Rebel an essential quality OSHO

  • 2013

A rebel is someone who does not live like a robot conditioned by the past.

Religion, society, culture ... Nothing that belongs to the past interferes in any way with your way of life, with your lifestyle.

He lives individually, not as a gear in the system, but as an organic unit. No one else decides in his life, only his own intelligence. The fragrance of his life is that of freedom - he not only lives in freedom but also allows everyone else to live in freedom. He does not allow anyone to interfere in his life and does not interfere in anyone else's life. For him, life is so sacred - and freedom is such an important value - that he is able to sacrifice everything for it: respectability, status, even life itself.

Freedom is for him what God used to be for the so-called "religious people" of the past.

Freedom is your God.

Man has lived like a sheep for centuries, as part of the crowd, following its traditions, its conventions - obeying old writings and disciplines. But that way of life was against the individual; if you are a Christian you cannot be an individual; If you are a Hindu you cannot be an individual.

An individual is someone who lives totally according to his own light and risks everything else for the maximum value of freedom.

The rebel is a contemporary person, the crowd is not contemporary.

Hindus believe in scriptures that are five or ten thousand years old. The same goes for other religions; The dead dominate the living.

The rebel rebels against the dead, takes his life in his own hands. He is not afraid of being alone; On the contrary, he enjoys his solitude as one of his most valuable treasures. The crowd gives you security - at the cost of your soul. It enslaves you, it gives you a guide to live: it tells you what to do and what not to do.

In the whole world all religions have something like the ten commandments - and these were created by people who had no idea what the future would be like, what the conscience of man would be like in the future. It is as if a small child wrote the story of your life, without knowing at all what youth is, what is old age, without knowing at all what death is.

All religions are primitive, gross - and have been shaping your life. Naturally, the whole world is full of misera: you don't have permission to be yourself.

Every culture wants you to be a carbon copy, never show your original face.

The rebel is one who lives according to his own light, moves according to his own intelligence. He creates his own path when he walks, he does not follow the crowd on the highway.

His life is dangerous but a life that is not dangerous is not life at all. He accepts the challenge of the unknown. He does not meet the unknown that comes in the future, preparing with the past. That is what creates all the anguish of humanity; last. Your yesterday will never be your tomorrow.

But so far this is how the human being has lived: your yesterdays prepare you for your mornings. The same preparation becomes an obstacle. You cannot breathe freely, you cannot dance freely - the past has crippled you in every way possible. The burden of the past is so heavy that everyone is crushed by it.

The rebel simply says goodbye to the past.

It is a constant process; therefore, being a rebel means continually rebelling - because every moment will become past; Each day will become past. The past is not yet in the cemetery, you move through it at all times. Therefore, the rebel must learn a new art: the art of dying at each past moment, so that he can freely live the new moment that has just arrived.

A rebel is a continuous process of rebellion ; It is not static. And that's where I make a distinction between a revolutionary and a rebel.

A revolutionary is also conditioned by the past. It may not be conditioned by Karl Marx or Mao Tze Tung or José Stalin or Adolfo Hitler or Benito Musolini… no matter who conditions it. The revolutionary has his own holy Bible - Das Kapital; its sacred land - the Soviet Union; his own Mecca - in the Kremlin ... and just like any other religious person, he does not live according to his own conscience. Live according to a consciousness created by others.

Therefore a revolutionary is nothing more than a reactionary. It may be that it is against a certain society, but it is always in favor of another society. You may be against one culture but you are immediately ready to adopt another culture. It simply continues to change from one prison to another from Christianity to communism; from one religion to another - from Hinduism to Christianity. Change prisons.

The rebel simply leaves the past and does not allow it to dominate him. It is a constant and continuous process. The whole life of the rebel is a burning fire. Until the last breath is fresh, it is young. He will not respond to any situation according to his past experiences; he will respond to each situation according to his present conscience.

For me, being a rebel is the only way to be religious, and the so-called "religions" are not religions at all. They have destroyed humanity completely, they have enslaved human beings, they have chained souls; so, on the surface you seem free, but deep within you, religions have created a certain consciousness that dominates you.

It's almost like a great scientist, Delgado said ... He has discovered that there are seven hundred centers in the human brain. These centers are connected with the whole body, with the whole system. There is a center for your sex, there is a center for your intelligence, and for everything in your life. If an electrode is implanted in a particular center, a very strange phenomenon happens. He demonstrated it for the first time in Spain.

He placed an electrode in the brain of the strongest bull - he also had a remote control in his pocket - he stood in the middle of a field, waved a red flag and the bull ran enraged at him.

This was the most dangerous bull in all of Spain, and thousands of people had gathered to see. The public watched the phenomenon, their breathing stopped, their eyes did not blink ... The bull was getting closer and closer, and everyone feared that Delgado would die in seconds. But he had in his pocket this little remote control ... just when the bull was a foot away, he pressed a button inside his pocket - no one noticed - and the bull stopped as if it had frozen, as if a statue .

Since then, Delgado has experimented with many animals, and also with a man; and his conclusion is that what he does with electrodes, religion has been doing it through conditioning.

From its earliest years, you condition the child, you continue repeating, repeating a certain idea that is set close to the center of intelligence, and continues to order the center what to do and what not to do.

Delgado's experiment is dangerous for humanity. It can be used by politicians. Just when the child is born, in hospitals, an electrode can be introduced into your skull near intelligence and a central control system will ensure that no one becomes a revolutionary, that nobody Become a rebel.

You will be surprised to know that within your skull there is no sensitivity so you will never realize if you have a head implant or not. And a remote control can handle everything from Moscow, the entire Soviet Union can be controlled. Religions have been doing the same in a rudimentary way.

A rebel is one who gets rid of the whole past because he wants to live his own life according to his own desires, according to his own naturalization according to some Gautama Buddha or some Jesus Christ or Moses s.

The rebel is the only hope for the future of humanity.

The rebel will destroy all religions, all nations, all races because all are rotten, they are the past, hindering the progress of the evolution of man. They do not allow anyone to reach their maximum flowering: they do not want human beings on earth, they want sheep. then you are too; and if you are a pastor, then we are too.

Not only his contemporaries, but in two thousand years not a single Christian has questioned that it is a great insult to humanity, such a great humiliation, to call other sheep and to be called Likewise the pastor, the savior.

I came to save them and he could not save himself. Even so, half of humanity expects me to return to save them. You can't save yourself; You need the only son of God, Jesus Christ. And he promised his people Return soon, before your life ends and two thousand years have passed-- many generations have passed-- and there is no sign Those of him, not a trace

But all religions have done the same in different ways. Krishna says in the Gita that when there is misery, when there is suffering, when there is need, he will come again and again.

These people, no matter how beautiful their statements, had no respect for humanity. A rebel respects you, respects life, has a deep reverence for everything that grows, what survives, what breathes. He does not say that he is higher than you, that he is more holy than you, that he is higher than you; He is one more among you. Only the soul can declare: that he is braver than you. He cannot guide you, only your own guts can guide you to the realization of your life.

Rebellion is a way of life. For me, it is the only authentic religion. Because if you live according to your own light, you can get lost many times, and you can fall many times, but every fall, every time you get lost, you will be wiser, smarter, smarter, m It is comprehensive, more human. There is no other way to learn more than making mistakes. Just don't make the same mistake again.

There is no other God but your own conscience.

There is no need for any Pope, or an Ayatollah Khomeini, or any Shankaracharya, for mediators between you and God. These are the greatest criminals in the world, because they exploit your invalidity.

Only a few days ago the Pope declared that there is a new sin: that one who should not confess directly to God; You have to confess through a priest. Confessing directly with God, communicating directly with God, is a new sin. How strange! ... you can clearly see that this is not a religion but pure business - because if people start to confess directly to God then, who will confess to the priest and pay the fine? The priest becomes unnecessary, the Pope becomes unnecessary.

All priests pretend to be mediators between you and the ultimate source of life. They know nothing about the ultimate source of life. Only you are able to know your vital source. But your own source of life is also the ultimate source of life - because we are not separated. No man is an island, deep down we are a huge continent. Maybe on the surface you look like an island - but deep in the ocean you are united. You are part of a land, of a continent. The same is true about consciousness.

But one has to free oneself from churches, temples, mosques, from synagogues. One has to be just oneself, and accept the challenge of life no matter where it takes you. You are the only guide

You are your own teacher.

senderosalalma | October 2, 2013 at 11:15 pm | Categories: Articles to wake up | URL:

Rebel an essential quality OSHO

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