What does BODICHITA mean to you?

  • 2014

From my experience, meditation does not have a transformative effect if compassion does not develop.

There is no doubt that bodhichitta is the root, the foundation of all practices. Without bodhichitta none of that makes sense, it has no strength or logic. From my experience, meditation does not have a transformative effect if compassion does not develop. It becomes something dry and useless and creates a certain cold detachment that, in my opinion, was not what Buddha proposed. Ultimately the job that is intended to be achieved through the various practices is to break down all barriers, and there are no more tangible barriers than those that prevent having a compassionate and open heart to all beings, including insects and our enemies. Starting to model a new type of relationship with them is for me the principle of practice.

There is a very powerful and simple practice that I began to use many years ago: when I met any creature, whether it was a person, an insect or whatever, the first thought that allowed me to generate towards that other being was: “I wish you happiness". Something very simple, but we must ensure that the first thought is: "I wish you happiness." That totally transforms what will happen from that moment with that other person. This is my own experience, I have it very clear.

Sometimes, when we face an enemy or an immediate physical situation, face to face, it is very difficult. That's when the meditative process of being able to prevent an afflictive emotion from emerging becomes really important. We can create a space in which to notice how it arises and, before it totally dominates us, transform it and see it as it is: "It is ignorance becoming manifest: this anger is nothing more than ignorance on our part and yours." Transform it and let it go, transform it into love. I wish you happiness. If we try it, we will see that it makes a big difference.


Richard Gere

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