Rodrigo Romo "Stel Quantum Cure" In Madrid dated October 23, 24, 26 and 27. Bilbao October 29, 30 and 31.

  • 2010
Table of contents hide 1 On this trip Rodrigo Romo brings us the following courses: 2 RODRIGO ROMO 3 STANDARD QUANTIC CURE 3.1 4 5 Powerful Tool for the Reconnection of our Soul with the Fountain 6 7 STELLAR QUANTIC CURE - MADRID 7.1 7.2 STANDARD QUANTIC CURE, LEVEL II, UP GRADE. 7.3 STANDARD QUANTIC CURE - UP GRADE (Higher Degree) - MADRID 7.4 Date: October 23-24, 2010. 8 VORONANDEK-MELQUISEDEK ASCENSION METHOD 9 VORONANDEK-MELCHIZEDEK ASCENSIONAL METHOD - BILBAO

On this trip Rodrigo Romo brings us the following courses:

BILBAO: Voronandek-Melquisedek Method (+ info):

MADRID: Star Quantum Cure (+ info):

UP-Grade Star Quantum Cure (+ info):



Powerful Tool for the Reconnection of our Soul with the Source

Rodrigo Romo (Yaslon Yas), is an industrial chemist and university professor, who has dedicated the last 20 years of his life to writing and developing different aspects of spirituality and awareness, fusing science and spirit, providing enlightening material that helps to demystify many concepts about energy and healing that until now had not been able to explain.

During the 90s, I developed a whole study material and different work tools to help people understand how the laws that govern our universe work and give guidelines to understand and clean our cellular memory and clean past contracts that hold us in prison and anchored in the control matrix.

The Star Quantum Cure effectively restores the quantum physical equilibrium through the harmonization, reconnection and alignment of all our bodies and the cleansing of physical or spiritual entities, in all planes and dimensions. They are important tools for you to free yourself, change personal psychic aspects, to cleanse and go through the process that we call soul transmigration, which is our extraterrestrial soul, before beginning to incarnate here on earth and begin to approach us, to help in ascension and awakening conscientious with the major hierarchies of light, our ascended masters that they are going to help us with the connection, together with our personal mentor, who are told in the beginning, and that makes us the connection in the space time between us and our Self superior and allows us to anchor within our DNA anchors the new vibrational energy. It also allows us to carry out distance treatments by Quantum Apometry and mental or astral projection, which is to work in several parallel realities, in conscious states of the past to clean calular fractal memory, in the time-space lines, with the Hierarchy of the Temporary Command . All this enhances our contact with the higher level of the Cosmic Masters and Brothers.

The Star Quantum Cure, based on the current concepts of Quantum Mechanics and the Theory of Superstrings, unifies the exact sciences and esoteric aspects, thus giving support to therapists for stand within the Fractal Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics, which explain the mysteries of life and God Source, as well as our energy relations with the Universe and our multidimensional realities. The Star Quantum Cure is an in-depth study of the subtle energies that involve parallel realities, for the full understanding of the forces that sustain the Universe and our organism, as well as the understanding n of the cause of diseases and their way of spreading through our physical, emotional and mental body.

An important, intense work of new information that is being developed in Brazil, Portugal and Spain, together with the Temporary Command, Spiritual and Space Command, and the Spiritual Hierarchies of Iberian and Lusitanian, for cleaning and raise awareness of the Iberia Peninsula for the important role it has based on the quantum leap of the Planet.

In this intensive 18-hour course, the Master's degree in Star Quantum Cure will be obtained, as well as the Master's Degree in Reiki, in its Usui, Osho, Tibetan and Karuna modalities. A complete manual for the practice of work will be provided.

The technique has the support of numerous symbols: antibiotics, regenerators, entity cleaning, protection, transmutations, reconnection, distance healing among others.

At the end of the seminar, the student receives a powerful tuning or initiation through the channeling of Rodrigo Romo's coupling with the conscience of Shtareer, who describes the initiate a brief stellar passage of his soul, his origin and his mission on Earth, while defining his Spiritual Mentor within the Star Quantum Cure, for his spiritual and mediumistic development along with the Higher Hierarchies of the White fraternity This tuning will occur gradually according to the conscience, degree of knowledge and love of the person's heart. For some it will be a lightning awakening and for others a more delicate and slow process, where the sensory perception will open and begin to reveal new aspects of the spiritual plane to the initiate in Stel Quantum Cure.


Date: Date: October 26-27, 2010.

Place: Room still to be determined

Hours: Wednesday 9: 00-13: 30 and 15: 00-21: 00. Thursday 9: 00-13: 30 and 15: 00-21: 00.

Price: 450 . Repeaters: 100

Registration: Montse Rodríguez. Phone: 670 671 387. Email:


In the Up-Grade or Higher Degree of Stellar Quantum Cure the initiate receives a second initiation that will raise his energy significantly, for the connection

with the Star Masters. It will work with new merkabahs of healing much more powerful, as well as with the reconfiguration and use of the 32 bodies, which will facilitate the understanding of the functioning of each of them.


Date: October 23-24, 2010.

Place: SALA Arati Yoga Center, Martin de Vargas, nº 26 Madrid

Hours: Saturday 9: 30-13: 30 and 15: 00-20: 00. Sunday 9: 30-13: 30 and 15: 00-20: 00.

Price: € 300. Repeaters: € 100

Registration: Montse Rodríguez. Phone: 670 671 387. Email:


The Voronandek - Melchizedek Ascension Method proposes many and very different activation and reconnection techniques of our 32 multidimensional bodies, which will help us to deprogram the vitiated habits and recurrent defects of the various incarnational cycles that we have lived since the moment of the creation of our I am.

Merkabahs of Meditation, Sacred Geometry, the Flower of Life, Kabbalah, Sidereal Astrology, are some of the tools used by Shtareer to help us reorganize our original genetic mesh and, thus, ascend within the MAHATMA trinity line. CHRIST-BUDDHA.

When tuning through the Voronandek-Melchizedek Ascensional Method with our true original cosmic record, our true sacred matrix of Co-Creators will be manifested, which will allow us to transmute and modify the incorrect codes that, directly or indirectly, we absorb within the duality and that constitute our Karma. In this way, we will have a new way of recovering our true sacred identity, definitely changing our “status” of disconnected dual beings, and receiving our true inheritance as MASTERS and CHILDREN OF THE SOURCE

The Merkabahs of the Voronandek - Melchizedek Method allow us to remove most of the elementals of thought and eliminate records of suffering, allowing the Ascension in the Space Hierarchies of the Spirit and putting ourselves in contact with the Divinity.

It is a valuable tool for subsequent personal work, both individually and in groups. A complete manual is provided in which, along with extensive information, very varied exercises are proposed for the personal practice of the Method.

The Voronandek Ascension Method - Melchizedek is a powerful technique of releasing the Control Matrix !!

The Voronandek-Melchizedek II or Shantar Ascensional Method facilitates the splitting of the 32 bodies through mantras and merkabahs specifically created for the alignment and awakening of the stellar genome within terrestrial human genetics. The divine star coding is thus integrated into human DNA from the activation of the atmic body. Thanks to this process, direct communication with the Adamic fractal located in Havona is enhanced, through the port of Shantar, a portal that allows communication with the 144 superuniverses and even with other universes beyond. Thus, the unification of the 72 bodies of Nebadon begins and progressively of the 3600 bodies and frequencies of the primordial origin of the human and Adamic structure of all universes.

Shantar allows to connect frequencies well beyond the frequency of the universe of free will TETA and even beyond Nebadon so that, in this way, the Monads, Supramónadas and the body I AM can effect the reconnection of all the particles generated from the same matrix and, thus, all soulmates are prepared for the interconnection between all possible parallel realities of the human and stellar soul.


Date: October 29-30-31, 2010.

Place: Loratze Room. c / Mazarredo nº 17, 1st D. Bilbao.

Hours: Friday 18: 30-22: 00. Saturday 9: 30-13: 30 and 15: 00-20: 00. Sunday 9: 30-13: 30 and 15: 00-20: 00 .

Price: € 350. Repeaters: € 100.

Registration: Zorione Aurrekoetxea. Phone: 665 708 634. Email:

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