Reflections on esotericism today

  • 2015

The word "esoteric" is a voice derived from the Greek 'esoteric', which means "internal, " "recondite." Esoteric is, therefore, what is hidden from those who cannot or cannot see beyond the sensory organs, that is, what is hidden from people in general. Only few special people in each human race and age have been able to see and understand truths that have remained hidden from the majority. These special souls (the term 'special' is related to the 'few' that were, not to the essence, since in 'the essence' all souls are special) were the Initiates in the mysteries of life.

In contrast to the esoteric, which is the hidden, the internal and reserved to the few who can understand, there is the 'exoteric', which is the opposite, that is, what is public knowledge, the external and superficial.

The humanities of the preceding and current races, the Aria, for the most part, live a life in the superficial, in appearance, that is, a life based on the sensory and material desires; therefore all the knowledge that these souls need to live is superficial, exoteric, not deep, since to follow their desires they do not need to deepen the most hidden mysteries of existence ..., they are satisfied with knowing little, and they are content with have the free land to fulfill your desires and live your dreams. This is not bad, it is simply a way of life according to a certain level of consciousness in which most human beings are. That is why there are few, comparatively, those who are interested in going further in the search for deep answers of existence. These have been the 'philosophers' of antiquity, who began their search for the mysteries of life through thoughtful thinking, and ended up (many of them) in schools of esoteric mysteries that answered their inner questions. That is why we will not be mistaken if we affirm that true philosophy, when born within the soul, is a first step towards esotericism, that is, towards 'the internal', 'the essence', 'the hidden' of Life.

Esoteric knowledge, that is, what is a knowledge that is mystery to the majority, is first studied reflexively and with analogical thinking ("as above it is below, as below it is above", hermetic correspondence principle) but later, what is studied reflexively and analogically, must be corroborated by the same student, and this will be done with the awakening of the latent faculties that will allow him to see, perceive and recognize those truths that he previously studied and understood in his mind. It is like the traveler who, before embarking on a long trip, studies the map that he must travel, observes on the plane the accidents of the terrain, the signs, the marked dangers, the curves, the crossings and all kinds of signal ..., he studies the map and Meditate and reflect on your journey before undertaking it. Once you have studied it in detail, reaching the appropriate and necessary knowledge, you will undertake the trip and discover in an experiential way and for yourself, and not rarely will you see that the map, although it has been of great help, has not said everything, Well, many things are learned by traveling.

Humanity has received, through prepared Instructors (Initiates) teachings ('maps') about the hidden or invisible part of Life, about its supraphysical Laws, and about life beyond planet Earth and what is known by science empirical These Instructors left traces in Humanity and sometimes wrote texts (sometimes through disciples) about the knowledge of the invisible and the hidden. These texts are part of the esoteric literature.

The preparation of Man today is to 'study the map' (serious and reliable esoteric texts) so that, when the time is right, he can begin the conscious 'journey' of the soul towards the discovery of the unexplored regions of his nature, which in his Trip will explore and meet. That moment, that of the 'journey' (figuratively…) towards the unknown regions, has not yet arrived for Humanity, but instead it is the time, for a group of souls, (although still a comparatively smaller group of the total of Humanity), of studying the 'map' of the esoteric.

The current one is a time of study, to understand the esoteric 'map', which is not simple, if you want to do it well. This work often leads entire lives of study, that is, that the soul must reincarnate many lives, and in each life resume the philosophical-esoteric study interested in going deeper and deeper, to be adding understanding in their conscience, before Finally, I can undertake 'the journey', which means 'to experience directly' the hidden.

The above is a basic concept to understand a process of evolution of consciousness, which Humanity is going through (in part). It was said that it is time for study and reflection, but it should be clarified that not everything esoteric is only theoretical study, since, although much of what is studied in esoteric texts can not yet be verified for sure and in Directly (although as a flash of 'intuitive confirmation'), there is knowledge that is verifiable and applicable to daily life. The knowledge of the law of cause and effect (karma) and of the law of rebirth or reincarnation, (to name only 2, of the most popular), with the additive of careful self-observation and observation of life events, It can bring understanding of why many events and their correlation. The degree of this understanding will depend on each student. When this understanding is deepened, the student learns to see 'what to do' and 'what not to do', according to his acquired understanding of such laws. Therefore, although part of the esotericism will still form a baggage of theoretical knowledge, (although useful for understanding larger schemes), another part of the esoteric knowledge will be seen to be applicable here and now. But we say again that the applicability will depend on the progress of each student.

It must be understood that the path of esotericism is not a path of pure fantasy or imaginative theories, as those who still see superficially see it, but a lifestyle with deep spirituality and commitment to Life. Anyone who understands this is on the path of esotericism, which leads to occultism later.

The occult word, although it is related to the word esoterist, does not mean exactly the same. The term ocultista was first used by the French Kabbalists (see the works of Eliphas Levi, from the 19th century).

The word occultism derives from the Latin voice occultus, occulta or secreto, and therefore applies to the study of the cabal, astrology, alchemy and all the arcane sciences in general ; (Theosophical Glossary). Unfortunately, this concept degenerated and was used to designate the arts of low magic (black and gray magic) and all kinds of rituals and psyche based on the total ignorance of the Laws of Life. Therefore, taking into account the degeneracy of the word, one could admit categories of occultism: white cult and culture black, the first being that of the right hand, which is dedicated to fulfilling the Divine Will, and the second that of the left hand that deals with selfish works that are contrary to the Laws and the Divine Plan of the Universe (it is popularly known as sorcery). There is a Gold culture consisting of a combination of the other two, with mixed mobiles, which often confuses beginner students. The `` gray culture '' deceives the beginner with beautiful theories and concepts of wisdom, although in general shallow and / or deficient, justifying also the practice of certain arts of psychism with a marked influence of selfishness (although those who do it many times do not see it, proceeding in this way because of their ignorance, and thinking that they are on the right path).

The `` gray culture '' is very present in that movement called New Age (New Era) of the 20th century. In this category intermediate (and not desirable for any student) comes divination, futuristic astrology (not to be confused with esoteric astrology, or astrology of the soul), mediumship, spiritualism, and even ufology with only phenomenal interest.

The white cult is truly known only to the Initiates and Adepts of the Brotherhoods of Light. A true occultist never acts out of his own desire or design, but driven by service to the Logos, and never expects personal reward for his work. That is why it is only a true occultist (that is, white ) who has already freed himself from the illusion of self, from the ghostly ego. As long as this does not really happen, we are all students under the sun; and that path, that of study, is esotericism.

The difference, then, between esotericism and occultism is that the first is like an introduction to the invisible world of causes, through patient study, observation, and understanding first. ethics that is within the reach of the student, while the second is for those who, already much more deeply into the Path, not only know, but also practice Hidden Wisdom, and this is The Adepts

Having clarified these concepts, and knowing that the possible path today for a group of souls already prepared in Humanity is Esotericism, the following question arises:

What is the first step towards esotericism?


The physical, psychological and spiritual self-knowledge is the first step, and it could be said, if it is well understood, that "everything begins and ends there" (the latter is a form of expression, since it never ends ...).

Self-knowledge begins with the notion of individuality and with the study of the constitution of human Individuality. This requires, not only of study through texts that teach the human physical and metaphysical constitution, but of self-observation. But as philosophical-esoteric understanding progresses, and increasingly entering the idea of ​​UNITY, man begins to understand that SELF-KNOWLEDGE goes beyond his own individuality, being: 'the very knowledge of the Great Universe'.

If you reflect on what has been said, you can understand why we said that "everything begins and ends there" . Self-knowledge, esoterically understood, has no limits, no end ...

Now, why has the esoteric been considered historically as something that should be hidden ..., something that should be kept only for a few ...?

The esoteric, the mysteries of life, are actually hidden from the profane because he has no eyes to see beyond, does not have the required understanding, or intellectual capacity for abstraction, (in addition to the lack of interest), to address these issues So philosophical and metaphysical. If we see this, it is easy to understand the saying that "Knowledge hides itself" ... But, being this way, one may ask: Why then, if knowledge hides itself from the profane, were created in the past (and even today there are) mystery schools reserved for few, and no one else revealed such knowledge?

There are several reasons, and we will see some. Whoever knows human nature knows that man is naturally afraid of the unknown, and in the face of knowledge that defies his psychological security structures, the human being usually shows aggressive and even violent behavior; he defends himself from what he does not know, for fear of challenging his internal structures ; (It is an unconscious and visceral fear). This has been proven many times throughout history. Therefore, it is wise not to scandalize those who are not prepared, nor do they want to, see further ... In addition, in incidental cases where hidden knowledge has been revealed to the masses when it was not 'time' for this to happen, whatever in return it has been received mostly is mockery and ridicule. Hence the wise saying: "you should not throw pearls to pigs" why they will trample them ...

Another reason is the opposition that sinister forces manifest to the revelation of the Eternal Truths, because such forces do not want the human being to be spiritually FREE; They do not want man to be free because they feed on human pain and ignorance. Therefore, only 'when you have to talk' and make something truly known, it is lawful to do so, facing the oppositions that arise. This is known to prepared disciples.

In the second half of the nineteenth century HP Blavatsky began an outreach of Esotericism in an open manner as it had never been done before in Humanity, but it did so with the permission and inspiration and guidance of the Adepts of the Spiritual Hierarchy. If not, I would not have done so. This happened because it was time for this to happen, because there were many thousands of human souls scattered throughout the world, already prepared to receive knowledge of the Wisdom of the Universe, and they were so many in number and proportion that it would no longer be possible. ' to instruct in secret '(as formerly it was done in very small groups). From such an action undertaken by HPB, many movements of esoteric studies emerged in later decades, as expected, but while some of these groups were serious and well on the way, others became 'gray occult', losing meaning and direction. of the true Essential Teaching. That is why today, working for souls to find the real path, without deviating, is the most important thing. This is the meaning of these reflections.

See you soon boys.

Alexis B.


Reflections on esotericism today

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