Breathing Rehabilitation

  • 2011


The current rhythm of life favors incomplete breathing which causes the incorrect filling of the lungs, generating in our body physiological and psychological disorders. An adequate control of our breathing is one of the simplest strategies to cope with stress situations, allowing the physiological activation increases caused by them to be managed.

The right breathing habits provide enough oxygen that the body needs, favoring the immune system and in turn the opportunity to think before reacting.

The purpose of breathing techniques is to facilitate voluntary control of breathing and automate it.


Find a comfortable place.

Perform them in an ideal position for you sitting, lying or leaning against the wall.

Place one hand on the belly and another on the stomach

Spend at least 5 continuous minutes to the exercise.

Go to the next until it is automated.

If you feel tired to dizzy, rest. The activity does not cause it, it is the hyperoxygenation, since before the incorrect breathing your body is not accustomed to a correct oxygenation.

Exercise 1: Abdominal Inspiration

Objective to direct the inspired air to the lower part of the lungs, inhale with the nose, to fill your lungs completely, inspire deeply, hold the inhaled air, exhale everything, perceive the movement by breathing in the hand located on the belly, the stomach it remains without movement, before this exercise only the belly is the one that moves, repeat the exercise until the stomach stops moving. At first it may seem difficult, however it is a technique that is controlled in about 15-20 minutes.

NOTE: Until this technique is controlled, you can move on to the next one.

Exercise 2: Abdominal and Ventral Inspiration

Objective is to direct the inspired air to the lower and middle area of ​​the lungs, it is equal to the previous exercise, inhale to fill your lungs deeply inspiring hold the inhaled air, exhale slowly, before this exercise the abdomen moves, identify the movement with The hand that is placed in the abdomen and belly, the simultaneous displacement will allow you to identify that the middle area has also been filled.

NOTE: Until this technique is controlled, you can proceed to the next

Exercise 3: Abdominal, ventral and costal inspiration

Aim to achieve complete inspiration, place yourself in the posture of the previous exercise, inhale to fill your lungs deeply inspiring identify how the breath enters the chest, stomach and abdomen and exhale slowly identify that after the airflow is moving stomach, abdomen and chest.

NOTE: Until this technique is controlled, you can proceed to the next

Exercise 4: Expiration

This exercise is a continuation of the 3rd, perform the same steps and then, when exhaling, close your lips so that when you leave the air there is a brief snort, the expiration is slow and controlled.

NOTE: Until this technique is controlled, you can proceed to the next

Exercise 5: Inspiration rate - expiration

This exercise is similar to the previous one, now the inspiration is done continuously, linking the three steps (abdomen, stomach and chest). Expiration becomes similar to the previous exercise, try to make it more and more silent.

NOTE: Until this technique is controlled, you can proceed to the next

Exercise 6: Overgeneralization

This is the crucial step. Here they perform these exercises in everyday situations (sitting, standing, walking, working, etc.). You have to practice in different situations: with noise, with lots of light, in the dark, with many people around, alone, etc. This will allow this correct breathing to be automated.

Without another particular I appreciate your fine attention


Psic. Spiny Baptist Margarita

Be aware of your breathing

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