Shine your Light * Share your Vision "- AA Miguel through Ronna Herman

  • 2010

Thanks Odilia Rivera !!!


“Glow your Light * Share your Vision”

September 2010

Dear teachers, during those times of accelerated transformation and chaotic change, two major, distinctive groups have formed among the races, religions and cultures of the world. These two factions are very distinguishable from our advantageous point in the higher realms. Those who have faith in the future and are fighting in every possible way to make a better world for themselves and for others have glowing auric fields with light, which extend into ever-widening circles, and therefore affecting everything and everyone around him. Many of you have become transformers and sentries for the influx of divine light that is looking for an anchor source on Earth. As I have said many times, the powerful, transformative, total spectrum of light is the Sacred Fire energy needed by Earth and humanity to successfully pass from the dense and broad dual spectrum of the lower dimensions to the expanded lightness and freedom of the fourth and fifth upper dimensions.

Miraculously for you, the faithful souls who have their eyes and hearts focused on a bright, new future, their visions and dreams are being truly faster than you can imagine. Their intuitive abilities are becoming stronger and more accurate, and they are rapidly becoming proficient in mind-to-mind communication with their guides and teachers in the higher realms. Their manifestation skills are improving, because they know that they must adhere faithfully to the universal laws of supply: First, they must have a clear, concise seed thought of what they wish to manifest (this is done using the attributes of the Divine Will, the First Ray of God, the Father); second, they must request the help of their Higher Self and their angelic helpers by declaring: “I ask for this or something better for my greatest well-being and the most propitious result for all. They must also add the emotional, fuel felt by the heart to their seed thoughts (this activity attracts the attributes of the Second Ray, love and wisdom of our Mother God). Third, they must take the necessary action to make their dreams come true (this is by applying the dynamic attributes of the Third Ray), and therefore taking advantage of all the qualities, attributes and virtues of the Consciousness of God from the Third to the Seventh Ray.

Fear is the predominant emotion of the masses who are still stuck in the eddy of negativity within the belief structure of mass consciousness. Fear of the future, fear of scarcity, government, corporations, other religious beliefs, different cultures / races, and even fear of the wrath of God. There is disgust and fear of those who look, think and act differently, and above all, there is fear of change. They fear, therefore, criticize, judge and murmur in anger and frustration, therefore creating even a stronger and larger form of thought of negativity and fear around them. Those poor, disillusioned souls are creating a strong vortex of negativity constantly expanding around themselves and their loved ones, then attracting to them those things they fear most. They are captive in a network of self-fulfilling prophecies that reinforces their beliefs and keeps them chained to their illusory world of suffering, scarcity and chaos.

One day, they will also raise their eyes and hearts to the heavens, and respond to the whispers of the Spirit as they turn inward by guidance and comfort from their Own Soul. However, as you know, a great cosmic cycle is rapidly coming to a close; and the Earth is spiraling into a new position within the solar system no matter who is ready to ascend with it, or who is not. And now, my dear Light Bearers, this is where you arrive. This is your great opportunity to REPLACE YOUR LIGHT AND SHARE YOUR VISION.

Yes, we hear and understand your protests. They think they are not good or wise enough to teach. This scares some of you, so much, that you want to retire and not make an effort to expand your consciousness and claim your expertise. This message is to assure you, dear ones, that you are ready to teach those around you. They are teaching by example. They are teaching through their words and their actions. They are teaching with every word they speak and with every form of thought they send within the ether. Your auric field affects the people around you either positively or negatively. Are they radiating Love, faith, hope and freedom? Maybe they are not adding to fear and negativity; however, let me assure you, you cannot remain in a status quo or inertia of non-action. The universal law demands that in order to maintain a constant influx of the Creator's Love and Light, it must flow within you and then radiate out after you have taken the needed portion. This is an infallible and immutable law.

In past messages, I have explained to you how the Ascended Master Avatars, the Angelic Kingdom and the great Beings of Light, along with a rapidly expanded number of Earthly Initiates on the Way, will be working together under the guidance of the Cosmic Council of Light to give to light the advanced teachings of wisdom for those times without parallel of transformation and ascension. There is no mistake, all of you who are on the Way, are teachers, either in a formal way or just by example, and what is most needed of all is their irradiation.

Remember, you magnetize energy towards you and radiate energy from your Solar Power Center (back and forth). As your energy signature becomes more refined and tuned to the higher frequencies of Light, while still in an environment of the third and fourth dimensions, you will still be attracting a portion of half the spectrum, of the Primal Life force substance . However, it will be combined and mixed with Adamantine High Frequency Light Particles and will be automatically transformed through your loving intention into energy of higher frequency while aligning their free will with the will of our Father-Mother God.

You are the ones who must be the receptacles and transformers of the Divine Light from the Supreme Creator, which is filtered down for you from our Father-Mother God. Just as our beloved universal parents reduce and filter the Creator's Light to the galactic suns and this is then transduced (Ntr: Transduction, by definition, is the transformation of a kind of signal or energy in another of a different nature.) down through the suns of your solar system, you are needed to filter the Light through yourself. They must then activate it with their unconditional love and radiate it into the world. The only way they can become pure receptacles of Light, is to become Self-masters, and the only way they can do it is to become enlightened beings through Of the teachings that have been offered to them. This requires that they integrate these cosmic principles into their lives, so that they can become living examples and guiding lights.

In order to become a living tributary for the River of Life, you must prepare yourself to allow the Essence of Life to flow to and through you. They must use what they need and then allow the remnant to flow forward, ready and available to be molded into wonderful new creations. In this way, they will become Bearers and Servers of Light. This is the most important message of all the teachings that have been given to you during those past years. This is the goal of the Auto Master. This is the path of ascension.

Let us give you more thoughts to contemplate until we are together again next month:

v The process of enlightenment begins when your ego personality and left brain consciousness focused outward change, to incorporate your right brain, intuitive consciousness focused inward, and begin to listen to your Soul Self.

v New ways in the brain are opened when they begin to open the packages of light and wisdom and their history stored in the higher dimensional levels of their Sacred Mind. The ancient ways and painful memories of your third and fourth dimensional dimensional past begin to fade, and you will find that it becomes more and more difficult to remember the failures and sufferings of your past lives. Have I not told you that you are healing the past while spiraling into the future? They will remember who they are and their history, but only the positive and harmonious events.

v The moment of awakening is when the fire of the Kundalini is lit in the root chakra and moves up the spine through the chakra system by opening the Seven Seals of the High Consciousness. The medulla oblongata or the Ascension Chakra, which is sometimes called the Mouth of God, is activated and the pineal gland begins to pulse and functions as it was originally designed to do. This in turn opens the Coronary chakra or the Lotus of Illumination at the top of the head, therefore connecting with the glowing column of Light, which finally leads them to their I God or their I Am Presence. Once they make this connection they are changed forever. As you begin to claim your Self-Mastery, the participation of the spirit begins to flow through you, along with the divine gifts of your Divine heritage.

v You are returning to your natural state of Being, and you are claiming your cosmic consciousness as you refine and prepare to be the new “Adam and Eve” prototype of the new Golden Galaxy of the future.

v They must seek to align with the many facets of their Higher Self and always strive for the greatest well-being. They are no longer just an individual focused on their own well-being as they move deeply into the Oneness of the Spirit. While they move into a state of harmlessness, they also move into a state of grace, and this is when the magic begins. There will be neurobiological restructuring of the brain, and eventually they will acquire an irreversible state of Cosmic Consciousness.

v Be assured that enlightenment of the masses is possible in this time of life, and each of you has an integral part to perform in this great drama.

v The Age of the Seventh Ray and the Violet Flame is the fundamental point within the process of evolution, whereby the Triple Flame of the Consciousness of God dramatically accelerates its direct influence on Earth and humanity. As it accelerates, it spins or spirals down via the Seventh Ray, and upwards from the magnificent, Eternal Violet Fires within the Earth, and outward in frequency from within the center of your hearts, you, the enlightened Bearers of Light around the world.

v This Divine Elixir of Cosmic Fire is created by integrating the uniqueness of the Blue Flame of the Divine Will of the Father with the Pink Flame of the Divine Love of the Goddess, along with the radiant Golden Flame of Divine Wisdom. This spiral action brings a mixture of Pink and Blue Flames with a Golden Fire center, therefore creating the Sacred Violet Flame. This creates a Divine alchemy by which all discordant energies or lack of harmony can be transmuted or transformed into a positive Life Force substance. She contains all the gifts and blessings of our Father Mother God and makes them available to you, your Solar sons and daughters or "Suns of Light", which were given birth of your sacred union.

v Dear ones, in the future it will be normal to live within the auric field of a teacher, a distinguished Being of Light, or rarely, an Archangel. You, the aspirants on the Way are building a bridge between the material and the spiritual world. The Light of the intellect and the Light of reason bring wisdom and understanding because they provide mental nature with the fuel that allows them to understand and dominate the world of form. Before they incarnated, they agreed to Illuminate the path and show it to those who followed behind. If you are going to join the ranks of the Masters, you must be diligent in your search for the truth, and you must have an intense desire and willingness to serve. They are now in the process of adjusting the high frequencies of the electromagnetic currents of light. The Soul I encourages them to become aware of universal laws so that they can take full advantage of their creative abilities given by God .

Brave hearts, we wrap you in our auric field of protection, and we radiate to you the eternal love and gratitude of the Cosmic Council of Light We are always with you.

I AM Archangel Michael.

Transmitted through Ronna Herman. Copy it and share it freely. However, I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of Archangel Michael. WE OFFER THE MIGAGES OF THE MIGUEL ARCANCEL IN OUR INTERNET PAGE AS A GIFT; HOWEVER, WE APPRECIATE YOUR DONATIONS TO HELP COST OPERATING EXPENSES AND POSTAL TIMES FOR FREE LOVE PACKAGES WE SHIP AROUND THE WORLD.

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Translation: Odilia Rivera.

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