Planning Report May 31, 2007, by Arcangel Miguel

So far, in this series of Planning Reports, we have addressed what is related to the restoration of humanity towards a state of full consciousness. Dear ones, then we will discuss the restoration of collective consciousness through the planetary government and diplomatic openings made by its main governments in the last six days. Every year, in September 1903, a spacecraft was launched from a private field just outside a small town located in the Ural mountains. The ship was made possible by the knowledge and genius of Constantine Tsiolkovsky, who invested most of his life developing the necessary equipment for space travel. Tsiolkovsky was a man antontado in his time as was Nikola Tesla. Tsiolkovsky was born in 1803. His theories were publicly discredited. There was conspiracy against him, as a man and his work, thrown into the garbage basket of history lost by those, held for years in the command of government of this planet. This spacecraft was launched into the space of your local solar system while using a communication system with the nearest spacecraft via radio; yes, radio in the middle of the 19th century. While its occupants met with a small diplomatic team of the Galactic Federation, they were granted Ultimately, the right as citizens of the Andromedan Confederation. The very existence of this technology in the mid-19th century is a discovery with consequences of enormous scope for our current modern reality. It is a but very small piece of evidence that demonstrates a long-standing conspiracy plan to enslave the occupants of this world in every possible way. Today, we know them as: the dark ones. And thirteen thousand years ago, at the soul level, we, as a society, agreed to give them our personal power. At the soul level, this is always done in the form of an agreement before incarnating. It is imperative that you keep this in mind while developing and perfecting your own personal discernment skills and styles.

In November 1998, a series of historical agreements were signed in good faith by the parties currently in control of the planet, later called the Illuminati; the main governments of this planet and the Galactic Federation of Light. When the time came to do their part, the Illuminati ignored their many promises, refused flatly to honor any oath, and installed at their doors, impassive lawyers, highly skilled in late procedures and other forms of interference. All attempts to enforce what was legislated were mutilated; So great is his power. However, the Illuminati rule by imposing fear and more fear. Any religious doctrine that creates or generates feelings of fear or dread was created by this group. They are the immutable masters of intrigue, mystery and crime and are incredibly intelligent, aggressive and strong. "They" in this case refers to a power or force that we call darkness. Conversely, "we" are the Light, the immutable masters of truth, knowledge and justice and we are equally intelligent, aggressive and strong ONLY when it is necessary to resort to this last measure. Before entering our small collective experience in duality, we agreed on a number of conditions, all applied equally. One of the things we agreed was that both forces would have an equal time but that if there was a stumbling block during the ascension period, the game was terminated. It is here, where in essence, we remain on the surface of Mother Earth.
Together we form One Voice, One Heart and One Mind; Together we create our New Golden Age, an era of our own creation. Yes, dear ones, you have an incredible supply of help and assistance, especially now. And, the veils between dimensions and realities are narrowing so that they are practically non-existent. The main governments of this planet, their elected leaders and representatives, in charge of protecting the interests of All Peoples, have been quite busy, enriching themselves and buying votes to the highest bidder to handle the key issues. These transactions are handled by mediating commissioners in charge of buying and selling votes for the best cash prize. You can wait for these truths to be exposed through your TV screens or you can make a different choice here and now. Choose unconditional love, forgiveness, kindness, charity, peace and hope.

While I hesitate to call this a death struggle between Light and Darkness, a real war, it is, however, an endless series of movements and counter-movements designed to maintain a particular agenda back and forth. Normally, this is the game that darkness handles better than anyone. But this time it is different and that advantage is no longer valid. This struggle has now reached a point where it may be safe to speak of a leaps and bounds on a physical level or series of transcendent and inevitable steps. In a non-linear, fortuitous time, it has already happened. It is unknown when or how these eventualities take place, even for the highest and greatest visionaries. It is only known that something of immense measure, quantity, volume, pressure, density (or lack of density) is literally on the verge of bursting through the real walls of this 3D physical reality and in some places, it is already happening, especially in the deep ocean trenches.

Repeatedly and on many occasions, the main governments of this planet, together with some of the not so important governments, have been directly contacted by the Diplomats of the Galactic Federation and the Officials and Liaison Ambassadors. Again and again, the story has been the same. The terrestrial governments have signed a series of secret treaties between them and the different dark star nations like the Zeta Reticuli or Gray Zeta. Land governments wanted the advanced technologies of the Galactic Federation; asserting technologies would only be used for peaceful purposes. Ummm! ... probably as peaceful as the other technologies that either stole or caused ships to crash so that they could capture them and operate with reverse engineering.

Time and again, Earth governments have been warned by scientists from the Galactic Federation about the unknown and invisible effects caused by nuclear, thermonuclear and hydrogen detonations, including the destruction of real souls in other dimensions. If this disturbed them in any way, they certainly would not prove it. But what is new? This essential deadlock represented among the terrestrial governments, the stellar nations of the dark side and the Galactic Federation of Light for a short period of time. It was not until the 1998 Conventions were signed that some kind of real progress was made to develop relationships between ourselves and our former and lost extraterrestrial brothers and sisters whose presence will be to assist us as we make the transition through the cycle of ascension.

Recently, I learned that the United Nations Security Council had recently passed a number of new resolutions that set the goal of achieving diplomatic relations with extraterrestrial star civilizations. Now, why would the United Nations Security Council have to write and draft new resolutions like this one, unless the situation required it? Certainly not and these resolutions would have passed so that the restructuring of the United Nations itself could be put in place. How many of you remember the recent weekly update offered by my brother Sheldan Nidle about the agenda for this planet by the Galactic Federation? Let me refresh your memory ...

“This new world is rapidly taking shape. Most of the negotiations and deep discussions about logistics that forge this new reality are concluded. The new reality puts America on a par with Europe and the leading Asian countries. This group is about to own the first strong currencies to be used for commercial goods and services throughout the world. Below them, come the remaining nations. Next, the main regional communities in Asia, Africa, Europe, the Americas and the Pacific are about to link more closely with the United Nations. The result is a multilevel system to stimulate cooperation, peace and cultural reciprocity. Every nation has a firm responsibility to provide its citizens with prosperity, food, shelter, clothing, health care and a sustainable and pollution-free environment. But above all, every nation must protect the freedom and personal sovereignty of every citizen. In turn, every citizen is obliged to seek the highest level of education regarding these rights and to honor the commitment to act as effective and lifelong guardians of these divine rights granted by God.
The United Nations and a number of leading organizations combined with the global financial community must undergo restructuring and training for the exercise of new missions. The United Nations should receive the necessary support to transform this globe into a community of truly peaceful nations. The critical point for this is the Security Council, the Secretariat and the various agencies called the United Nations Charter. The United Nations must become a moderator and a prototype model for change, which means that a drastic residence is required. Since we still cannot reveal details about this, all this tuning must be announced after the changes of the global regime take place firmly. What we can say here is that NU must free itself from a vast staff of personnel that has impeded its mission and become more efficient in carrying out its new mandate. This new world will be very different from the one you already know, and its operation and even appearance will be strange at the beginning. However, this committee of unprecedented nations will trace policies that promote global peace and prosperity. ”
Excerpt from January 09, 2007.
Regardless of what our terrestrial governments may or may not do to help provide us with a global or planetary society through the ascension cycle, we as individuals must make different decisions if we expect to see different results. Cosmic currents now furrow our entire solar system and recreating the same face of our reality, starting at a quantum level. This huge increase in energy is causing extreme volatility, irritability, anger, anger, fear ... anything extremely volatile. If and / or when something like this comes upon you, only allow it to move through you without resistance. Actually, there are waves of real duration that travel through you, which generate a feeling of pressure. Do not resist the pressure; Keep up the flow and stay within the flow. You are the flow. You are that wave of permanent pressure that travels through you.

While I provide you with another Planning Report, I can only contribute to feeling immense joy and wonder about what transpires before my own eyes. Mother Earth is slowly dressing in her new mantle, including the return of her double firmament system and her originally opposite moons. Animal and insect species are also being adjusted both energetically and genetically to incorporate the increasingly high vibrational energies and close to 5D ... this is the driving force of evolution and the epitome of Planning.

In Loving Service,

Translated by: Gloria Helena Restrepo C.

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