Rebirthing, a transcendental experience to be reborn as an adult

  • 2010

By Claudio Alvarez Dunn

(The following is a "rationalized" description of what is Transcendental Rebirthing (TR). Then, in the end is my own wonderful experience lived during the interview with the creator of this method).

Transcendental Rebirthing (Transcendental Renaissance, in Spanish) is a sacred experience that takes place in a safe and controlled environment, where with the support of a team that forms what is called the sacred belly, anyone is able to explore the moment from his birth and go beyond to be reborn as a new adult, regardless of the experiences he has had in his life.

The transformation of mental identifications, formed by beliefs or traumatic experiences, analog states of consciousness, mental disintegration or subconscious ideas that manifest in the TR process are immediately elevated and transmuted into gold nuggets of wisdom. This leads to integration, realization and absolute recognition of what really belongs to each one in order to work in the divine time and with the absolute certainty that a mature adult is reborn.

The inner child is recognized all the way through this process, in which the person in turn receives the support of the intention in his heart, to be reborn in ecstasy, happiness, respect and wisdom.

This process, in which many people who have gone through the experience have been classified as “transcendental”, is always carried out supported by a masculine and a feminine energy in an environment of absolute security, creating a containment mesh so that the rebirth take place in clarity, alchemy, respect and love.

In the TR, the presence of the Intelligent Space and the Sacred Belly is experienced in the company of people committed to the importance of the moment, healing and the “redesign” of footprints or patterns that affect a person in their life, since they are inherited through DNA in fetal integration received from parents and ancestral lines.

People who have gone through a TR experience have not only been reborn as human beings, but many saw their businesses, loved ones, new ideals and new possibilities reborn, as they become fully aware and enthusiastic to create for themselves. an updated state of being. Thus they have been able to create a precious present from the present moment and not from the traces of their past.

The possibilities within the Universal Belly are endless, and the TR team is blessed at all times for the opportunity to serve the process of sacred rebirth. It is believed that one's impact affects the collective mind of humanity ... as a butterfly effect (*).

TR is then, a non-linear method directed towards the manifestation of brilliance for the creation and rebirth of a better humanity. The intention is to reach a new civilization where goodness, nonviolence and maturity emerge - like a lotus flower in the mud - in a divine display, in which as we are reborn in joy, it is created as a team of the Divine Belly, a great benefit for us and our families, however, we really affect the most precious treasure on Earth: the future of humanity and the number one priority of the TR: the children of the Earth.

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Interview with Ivonne de la Flor, creator of the Transcendental Rebirthing method

By Claudio Alvarez-Dunn

When I arrived in the town of Ojai, in California, to interview Ivonne de la Flor about her method of Transcendental Rebirthing (TR = Transcendental Renaissance in Spanish), I was more curious than expectations.

I stayed in the same hotel where some friends were staying who took the workshop as TR facilitators and there began the surprises.

A day before the interview I began to feel strange symptoms, such as dizziness, nausea, desire to go to the bathroom frequently and huge desire to sleep ...

At night my friends told me that in the training of that day they were working on something like the preparations for a spiritual birth. (I had no doubt that I received all that energy and participated in the ceremony).

The next day, I went to meet Ivonne de la Flor to explain her TR technique and this is what happened:

The hug with which he received me puzzled me because of the powerful energy it contained. Immediately, as soon as I saw her in her first months of pregnancy, I felt the presence of the Immaculate Conception, the virgin of my childhood, with the child in my arms, so I honored the child and teacher in her womb.

My profession as a journalist was always to ask questions and doubt. "Seeing to believe, " as the beloved apostle Thomas said, but the energy of the TR did not give me time for anything. He robbed me without warning and I went on a transgenerational cosmic journey, where my parents, grandparents and other ancestors paraded before my eyes on an astral crossing without intermediate stations.

While trying to contain my tears, she noticed it and explained it to me sweetly and patiently: I immediately connected with the energy of the place of the TR, with her and her husband, Toby Alexander, with Kuthumi, with Mary Magdalene, with Babaji and Paramahansa Yogananda, with Grace and Unconditional Love of the Intelligent Space.

At that moment I could barely write, even though Ivonne made me aware that I am now a journalist of God. My energy Yan connected with the Intelligent Space and I transported without warning to the womb of the Divine Mother.

What follows are the notes I took to the answers Ivonne de la Flor, creator of the Transcendental Rebirthing, gave me, in the midst of my ecstasy:

“The purpose of Rebirthing is not only to find answers, but to find each one's emotional intention, to be reborn in the water of his own responsibility. It's like finding gold in the traumatic and painful experiences of your life, since you encounter your heroic journey.

“The process begins with an enumeration of ethical principles and values ​​through the Primun non nocere approach, which in Latin means: Never do any damage and from this Intention applies to your experiences.

Ivone de la Flor (also known as Swami Amenai) told me that she worked as corporate coaching when a senior executive who participated in one of her workshops went on a regressive trip to her mother's womb and described the impact that previous generations had on his life, so there he discovered how we usually carry emotions that are not ours and set out to find a way in which we can release them.

It's not about rescuing. This is an inner journey, to the Intelligent Space, where time is not linear. There, at that moment, in that space, is where we are united.

The person revisits all his information and sees everything that is contained in his uric field. Then you have the opportunity to put the house in order, put everything in its drawer and wash the dirty rags, and then be able to be reborn.

For example?

We discover that certain patterns of aggression, depression, or problems with our partner may be due to transgenerational things that we inherit - through unconditional love to our parents or ancestors - and that we repeat as a pattern. n of our lives .

How is that reversed?

Through the Higher Self (Higher Self) everyone must be reborn in that which is brilliance. It's not just about accommodating your memories but about unraveling the emotional impact that each one carries.

How is it done?

When an individual enters the turn, the rest of the team symbolizes the support that the universe gives us. Each one has a clear intention, his brilliance and we hold the Intelligent Space, where everything has a reason for existence. The team represents the womb, the Divine Mother, the True Mother, while being a security container. The support team also performs housekeeping, DNA recovery and other services of this type.

Through the divinity of each one, a part of them is reborn which is where each intention is clothed with power.

Give me a specific example?

During the process, the team can act as the father and mother and provide the person in turn with an opportunity to walk hand in hand with him and reverse that emotional charge in a positive vision through recognition, with much silence. The approach is not to heal, but to recognize the inner divinity, since everything has a reason to exist.

The Ascension of Mother Earth is happening here and now. We must ask ourselves: If he were reborn again, who would it be? Who should we forgive? Those voices are not what we are. People manifest their intention and are reborn in them.

My job is to serve, to be a vehicle of the Intelligent Space. If I am aware that each of my words impacts the life of another person, I become aware and move on to another level.

There are scientists who are collecting information to demonstrate the physical changes that the TR offers.

Can we say that it is a cleansing of karma? (*)

It is not karma, it is our creation. With the TR we are reborn as responsible adults of our creation. The inner child is cured and the adult regains his responsibility, his personal power, becomes a role model; a model of love, honor, contribution and security. We need adults who can model and contribute to the universal model. We come to grow together in the presence of the I Am.

“TR is a tool for self-improvement, it is not a tool to stop suffering. It is an experience to start living in the here and now.

Why are you convinced that this works?

"Because of the impact of my words and because we have a divine support that neither beliefs nor religions can erase, " he closed with emphasis.

At that moment I knew that just as Thomas had to touch the wounds of Jesus with his own hands to verify the resurrection of the Master, I experienced my own TR before I could even ask a question. I have no doubt that this moment was reborn in unconditional love and in my commitment to the Ascension of Mother Earth.

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(* Editor's notes)

* The "butterfly effect" is a concept that refers to the notion that given initial conditions of a certain chaotic system, the slightest variation in them can cause the system to evolve in completely different ways. From there come the phrases: "The flutter of the wings of a butterfly can be felt on the other side of the world", as well as "The simple flutter of a butterfly can change the world."

* Karma is interpreted as a cosmic law of retribution, or of cause and effect. In some cases it is treated as “heavenly justice”: whoever violates a law creates pain for himself.

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