What happens after death ?, by Gerrit Gielen

  • 2016

What is life like after death? The main difference between this World and the beyond, is that after death the external World is a direct reflection of our inner World. On Earth this is not so obvious. People full of hatred and anger may be surrounded by beauty and abundance, while sensitive and evolved people may be wandering through desolate slums. In life after death, our environment reflects the extent to which we are in contact with our Inner Sun. The more Love, truth and beauty we have inside us, our environment will be more radiant and bright.

The Inner Sun is who we are in our Essence: It is our eternal, timeless part. At the time of death we begin the journey back to that deeper part. To understand how this trip is, you can visualize the Earth surrounded by 2 kingdoms: The astral sphere and the spiritual sphere. These spheres are subdivided into many sub-spheres. The spiritual sphere is that of our origin, the domain of our Soul. It is a sphere of timelessness, unity, Light, beauty and infinite Love. Everything that has superior value in Humans has its origin there. It is the place where our Soul resides , it is our Home. We have never really abandoned that spiritual sphere; We are still there. When we die, we begin what we experience as a trip back to that place. But essentially it is a process of becoming aware of who we really are: An awakening from the dream of earthly life.

This awakening takes time, it is not possible that only in a moment we abandon all the illusions and dark feelings that we have accumulated on Earth about ourselves, about being Human and about the Universe. We have become identified with our earthly personality; and this identification may persist stubbornly. Our illusions and identifications are reflected by the astral atmosphere we reach after our death.

The Astral Sphere

After death, the Human Being is free; free to return to the spiritual sphere of its origin, free to create its own reality. But that freedom is also a trap, because many people do not have internal freedom. They have locked themselves inside firm beliefs about the way life works, about what is good and what is bad; and about what will happen after death. And there are others who are not slaves to beliefs, but to feelings and desires such as addictions, or feelings of anger or inferiority.

Most human thoughts and fantasies originate in fear. All these thoughts and all those fantasies based on fear, create an internal state that after death is transferred to the external form of the astral sphere. Consequently, the astral sphere is largely based on fear and falsehood, while the spiritual sphere is based on truth. But since people do not realize that their thoughts are reflected outside the astral sphere, they believe that their thoughts are reality. This is the great trap of the astral sphere: People remain firmly convinced of their false beliefs, because they see that their environment confirms them.

Usually, after death people follow 4 paths associated with 4 subregions of the astral sphere:

one-. The path of the Soul

This path is followed by all Human Beings who have experienced clear contact with their Soul at certain times in their life. They are those moments in which you feel really alive and inspired. You feel joy and a sense of purpose; you know who you are; And you know what you want to do with your life. You feel Love for life on Earth and for your Human companions; and you know that the Universe is essentially good. If during your life you have experienced this sometimes, after death this feeling becomes stronger. After death a process of growth begins during which you gradually become One with your Soul : You experience it as a continuation of being more of who you really are. Your earthly fears and anxieties disappear, making room for happiness and discernment. As your inner Light grows, your environment also becomes more beautiful. You climb through the spheres until you finally end up in the spiritual sphere, the sphere of the Soul that cannot be described in words or understood with the Human mind .

The realm of the astral sphere where your journey begins, can be called the Land of Summer; Remember beautiful areas of the Earth, but more heavenly. Fortunately, more and more people are following this path. It is the path that is open to anyone who is engaged in the development of consciousness, to all who are willing to grow and learn. This path is for anyone who has not stuck in beliefs or negative feelings. Really, it is open to any Human Being who is still able to laugh openly at himself.

2-. The personality path

People who allow their lives to be guided by external events and impulses follow this path. Certainly they are not bad people, but they do not listen to the voice of their Soul but live according to what society demands of them. They have no rigid opinions and usually live discreetly. After dying, they enter the astral sphere to an environment very similar to their earthly environment. It is called "the realistic area" of the astral sphere, because it is very similar to Earth. There are some almost completely identical earthly cities, except for the many old buildings that have long since left Earth, but which still exist there. In general this kingdom is quite beautiful: Green landscapes full of friendly villages and villages. People who are going to give there often do not realize that they have died, because everything is very similar to what it is on Earth; and also because they don't believe in a life after death.

However, there are guides there who gradually try to open them to the spiritual. Frequently this is successful, because usually the people who arrive there are not dogmatic about their beliefs. Typically, it is easier for guides to reach people who lived in rural areas than those who lived in cities. In cities the illusions of material reality are the strongest.

The permanence in this kingdom will eventually come to an end. A connection with the Soul may well be made, in which case the personality rises to the spiritual sphere; or the Soul makes the decision to reincarnate; and the energy of that personality takes to the next life. The departure of the astral sphere is often called "the 2nd death." Higher entities explain to the personality that the time has come to say goodbye to their current existence. The person assumes his departure with an extensive ritual of farewell to his friends, knowing that they will meet again. Sometimes the personality experiences this game as a tragedy, this is because the person does not yet have a good connection with his Soul. Then they surrender to the ray of Light that comes from their Soul and forms the seed of a new incarnation.

3-. The path of illusion

Often people who do not have a good connection to their Soul follow this path, but have very strong religious beliefs; for example religious fundamentalists. These people have a strongly dual worldview; they are convinced that they are right and consider that those who disagree with them are bad or lost. The more belief is based on fear, the resulting visions will be stronger, deterministic and dualistic. After death, these people end up in a sky exactly the same as they had imagined. But because there is no contact with the Soul, these people become even more miserable. On Earth they were also unhappy, but they still had the illusion that in heaven things would be different.

Frequently this kingdom is called "the false heavens." It is one of the lowest regions of the astral sphere; Since people are strongly convinced that they are right, it is difficult for guides to reach them. Let me give an example of this: In some Christian circles it is believed that after death we do not go to heaven immediately, but wait in the grave until the last judgment. As a result, "cemeteries" can be found in the astral sphere where the deceased remain astral in their graves. Of course they feel unhappy. The guides who want to help them are seen as demons who want to convince them to go to hell.

In the astral sphere there are many kinds of "heavens", resulting from all kinds of rigid beliefs. There people feel extremely unhappy, but in spite of everything they refuse to abandon their beliefs. All the loving attempts to help them experience them as temptations of the devil. F recently have the concern that they are bad because they are unhappy; and dare not admit this openly.

Frequently it happens that leaders emerge in such astral "heavens." They are deceased people who have been and remain fully immersed in their role; for example they believe they are the Christ or some other Great Teacher. Additionally, in their "heaven" others see them as such. The leader of a sect that during his earthly life was considered an enlightened Master, frequently continues that role after death. Because this kingdom lies closer to the Earth in vibratory terms, psychics and mediums frequently capture information and energies from this kingdom, which is a Source of many false prophecies and misguided channeled information.

The information that is disseminated from these “heavens” is often very dual, moralistic, judgmental; and full of horrible predictions that are false. The words of the "professors" of this sphere are a reflection of his soulless personality. Unfortunately, on Earth many people are trapped by these "teachers", because the power that this sphere of illusion has over Humanity is still very great . But finally, the truth always leads to happiness; and falsehood to illusion. The truth has the greatest power and will eventually prevail; However, it can take a long time for people to become aware of this, especially if they are on the astral plane where they are free to create as much illusion as they want. In spite of everything, people eventually wonder how their beliefs can be true, if they seem to cause them so much unhappiness. Then they will begin to doubt their beloved beliefs and dogmas; so finally his soft inner voice will overcome illusions. And when that happens, he begins his return to the Light.

4-. The path of loneliness

Then, there are people who are not loaded with false and fixed ideas, but with negative feelings: Hate, anger, resentment. They have often caused enormous pain and suffering to their fellow humans. Who during his life has rejected his Inner Light, is in a dark and lonely part of the astral sphere. Because the Light, which brings beauty and harmony, is absent there, sometimes people assume monstrous forms. Even so, because everything is very dark and miserable there, redemption is also possible. If there are only dark monsters around you, it is clear that something is wrong. Eventually, the negative emotions that overwhelmed you begin to lose their power, because they only cause more darkness.

Gradually they get the insight that all things that seemed so important to them during earthly life, such as power, money, property and prestige, lack Light. Now the little Light in them becomes more evident. People remember only a beautiful moment in their earthly life: A kind word, a beautiful flower. They begin to revalue those things; and in doing so an opening is created: These people become accessible to the guides. You can start the long way back. Frequently a new life on Earth is chosen: A life that points the way to more Inner Light.

Punishment and Karma

Our thinking about death and what follows next is often determined by concepts such as punishment and Karma . In almost all cultures there is the idea of ​​a superior authority that punishes. If we are bad we end up in hell; We have to fight with a heavy Karma. Generally these ideas are created by earthly rulers who want to maintain their power and are against any form of freedom. Frequently his doctrine has this form: “God has given us authority over you; and if you don't accept it or don't follow our rules, God will punish you forever in hell. ” Or something more subtle: “In previous lives we have been virtuous; and that is why we are now rich and powerful; You have been bad in past lives and that is why you are now poor and unhappy. But if you patiently accept the role assigned to you, in your next life things will be better. ”

What always works best, at least from the point of view of such a ruler, is to cause people fear about their natural tendencies, for example sexuality. Their goal is to convince people that they are inherently bad and deserve punishment. People who think they are bad and feel guilty are easily kept under control by an organization that claims to have a monopoly on the truth. If they can lead people to think they are bad and to believe that they are their redeemers, they have power over them. From a spiritual point of view, atheism is a breakthrough compared to these ideas.

In the Universe there is no authority figure that imposes punishment. Neither a punishing God, nor Lords of Karma who send us into a miserable life. But the actions have consequences: When it is cold in the winter and I go out without a jacket, I get cold; That is not a punishment but the result of my action.

Every time during our life we ​​hurt a Human Being, we move the Light from our Inner Sun a little further. This Inner Sun is not only responsible for our inner Light and our feelings of beauty, goodness and truth; it also connects us with the Inner Sun of others and with the Inner Sun of the Universe itself. To hurt another person is to say "no" to the internal unity of life. It is saying "no" to our Soul ; and also say "no" to ourselves. The result is a deep loneliness and an internal emptiness that is filled with negative feelings. In the eyes of a criminal, especially if he has never appeared before a court, we never experience joy or happiness; This is not a punishment, but the direct result of the choices he has made. He has simply said “no” to his inner Source of joy and happiness.

After death, that inner darkness is reflected in the environment of the astral sphere. In the astral realm, the external reflects very directly the internal. When there is no internal light, there is also no external light. For an observer who is not informed, it might seem that the people residing there were being punished for their life on Earth; but seen from the inside, there is hardly any change. These people felt emptiness and unhappiness on Earth; and now they still feel that way. The only difference is that they are now confronted directly by their darkness, through an external environment that faithfully reflects it.

The way back to the Light

The way back to the Light comes from desiring the Light. A Human Being is never completely separated from his Soul, not even one that is wrapped in the deepest darkness. There are still fragments of memories of beauty and happiness. Gradually, the understanding arises that violence and power are not the way to discover the Light, but rather move away from it. Love cannot be obtained by force. Now all those little memories are the Seeds of a growing desire for happiness, Love and beauty; Your inner world is softened and the person becomes accessible to the guides. The guides begin to explain that the way back to the Light can be found through Compassion, Love and softness.

However, the further we are from our Internal Source, the longer the way back. Exactly what is that way back? It is a journey of remembrance and rediscovery of who we really are, until all the falsehood is abandoned and replaced by the truth. Essentially, falsehood means division: The belief that the Universe is separated into an infinite number of parts, of small egos, all of which are in mutual conflict. Falsehood is the idea of ​​the struggle of "all against all ", in which the verification of the internal unity of all things has been completely lost. What is the solution for this division? It is to understand all these egos from the internal level; and begin to embrace all the parts against which we have fought harder. For example, a person who has discriminated against people of different races will choose a life in which they themselves suffer discrimination; In this way your understanding will evolve. In the end the result is the verification that all these separate “egos” are connected. Then Love and the Light of the Soul begin to flow again.

The decision to have certain experiences on Earth is made by the Soul. When the consciousness of the earthly personality is still withdrawn from the Soul, the choices of the Soul are experienced as some kind of power coming from outside: God or Karma. But ultimately, Karma is nothing more than the lessons that Consciousness needs to grow; and these lessons are chosen by the Soul itself. All kinds of so-called "spiritual teachings" that try to eliminate your Karma, for example burning it, are nonsense. The purpose of Karma is to heal you and restore your connection with the Soul. As soon as you open yourself to your inner Light, who you really are, your Karma is over; You have learned the lesson.

Once I had a consultant who clung to a relationship that made her very unhappy, because she thought that was her Karma. But when I connected with his Soul, in the Universe, his Soul, I wanted to teach him that he had to fend for himself. She thought she had to suffer her misery patiently, when in reality her purpose was to fend for herself and get a divorce; Once he did, he would have resolved his Karma. So the purpose of Karma is never to make us suffer, but to make us grow. Suffering only occurs when we resist growth. If we refuse to make choices that support our growth and our well-being, we experience misery without meaning or hope; And essentially that is suffering.

As our consciousness grows, we realize that the real problem is our resistance to what life offers us. We begin to recognize that our difficulties are the purpose of our Soul. We realize that difficult experiences are not presented to make us suffer or sacrifice, but to make us aware of who we really are; and to restore our sense of internal connection with all things. In the next stage, in which Consciousness coincides even more with the Soul, everything that happens to you in life you see as the product of your Free Will ; You are almost finished your trip back to the Light.

Gerrit Gielen

TRANSLATION: Jairo Rodríguez R. Energy and Spiritual Consulting

AUTHOR: Gerrit Gielen

SEEN AT: http://www.jairorodriguezr.com/

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