Rakmé III - Chakra Raiz, by Agnimitra

  • 2013

Well brothers, I am back to give continuity to our exchanges.

We are going to enter now in the aspect of Eron that is revealed in the energetic and psychological system of the human being, and for that, we approach Eron through its representation in the energetic and physical body of the human being that is the first Chakra. This first Chakra, is located at the base of the column, down in the center of the sacral bone of the surface human physical body, which in the east is called Muladhara. This word has its root in two terms of the language of that people, Sanskrit, which means on the one hand: root and on the other: support, therefore this term "Muladhara" expresses well the essence of what this Chakra is, of what is this wheel, this energy center, this aspect of energy in the human being.

Because of the meaning of his own name, the relationship with Eron can already be seen, because Eron for the planet, for universal manifestation, the expression of the human being, and of human consciousness, is the root, and the sustenance, the root and the support. In the case of this Chakra, what does it support? It is the column, the support of the form itself that is used for expression and also supports the psychological structure, but more than this, psychic, psychic, of those who perceive the structure that allows the expression of the soul, the expression of the perceiver. There is the relationship of this first Chakra with Eron, this first Chakra is: Eron himself in their bodies, in their psychic, psychological expression. Well, this first Chakra, as its name already indicates, conveys a sense of support, of support, therefore, of center.

Participant: Sister, when you talk about physical structure, about the support of physical structure, is it about the physical body and also the psychic body, which is the body we call here astral and mental body?

Yes, being that what you call the astral body is not a body, in the sense that you use it: a body for this physical form.

Participant: Yes, yes, is it more subtle?

Moreover, a set of attributes of physical matter at another level of density. The impression you have in the experiences. What name can be given to this type of experience? Because they are not spiritual: pseudo-spiritual, in the sense that they are material experiences, but that they are called spiritual, although they have nothing spiritual ... The effect that is recorded in the form, when you have experiences at these levels, is pure projection of the consciousness inherent in the atoms and cells of the physical body. There is no astral body in the sense of a body, like the physical one, it is the matter of this own physical body at another level of density, therefore, it is the seat of other attributes that are reflected in the form, identification that you they have the way they animate here, do you understand? In itself, this connected and fixed structure does not exist. That is why the Ethers that form these aspects are the rectified Ethers, which return to the constitution of the Etheric body, therefore, of the multidimensional body. This is a parenthesis in our conversation, let's get ahead of it a little to clarify some things.

I am aware that in the literature and in the instruction of surface humanity there is talk of building a body of Light. And of course, this is a completely allegorical figure, because a body of Light cannot be built. This expression: build a body of Light, activate a body of Light, rebuild a multidimensional body; refers to the process of rectification or fusion of the ethers that were fragmented and that, by this fragmentation, gave rise to what is called, causal, mental, emotional and energetic-physical body, that by the process of fusion of the ethers, of rectification of the Ethers, this matter itself, by its reintegration or sacralization, is again constitutive matter of the multidimensional body of Total Consciousness. What does it mean to dissolve the mental body, dissolve the causal, the emotional body, or the energy-physical body. Dissolve them, in the sense that they will be reabsorbed in the vehicle of multidimensional expression.

Matter is not destroyed, matter is absorbed, it is reconnected so that it is no longer created separately, and this is the process that you live here. Progressively, the matter that constitutes what you call the energetic, mental, astral and causal body is being transfigured and reunified to the multidimensional body, which allows you to begin to move on this level of material consciousness, between an already known experience and experience., which is known only in the Sacred Heart. This is the fusion of the worlds, this is the moment that you live, where two realities coexist, because a portion of your matter gives you access to a world at this time, and a portion of your matter, already sacred, and allows you also have experiences of a completely different reality.

Therefore we return to the Chakra, to the root Chakra, to the Muladhara, Eron in the body, Eron in the form. An essential attribute of the root Chakra, linked to Eron, the support, the axis and the Silence as a psychological position within the human experience, is lived in this Chakra. See, from this Chakra it is said, that he is responsible for the sense of self-preservation, the sense of coherence, rigidity, the sense of maintenance, or material survival. Of course, this is the distorted reflection or expansion of what this Chakra really is in essence, as an aspect of his Consciousness. This Chakra essentially, as an aspect of Consciousness, is what sustains material expression, and therefore in the experience of separation, this produces a sense of self-preservation, followed by fear of death, fear of non-existence, fear of to lose.

In rectification, in reunification, this Chakra is revealed as what it really is, as it really is in full life, in life without limits, the silent axis, immobility, the aspect of its Consciousness that allows expression, but that it is also the door of the impression, it is also the door of the immateriality, it is the aspect of the Consciousness that sustains the form of the form, but that also allows them to enter the universe of the archetype. Then we have there the energetic aspect, we would say, of this Chakra linked to Eron.

When it comes to experience, what refers to the human aspect, and the psychological, psychic expression, this Chakra has the attribute of innocence. Innocence means: that which does not cause harm, 'in nocens' of Latin: no harm, this is innocence. Innocence is not naivety, innocence is not ignorance. Innocence is really the state of Unity with everything, therefore, it does not even consider the possibility of causing harm to anything. That is why at another time in our conversation I told you that this reception is not something and you are not welcoming, it is the welcome itself. Such is innocence, that which does not cause harm, because it does not consider distance or separation, it does not consider a cause, nor a victim of harm. This is the true innocence, in this innocence you live the communion, when you are recent in the first Chakra, the Muladhara, the root of sustenance.

Another aspect of this Chakra See, maybe we are going to redefine some concepts that you have about the Chakras. A Chakra, in principle, is the mark in its form, whatever it is, of one of the twelve Chromas, therefore, of one of these twelve Planetary Centers, one of the twelve primary vibrations of the manifestation. In an energetic body, in an energetic form, or on the energetic side of this physical form, there are energy centers, in the physical form there is glyph Cells that are related to this form of energy, this refers to the maintenance of the form or the mechanic of this, but this also refers to the expression of an aspect of Consciousness in form. And what this Chakra represents or allows to be expressed in experience, is innocence and sense of silence, or sense of the axis, or sense of: t you are the space that sustains the manifestation n .

Then we will see throughout these days, when other brothers and sisters come here to deal with you, each of these Chakras, with a very different view of what pseudo-spirituality is human This has nothing to do with any energy activation, it has nothing to do with climbing, descending, improving, healing, any of that. This has to do with rediscovering itself, the doors of re-access to the Unlimited that You Are. Therefore, in our next conversation, which will be the practical part of our experiences, we will approach this Chakra on a practical level. The objective of this conversation is to explore here the psychological aspects of human experience related to this Chakra, and consequently related to Eron, as a Planetary Center.

One of the ways to connect with Eron, or to take science from Eron, is to establish communion with an Intra-Earth Retreat, or simply with the Eron Planetary Center, as a Planetary Consciousness. Another way to get in touch with Eron is in yourselves since Eron is represented there in the first Chakra. At the same time you come into contact with the Planetary Consciousness through this aspect, you also live dynamically a process, in development in this humanity, which is the transcendence of basic fear, the transcendence of that first fear, that fear that is linked not to anything, but a fear to the end of existence, because it was because of the amputation of the ether in this first Chakra that this fear arose b The only one who reaches his own soul, this fear that the soul has of ceasing to exist, because he is not aware of his immortality. By coming into contact with Eron in this root Chakra, you live dynamically the transcendence of this basic fear, this fear of non-existence, this fear of lost references, fear of the unknown that It is the fear that this Chakra represents in the distorted experience of oblivion.

So, one way to contact Eron is in you to rediscover yourself as Eron, to rediscover yourself as Silence, true Silence, as the portal of manifestation, which is to return to yourselves, there are the references that your own body possesses. This first Chakra, therefore, will communicate the sense of innocence. What do they need to defend against? In your daily experience, where is the root of fear? Why is there fear in your experience? What allows the form, this form, this body to produce the sensation of fear? It is by identification with this form, that you participate in this sense of fear. This sense of fear, this basic fear, which sometimes disguises itself as fear of something, but that sometimes comes simply as a pure and simple fear, has its root in the belief of separation of matter, and for its identification to the reunification of this subject you share the experience of the subject, however crazy this experience in the matter is. Remember then, because this is your role; Remember the matter: the separation is an illusion and is an illusion because it is temporary, the experience of forgetting is temporary, because there really is no separation, at the level of the matter itself and this is there in front of your eyes.

When fear approaches, return to that point in consciousness, in Attention, in Intention, where you are the Axis of the world, where you are the encompassing Silence, where you are the Space where everything happens, where you are Eron, the Unlimited, the Unmanifest and the Manifesto. Return with your Intention and Attention to this point which is the first Chakra and you will rediscover there as Eron. Fear is born from the belief of separation. When questioning the sense of fear, you question the set of actions and reactions that act automatically in life. It is a position that makes the subconscious fight, a need for protection, a need to defend itself from life and the elements in life, all this because it is lived from a position of separation. When you return to your Intention and Attention for this Chakra, you live, and you recognize yourself there as Eron, then you regain the capacity of innocence and you can stand before life without fear. Without fear because you live, understand living, that there is no reason to fear, there is no reason to fear life, because you are life, there is no reason to fear the elements of the world, because these are your elements, because you are the intelligence that everything coordinates and never the dance would come for its destruction, the Dance would never come for: how do they say here? For your evil, what strange concept? What strange concept!

There is no reason to be afraid, there is no reason to fear change, there is no reason to fear the reorganization of Matter, because death, whatever it is, is just that: reorganization of Matter, is just a scenario that is transform, you are Eternal! They are eternal! If you have not had the experience of this, return to Eron and you will be rediscovered as eternal beings, do not trust my words, live! There is the mark of this Eternity, the mark of this Immortality is on your body, do you understand? I am not here to promise you the vision of a paradise, I am not to promise you the vision of a spirit, of an other "I", I am speaking of this I, this one that is intrinsic to you. This I is immortal, it is Eternal, untouched. I am not talking about abstract realities, heavenly, religious, no! I am talking about the experience Here and Now, beyond all imaginations, of your real and Eternal Self. It is there within the reach of your Attention and Intention, it is up to you to immerse yourself, it is up to you to look for yourself and you will be rediscovered as Eron, the Solvent Silence, the Silence that dissolves all projection, the Silence that dissolves all illusory and distorted vision. Return to the Silence you are, return to the Silence of Being.

There is the relationship of this Chakra with this Eron Planetary Center. Well, if they have something to add ... No? Then I pick myself up, stay in Peace and in the silent presence that we are. Until tomorrow, at our next meeting, be blessed.

Rakmé III - Chakra Raiz, by Agnimitra

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