Akashic Records: What they are, what they are for and what happens when they are opened

  • 2016

What are the Akashic Records?

As I explain in my courses, the Akashic Records are the archives that contain the history of all existence, in them the memory of the Universe is stored, it is something like a kind of cosmic internet where we can find all the information that can be useful for us. our evolution When I define the Akashic Records as a cosmic internet I know that I fall short, because the Akashic Records are infinite and the information we can find in them covers all past history, present history and the possibilities that the future holds, for the future is something that is constantly evolving and we are creating it with our thoughts, with our emotions, with our decisions and with our actions.

The Akashic Records treasure all the information there is and for having, not only referring to humanity or the Earth, but to the entire Universe, in them is the information of everything that existed, exists or may come to exist.

Anything has its own Akashic Record, every person, every animal, every plant, every stone, in short everything that exists or with potential to exist has its own Registry. Everything that exists has a part of wisdom stored inside that we can access if we know how.

The Akashic Records are outside the space-time dimension, therefore they are nowhere in particular and are, in turn, everywhere, they are housed in the Ether or Akasha, which is the primordial substance, the fifth element, the one that unifies the other four: Earth, Air, Water and Fire.

When we connect with the Akashic Records we connect with our Guides and with the part of us that has recorded in their memory everything that has happened in the Universe, it is the part of us that encloses our wisdom.

I like to play a word game with which I explain that connecting with the Registries is like returning to our home, returning home, returning to Akasha, reconnecting with everything we are, with all our potential.

What is the purpose of accessing the Akashic Records?

Accessing the Akashic Records can help us greatly in our personal growth and in our evolution, since the information we can obtain from them is precisely evolutionary information that helps us to understand the numerous whys of what happens in our lives.

The information that is provided to us when interacting with the Registries is information that propitiates the understanding, understanding and knowledge of ourselves and the environment that surrounds us, the responses we obtain from the Registries allow us to make those learnings that cause us discomfort in less time, thus reducing our suffering.

The information we obtain allows us to achieve a greater understanding of the things that happen to us, of the patterns that are repeated in our lives and of everything that causes us suffering, allowing us, in this way, overcome obstacles more easily and less painfully.

Working with the Akashic Records allows us to connect with our inner wisdom.

Working with the Akashic Records allows us to connect with that part of us that has the answers and information we need at all times and extract it from the Akasha to deliver it to us with the intention that we learn and let's evolve

The use of this tool helps us to get to know each other better, it helps us to find out and improve our weak points. It also helps us to overcome in a easier way the patterns that are repeated in our lives as well as the blockages that prevent us from progressing and advancing in our existence, offering us a greater understanding And a wider view of the things that happen to us . Connecting with the Akashic Records is getting back in touch with the Universe, with our home, it is reconnecting with the true desires of our heart and our soul, which is where the key to our happiness lies.

What happens when you access the Akashic Records?

When we access the Akashic Records, either by doing it ourselves if we have trained in the technique and have the appropriate knowledge to do so, whether we are going to have a Log reader do us a reading or even if they do it to us from a distance, mainly three things happen:

The first thing that happens when opening the Records

It is that we receive information related to our current moment, with those things that concern us, the information may be from this or other past lives, but it always has relation to the current processes by which it is passing the person who consults.

Ideally, prepare the session beforehand by preparing a few questions in relation to the concerns or things that the consultant wants to clarify. This will also depend on the person who makes the reading that will be the one who will guide the consultant before and during the consultation, because as they say each teacher has his booklet and each reader will make reading in the way you deem appropriate, in the way you have learned or following your own protocol if you have integrated the technique with other tools you may have.

Second effect of opening them

We receive healing. This is due to the fact that when opening the Registries we come into contact with Beings of Light of very high vibration, such as Ascended Masters, Angels, Archangels or Guides who are the ones who transmit the information contained in the consultant's Akashic Records . The high vibration of these Beings of Light, makes, when coming into contact with them, our energy vibration automatically rises receiving healing and helping us to harmonize our energy bodies allowing dense or negative energies that are released in them, releasing, thus, energetic, emotional and mental blocks.

What we get in third place

We get karmic dispensation. Thanks to the information we receive we can achieve an understanding that allows us to more easily perform the necessary learning, hence that allows us to free ourselves from the karma we have pending.

Excerpt from the book: Akashic Records, twelve tools to improve the quality of life and self-esteem.

AUTHOR: Santos Ávila Ruiz - www.santosavila.com

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