light” illuminating the path of others knowing the paths of God.

The energies associated with this sign are available to all humanity and those who work at the service of others transmit these energies constructively. We have been told that the Christ used these energies on earth 2000 years ago. We read in the New Testament that when Jesus performed the form of service that he should undertake he said: "I must go to Jerusalem" and that there "I faced" and took the Savior's path of humanity. This sense of direction, of precise determination, this ability to face, comes from the energy of idealism so strong in Sagittarius.

It is also said that Sagittarius is a sign of balance. Perhaps silk more fair to say "stable equilibrium." After the efforts made in Libra to balance the two cymbals and stabilize the oscillations and the fierce battle fought in Scorpio, to get out of the darkness of the unconscious for the triumph of the warrior, the disciple in Sagittarius is able to travel the narrow path between the pairs of opposites. The direction, the goal, the objective and a stable balance are all attributes associated with the Sagittarius experience. These words bring to the spirit the vision of the archer who, with his bow and arrow, are the symbols of Sagittarius. The image of the archer, balanced and firm legs, stable arms and eyes fixed on the target, while throwing the arrow with precision and boldness, summarizes the qualities evoked by the Sagittarius experience. The physical eye fixed on the objective symbolizes the recognition, by the personality, of the higher self, the soul, and the understanding that the divine qualities associated with the soul are what the personality must express on earth. The manifestation and expression of these divine qualities are obtained by a quest for calm and balance, in order to remain in the spiritual being as well as possible and not move from there other than to launch the arrows of inspiration that are really arrows of intuition, these lightning bolts that illuminate the Path of the chosen service. It is good to remember that spiritual aspiration is dominant in Sagittarius, from where his tireless search from one goal to another.

What are really the symbolic tools of the Sagittarius archer? Can we say that the bow and arrow are respectively the symbols of the mind and meditation? The still bow is the mind that remains in the light of the soul and the arrow is the two-way communication channel created during meditation. In meditation the mind that remains motionless in the light receives the vision of the soul and then directs it towards the plane of physical expression. We have been told that during meditation a funnel-shaped communication channel is created through which a higher and more subtle energy and even the highest and finest matter can flow through the one who meditates. The funnel forms a channel through which intuitive perception and inspiration can be received and distributed. This is a purely scientific process that is based on vibration and the science of dynamics. This process is symbolically represented by the archer, his bow and his arrow.

I throw the arrow towards the goal and follow it in flight

We are all archers in the time of Sagittarius

In Sagittarius, the disciple "no longer walks in the dark, " sees what he has to do, and thus makes rapid progress and travels "quickly on the Path." Fly from one point to another looking for the arrows you have launched and projected. You must constantly descend from your white horse (purified personality) and discover where the arrows of intuitive aspiration take you. He travels on the "wings of the soul" ... and he himself becomes a "winged God" in his own personality. According to the terms of the disciple's statement, he learns to be a point of light, a beam of love energy, a source of strength, a ray of light that shines in the path of men.

Is it not true that this concept of leadership has been related to idealism? It is said that idealism is "the power to see the vision and direct its own path to it." For this reason idealism is another main theme of Sagittarius. The archer "guides his horse towards a specific objective." These goals or views are simple stations along the route that lead to a global vision of the Plan for humanity. We do not reach the goal of a pull - we move step by step - realizing the objective immediately before us before turning our gaze to another.

One of the keynotes of Sagittarius is "the arrow back from intuition" as it is sometimes called; For the shot of the arrow of aspiration is the one that returns to the one who sent it in the form of an arrow of intuition. Sagittarius is one of the most intuitive signs and only intuition can lead man to the foot of the mountain of initiation.

Sagittarius energies grant this rare quality of having a distant vision of the goal to be achieved and of making it, so to speak, accessible. It can be said of him that he is a practical visionary.

Source: This text was written for the Sagittarius Moon in November 1999, by one of the members of the Geneva Center Group. Sent by Toñy Polo. Thank you.

Text for Sagitário em português:


Video of The Great Invocation - First Light

Videos of the Great Invocation

The Great Invocation

From the point of Light in the Mind of God,

Let light flow to the minds of men;

May the Light descend to Earth.

From the point of Love in the Heart of God,

May love flow to the hearts of men;

May Christ return to Earth.

From the center where the Will of God is known,

May the purpose guide the small wills of men;

The purpose that the Masters know and serve.

From the center we call the race of men,

May the Plan of Love and Light be realized

And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

May Light, Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

Request free color card of The Great Invocation by clicking HERE

Materials to deepen this topic, download here and now:

Group Meditation Meetings in the Plenilunios

Plenilunium Meditation - Let the Light Penetrate

Full Moon Meditations - Preliminary

Twelve Plenilunium Festivals

The Science of Meditation

The New World Religion

How to organize a plenilunio meeting - Ritual - Practical details

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Sagittarius Plenilunio Vigil 2009

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