What Happens on Planet Earth? ~ Putting Things in Their Place and Great Separation ~ by Karen Bishop

Things remain almost the same, because we are still settling into a very new existence and reality; This installation will be mostly completed in January (referring to the installation and the changes that are occurring).

Losing things is very common, because this is the path of ascension. We lose anything that vibrates below ourselves, whether our doctors, jobs, homes, careers or even our personal relationships; and even the villages where we are living. And during this time of dimensional transition, it can always be challenging when the old is gone, if the new has to come. But I know that all this loss only means that all new things are getting ready to arrive and the new will be much better in every way!

Another common situation of dimensional change is to have things that sustain us. It seems that we are being contained, trapped and almost forced to stay where we are accustomed. This can manifest itself as traveling over the extensions in your home, getting tangled up in the bushes, having individuals or groups continually asking you to join them when you have already left that behind, or even having our loved ones offering us fashionable “things” of which we have firmly told you that we no longer want to be a part.

We can find ourselves screaming "No!" In a state of total frustration, because it may seem that our higher level desires are being ignored. We're just getting tangled up in the old reality, and sometimes, this can be a fight ... literally!

"Stay here! Stay here! ”Those energies seem to tell us. But an important aspect of ascension is that we will eventually come to know that we are very separate, even if we are part of the whole. And in this way, as we grow and expand within our spiritual evolutionary process, we begin to realize that we simply MUST be who we are, we MUST keep our energy at all costs. (Here a brief note: In the higher realms we are all separated by our individual gifts and talents, but we are also largely part of the whole, because each individual vibration comprises a whole. Then it is always better to truly be who we truly are and keep our own individual vibration as much as possible, without reacting to or being influenced by external energies).

So, as I have mentioned so many times in previous energy alerts, when we are in the company of inferiorly vibrational energies (or simply energies that have not yet reached where we have already arrived), we just need to maintain a position of love and compassion for them. (which puts us in a continuous state of higher vibration), but mainly, we also need to maintain our own vibration and continue to embody what we have learned and what we are now. Wow

Staying in a state of continuous love and compassion is not an easy task, because our first impulse could be irritation and anger or, perhaps, frustration. "This is NOT the way things were supposed to be!" "I can't stand by this energy for another moment!" In this way, we must separate, because this is also the path of ascension. We must move to a new territory and create new and superior ways of living and being.

Last week I was very involved in moving. Changing all cell phone lines, Internet providers, working with a new homeowner and making normal moving plans. Being in the old world for many days in a row makes me feel depressed, sad, exhausted and with similar feelings. Of course this is wearing me out. But after examining things again and again in the company of my husband, we see no other solution. We live very simply, but we are still in transition, so to speak, so we must use those old systems for some time yet.

I need the Internet for my shop window. The Internet is one of the services that some of us will need, if we are going to be at the service of those who begin their transition. I think I would give anything to get rid of the Internet! I will need the cell phone for some time, in order to be in daily contact with my family. And we still need city water and electricity in our temporary home. So we are here, even though we have become very grumpy.

The beauty of our shop windows is that they will provide service and help for the transition to those who are ready and need it. So in this way, our shop windows will exist in the dimensional frontier. And when we are involved in activities related to them, we can feel that we are being dragged for a while.

But things are also moving forward. Many people are reporting that they found land in places they never thought would be fixed and these lands are very affordable, especially since many of us want large plots to install our sacred sanctuaries and our safe shelters getting ready to create spaces for many to arrive. We may not be aware yet that this is our destiny, but following the clues given by the Source and our omniscient soul, we may suddenly find ourselves in new situations that apparently were not our own idea.

When we find ourselves in situations that are not our conscious idea, we will always be supported and provided. If we choose to follow the new path of the Source. The doors will open wide, the road will be clear and we will find ourselves in a new space that arrives without our efforts. This is the energy of our soul's desire. This is the energy of the divine. It will take us to where we need to be while we leave the road.

Are you one of the people who are waiting and experiencing little or no movement at this time? Are you not completely sure what your shop window is? Understand that there are those whose souls have planned to move forward, in relation to their specific purpose. So, some are experiencing progress, because their roles require that they now move forward, and for others, it is not yet time, because their roles are vitally important, but they imply a different scenario and a situation. They will be deployed in the coming weeks and months.

Everything is in the perfect and divine order. Your soul remembers its plan, even if you don't, and it will take you to it, whether you want it or not! This is the reason why giving up is always a wonderful thing to do, because even if things are very obvious, even if they have come as a big surprise, giving up can put us in a real place of alignment ... and this is when miracles and Synchronicities happen.

On October 1 a door closed. A dimensional portal. In this way, we were on one side or the other. This created sudden separations. These were the repercussions of all the energies that led us to this point since the September 23 equinox and the eclipses that preceded it. Any manifestations? Those who are already "on board" could not tolerate any relationship, scenario, situations or similar things of inferiorly vibrational energy at all and may have felt a sudden need to get out and move on their own. But those individuals and situations that were left behind also had to make decisions. So through separation, they had the choice to "board", surrendering and letting go of all the old illusions and perceptions they could have sustained, and having the will to leave much of the old behind. Whether through conscious choices, or through sudden losses, the old is being left behind very quickly during this recent dimensional change.

Understand that something sacred is happening here. There is much grace present. This time of change and loss is painful, but it is divinely orchestrated. Although we may experience separations from our loved ones for a while, most of the time is only because we are on different levels. In this way, we will all reach another and eventually meet, but sometimes it may take some time. And because of personal decisions, time can vary greatly. We can reach others in a day, an hour, a week, or maybe months. It's all about letting go and giving up.

Are you one of the people who think you might not have a shop window? Showcases are here for a specific purpose. They can provide help to those in transition, but they also provide help to those who already have. We are still in a monetary based society. Right now we are beginning the process of living in total harmony with the earth and the cosmos. Until we are really and completely there, most of us must have money to survive and we must live within the old systems to some extent for some time. And even when we are able to live off the grid and in harmony with the earth and the cosmos, we still need to have a supportive community. We cannot do everything ourselves. We are not supposed to do it. And this involves those within the community who are in states where they are letting go of their ego and who know their new roles and contributions ... knowing that they do not wear all the hats or control them.

What if you are ready to live in total harmony with the earth and the cosmos, and you don't feel that you need someone? The spirit loves company. We all innately want someone to be with us. This is our natural state of being. When we reach elevated states of being, we also begin to perform selfless acts of service. This is also part of the evolution. Because more and more aspects of our old selves leave ... then we begin to vibrate in the purity of our soul purpose and with an overwhelming desire to serve others.

The plan is to evolve into those states and ways of being and then embrace others and take them to the fold, when they are ready to arrive through the process of letting go and surrender. If you do not believe that you are one of those who will have a shop window, then you must be one of the people who can survive alone, away from the old systems or have the rare ability to be in total love, compassion and accept the old energies during long time.

Once small communities begin to form and sustain themselves, then those who reside there will be able to let go of their shop windows and focus totally on the higher ways of living and being. Right now we are approaching this point. But there are always those who will continue to have a showcase, because their particular role implies helping others who are in the lower dimensions rather than living and creating in the new communities. Those individuals will be involved with their windows in helping their community and spending time in their community when they are not serving those people who are in transition.

Phil and I have noticed that the time we spend in our new town, although we have hardly left, makes us see some things clearly. The town has a population of 400 inhabitants. There are no stores, there are no gas stations and there is only one post office, two coffee shops and that's almost everything. What this intimate and small settlement creates is a supportive community. When Phil and I returned to our town of around 3, 000 inhabitants, we noticed a stark contrast. People depend on stores and external creations. Even in our current town with this small population of 3, 000 people, the focus is currently on going to the store, managing paperwork, etc. The interaction between individuals is lost, the focus is on the outside to provide support.

This will be vitally important as we begin to create these new support communities. And while the old systems and forms begin to disintegrate, as I mentioned many times before in the previous energy alerts, "local" will become a lifesaver. And this is the correct way it should be, because the local places us in alignment as well (Staying in Alignment speaks a lot about this) in our interior and where we are residing.

To clarify things:

Ø We are still in the installation stage, and we will be there until January, when we will be anchored more securely within our support environments and sanctuaries. The roles are different for each and every one of us. In addition, some are in different installation stages for everyone. As a domino effect, when a light worker is anchored, this will create the opening and trigger things so that another light worker starts his installation process. So times vary for each of us.

Ø The Source is guiding us very strongly now. Surely we are being watched and protected in every possible way. Our paths will become evident, because there is no chance of someone getting lost, if they are willing to let go and surrender to the plan of the Source, or our soul.

Ø After we are insured on our sites, much will be revolutionized regarding more things that will disintegrate through natural disasters, destruction and the loss of the old. But in those moments, each one of us will be divinely protected and ready to serve or to start creating the new in our sacred spaces.

Ø Navigating the dimensions, while we settle, can cause drowsiness and dizziness, with an inability to focus. Establishing a thought or trying to understand certain things can be almost impossible (I hope this article makes sense!).

In this time of great changes, we are always being cared for, loved, protected and guided.

Wishing you Heaven in your heart, the light of the stars in your soul, and miracles in your life in this wonderful time.

Until next time,

Karen Translation: Laura Pérez Morales

The energy alerts of What Happens On Planet Earth? They are offered several times per month published here. Your financial support makes it possible to continue offering all the free information on this website. Please make a donation, so you can enjoy reading today

An Excerpt from the Book The Ascension Manual:


One thing that I have repeatedly mentioned for years is that the higher realms are not what you might think. Much of what we have been taught or what we have read is quite inaccurate.

Although this is not a simple process, basically everything focuses on simplicity and how energy responds and interacts with itself. There are higher and lower forms of vibrational energy creating things that feel good and others that don't. So, there is no meaning for things. Meaning is simply what we choose to place in a particular manifestation. Some things may feel good for a person according to how he interprets them, and they may feel unpleasant for other people. One rule, then, could be that things will feel good or bad. It's that easy.

As we begin to vibrate higher and higher we become less and less coincident with what has been created so far on this planet and also to any inferiorly vibrational aspect of other human behaviors and realities. One might think that, as we are becoming more spiritual, we increasingly embody greater compassion, greater understanding and tolerance at higher levels. As we progress through ascension and begin to vibrate more and higher, we find ourselves becoming very intolerant of any lower vibrational energy. We simply cannot be in his presence for a long time and we could become angry and frustrated with it.

There is no logic in this madness. As I mentioned in previous sections of this book, there is a hierarchy in energy levels and dimensions. When we reach higher realities, it is very difficult to reside or spend time in the lower realities. We just don't agree with them anymore. This answer also has other benefits. Intolerance greatly encourages us to create more things in the outside world that match how we are vibrating, feeling and being inside. If your external reality feels frighteningly, we will surely be inspired to save ourselves through our need to feel better creating superior ways of living and being. And not tolerating and refusing to be part of the old reality, because we literally can no longer digest it, this makes us refuse to participate, in addition to withdrawing any energy that supports it. If we do not get involved in something and deny it, it cannot survive because there is no energy to be real and alive. It will simply cease to exist because it will not reside in anyone's conscience.

Through this intolerance we are also very direct. Because we progress towards highly vibrational human beings, we discover that we can no longer walk around, sit together or look at the bush, or take a long way to get somewhere. The superior energy moves in a straight line. It doesn't go from here to there, make up excuses or support friends and family even if they are in unhealthy situations, or pretend not to see anything. It is simple and direct. No passivity or uncertainty uncertainty.

It is no longer time to tolerate the old and wait. It is the superior form or none. At some level we know this, and sometimes we can find ourselves directing the lower vibrations very directly. In this way, it is a superior way to love. This implies that we do not have the ability to support the lower forms of anything. We are really supporting and loving through supporting the superior forms through this intolerance. In reality we are spiritual warriors with superior truths and helping others a lot. In the higher realms we create through our society with the Source and as we ourselves are becoming more and more the Source, we must now connect more deeply to create the higher forms. During these ascension years it may seem that we are not going anywhere. It may seem that nothing leads our way or that we are receiving very little support to get what we want.

Actually this is not the case. We do not want to create things that are not of a higher vibration or that do not fit us in the near future. In other words, we cannot create from the ego in the higher realms. When we do not get what we want, it is usually because we will not be in that situation or reality very soon, or that we are not yet ready. If there is something that you truly feel you should have, then you are not ready to receive it. It is ironic that we always get what we want when we no longer want it. What happens here is that we have lost our attachments, which puts us in a position to create perfectly. Also, then we are not creating from our ego. All this is part of the ascension process.

Through all that, sometimes we can get discouraged a lot. When we get discouraged and let go again and again and feel that all our dreams have been shattered, we become apathetic. This is perfect It puts us in a space to let go. We just don't care anymore. This causes us to let go and release the energy of attachments. So we are residing in a neutral energy, without agendas and this allows much more to come from the Source. And of course, it allows us to let go of many of the illusions. ”

It may be that what it offers you What Happens On Planet Earth? serve to illuminate your path, validate your experience and remind you that we are all one.

Thank you for your continued interest and happy reading!

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