I want to die ", by Archangel Raphael

A reader asks at this time:

"I want to die. I want to die. I have run out of all my hopes. I finished. I do not know what else to do. I simply want to leave the land and return to my real home. Please help".

I AM Rafael, the Angel of Healing and Transformation, and I come to you this day to sit with you now and share this energy. I really enjoy meeting with you in this way as your own angelic entourage does along with all those dear souls who chose to stay behind while you traveled to this earth to experience this life.

And while I share this energy with you in this way, I simply ask you to allow yourself to breathe deeply and take the gifts of love and compassion that are always flowing to you from those who are present here who love you very much. These waves of love and compassion are always here for you, however you do not take advantage of them as your entourage would like to see!

It is very similar to a hungry person refusing to eat, or a thirsty person taking only a few sips of water, the elixir of freshness that the body's cells long for. This is what we see many times with humans on this earth. They forget that they are great beings and with the Veil of Oblivion they cannot remember that it is their divine right of birth to have love, joy and satisfaction in their lives. Not only from time to time as when one listens to a channeling or some strengthening and charming music, but all the time!

There is a great change that has been going on for the past several months and this change is moving much like a wave over the ocean, gathering momentum as it progresses towards the shore. This wave of energy is about dissolution of the old energies that no longer serve the Divine Human. This wave is about removing the belief systems that keep one in a place of low self-esteem and feeling unworthy of living a life that is full of love and joy.

This wave is very particularly colliding with the human being, the small human, or what is more commonly known as the ego. This voice of the ego has remained for a long time as the only voice worthy of being heard, with the belief system that one has to follow his leader or move trying to destroy him or at least put him in his place as a defect that one has in the makeup of one's personality.

The human ego is feeling this energy and is fighting or raising the energy that is giving up, choosing death and destruction. This energy, this dynamic of being somehow disagrees with what one might call his "Being" as the ego likes to be perceived, or the perception of one's humanity, brings mixed energy or emotions that bring agitation, discomfort and to the extreme, the feelings and emotions that one can only choose death now as a means of liberation from discomfort and pain.

What is really happening, dear ones, is that a death is truly happening, not just the death you are perceiving for yourself or your desire to die and leave this land. The old, aguerrida, and very bitter part of you that has not been honored, respected, loved and appreciated in your life wishes to leave. It is not your ego, it is not your personality, it is simply an aspect of you that has been present so far in your life to facilitate much of those experiences that you have brought in this life so far.

And what is one aspect, you may wonder. An aspect is a type of personality that brings its own attributes, its own identity for the specific purpose of exploring certain things in your life, in this particular life. For example, if one is an artist in this life, expressing his divinity and creativity with paintings or music or pottery, then he is embodying an aspect of his soul that is the artist. He is experiencing this primary energy of his appearance by his gifted humanity with his artistic attempts.

Aspect identities are brought from one life to another and now, in this life, you are full of energies of these many identities of being that sometimes cry out for attention to such an extent that you feel surrounded by chaos. What should I do first? What direction should I take to find my passion? These are all questions that harass you from these cries of their many aspects that have been coming to you for unification and integration into this life now. For this is the life that unites all the parts and pieces of its aspects in a great expression that is its Divine Self!

So dear ones, those who are now experiencing, like many, many others in this physical expression, is that the human identity that until now has been the "I" as the one they are familiar with, is now leaving them to move to a higher vibration and resolution . This feels like death and then they wonder how they will continue their life and go beyond this feeling. They wonder how they can survive in this place, in this emotion, for which they are surrounded and have been experiencing.

Many other messengers have brought information that part of the soul's choice for this incarnation has been that the old must first leave them before anything new can come to you. Therefore, there have been many gaps, so to speak, in your life, taking the form of not having a job when you leave a place and look for another place of employment. Leave a relationship and then anxiously wait for the arrival of another, only to have the time between relationships becoming more and more extensive until you reach a point where you wonder what is wrong that you are not finding that loving person in your life !

This is what is happening now, dear ones, and this will be the case for a while. You are releasing from this life the old identities of you who are choosing to leave you. They are leaving you with pleasure, however you are experiencing fear with this abandonment. Fear is coming from that emptiness of the intermediate space, that inner space that knows that something they have trusted and believed in is leaving them and they cannot distinguish or discern if something else is going to come!

Dear ones, breathe deeply and for this moment, let go of the pain, let go of the grief for something that is leaving you, that is moving at a higher resolution of your own soul. Nothing is ever lost as energy cannot be destroyed. Now I tell you, at this moment, that for all that you feel is leaving you, there is something else, something of a higher vibration, of a more harmonious and easy energy, that will be coming to you!

It is part of the assembly of the soul for this embodiment of life that the dear and divine human experience the abandonment of the old in all its expression, in all its rawness. It is the configuration of the soul for this embodiment of life that the human then experiences the emptiness of being without those old identities, those belief systems, those old bases on which their lives were built. And it is the configuration of the soul for this incarnation of life that the human later embodies and fully experiences the emergence of new identities, new aspects of being, new energies and new dreams that accompany those energies to put them all in unity.

This life on earth was set up to be this way and in part this has been so that what is experienced here with each part of this change from an old consciousness to a new one, could be fully accepted and then shared with the the rest. For sharing and teaching what each human has gone through helps a lot to facilitate this transition, for then you will see from others that you are NOT alone in this experience!

Dear ones, when you experience the desire to die, you are not only feeling your energies, but you are also feeling much of the others that is flowing around you. You are not the only ones wondering if you are supposed to leave the earth now, or maybe you are moving through or playing with the choice to leave this land. There are those souls that are effectively choosing to leave because their bodies cannot embody the higher vibrations and frequencies that are flowing to the earth now and feel that they should only leave others behind on their own journeys. And maybe they are one of those who is making this decision for you too.

There is no judgment in any choice made about the direction of his life, for his soul is completely free to be judged. It is the human who moves the energies of judgment and therefore creates several roadblocks and deviations in his life. Dear ones, when you feel truly trapped in the grip of deep despair and wonder if you should leave this land, stop and simply begin to breathe deeply. Be aware of your own body by moving the air, moving the lungs, taking the air and releasing it. Turn your focus to your body and this wonderful expression of being alive.

And in that place of awareness of their own body, they can touch their own divinity, their own soul being. And in that place of connection they can ask if the feelings and emotions with which they have been fighting so much about dying are truly their own. In that place of knowledge, dear ones, you can then make decisions that serve you, instead of trying to figure out a decision that is based on the energies that don't even belong to you! In that moment, dear ones, you will know if your desire to die is what you are choosing for yourself or if it is something that is being forced upon you.

Humans are incredibly empirical and this talent and ability will only get stronger when you go through these amazing times. They will be more and more surrounded by the energies of others and without taking those precious moments to be fully present with their own body and being, they can easily be swept away or at least trapped in the trauma and drama around him. And there is no doubt then that they want to die, simply free themselves from everything!

I, Rafael, tell you this today, that there is nothing to fear about what you are feeling around you. When you are able to recognize that you are a magnificent human who has been gifted to be able to perceive the feelings and emotions of others, then ANYTHING you feel for you can be seen as an experience. Simply that, dear ones, an experience, neither good nor bad. And in that moment you recognize that you are feeling something that is coming from another human, then you can choose if this is something YOU want to experience.

And at that moment, dear ones, if you choose to know that you are simply having an interesting experience of feelings and emotions, then you can simply let it go and avoid being caught in it.

The true state of the essence for the soul is one of peace, ease, joy and ecstasy. Anything else is simply an experience that you have brought for you at that time. Remember this dear ones.

Breathe once more deeply dear and be at peace with you. They have struggled so much with these strangers and somehow debilitating emotions and this has worn them down to the point of their desire to die and return to their ethereal home feeling it as an option for a way to have some peace. However, now I tell you, right now, that there is great wonder and magic that await those who are choosing to stay and go through these tumultuous times. Ah, it won't necessarily be easy or comfortable for a while. However, this is why they have waited for eons to share, so they have waited patiently on the line to be chosen, to experience them for themselves, and to finally have unity and integration of every life they have ever experienced in the expression of his soul!

Do you really want to leave the front line of seats that you have in this life to observe the greatest film in the universe unfolding before your own eyes?

I AM Rafael and it is a pleasure to be here with you this day. Take as much time for yourself as you can during these months and this will greatly facilitate this time, this year of mass transformation. Take time to be away from others, to walk in nature or to express yourself through your creativity, be it painting, singing, writing or even the simple pleasure of daydreaming. Take time to be with your loved one, because every human needs to have those moments when they are not being bombarded by the energies of other humans around them. Give yourself permission to be away and savor those magical moments with you. You will find that this will greatly ease your stress and heart ache and bring some peace to your life.

And remember all the time that you are surrounded by those dear angels and beings who only love you. This energy is always available to you, flowing to you at every moment. It is not only when they read or listen to a particular channel or music or watch a glorious sunset. It is also in those moments when they cry until they feel that they will shatter their grief. It is during those times when they feel they have reached their limit and want to choose death over life. This love is yours dear, it is your divine right of birth.

Breathe deeply and begin to live your life in a new way, dear ones. Well, at every moment you are breathing consciously you are choosing again. And every choice is honored just as you are honored.

And so it is, and so it will be. We are full.

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Translation: Xitlalli Contreras - www.templodelsol.com
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