What is Love for the Archangel Michael "channeled by Emilse F. Ponce

  • 2014

Message received from the Arc Miguel Angel, on April 2, 2014, by Emilse F. Ponce

What is love? Love is what moves living beings, not only humans, all living beings. One thinks, that people love only, but that is not the case, the tree when it releases the air from toxins and produces oxygen, is also loving them, the dog that waits to his human without the slightest importance of the time he has gone, and always awaits him as the first day, that is also love.

Love is there, waiting to be seen, waiting to be sniffed in every rose that emanates its perfume. Love is the sun that covers them and lights the day. What is not love? It is the question, the answer is clear, the shadows that your fears take, the pleasure of hurting another living being, the tireless search to obtain without considering the consequences.

The angels do not live that way, the angels do not live, we only love, because of course we are in love; So when we see the people of their land being so disharmonized, we not only suffer, but undoubtedly something in us is broken, because they are like our caring children.

This happens because they disconnect from their essence, the star they have inside them, that which gives them life, and they only happen to survive in a daily constant, begging to arrive at the weekend, following an absurdity that does not let them see beyond its own material interests. Since when do they take as normal to go to work only and return to their homes, doing something that does not give them pleasure, begging for the departure time, feeling that they carry a weight on their backs? Since when do you think being unhappy is the right thing to do? Since when did you forget to smile, to enjoy, to enjoy the simple moments that your children can offer you? How many years have you been living without love? How long have you not seen your partners in the eye?

Who made them believe that God is sacrifice and pain? Who told them they were coming to this planet for that? Big mistake, this planet vibrates on the basis of Love, and despite everything they live every day and the dark forces that certainly dominate large masses, Love is the essence they have as a planet. Gaia vibrates from Love, tremors, eruptions, floods, are nothing more than acts of cleanliness and balance of energy that it performs to continue caring for them: THEY ARE ACTS OF LOVE. Do not be scared, you live! It only reminds you how insignificant human time is about it, and the need to be able to connect with your true mission, that for which you are really good, that you always wanted to do but do not dare In the end, what makes them happy.

You, like each one of them, are going to be able to change the direction that your life currently has, because what I am telling you already knows it, you already feel it and perceive it. To you, I tell you to be encouraged, that you have all the doors of heaven open so that you will receive the energy that will make your lives come to the fullest meaning, the gift of Humility, Clairvoyance, that of Mercy over other beings living, and all other gifts. Because they have come to shine with their utmost purity, always in connection with others: they must not forget that greatness is in the possibility of sharing their learning, since we are all Teacher and students at the same time. Help should not be denied, since from the spirit we are already united.

From here in the maximum Central Sun I wish you a deep and beautiful awakening, where the whole humanity vibrates based on the emotions that help to evolve your Mother Earth. We are always guiding you, and ask, ask !!! That is what we are for. We are happy to connect with you. We are happy to see you begin to emerge from the cocoon.

Thank you daughter, and thanks to each of the brothers who read this message, because from this space without time, it is determined that my words will reach people from the heart, and it is to them that I am addressing: Eternal gratitude and love.

I wish you Peace to accompany you.

or I’m Miguel. The Archangel

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"What is Love for Archangel Michael"

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