What is the Substrate Consciousness?

  • 2016
Table of contents hide 1 The psyche or gross conscience 2 records of our actions 3 sowing karmic seeds 4 habits and trends 5 present and sustained attention

This is a very important aspect in the East when it comes to the issue of consciousness in general. In reality it is basically divided into three parts: the Giant or Psyche Consciousness, the Substrate or Barn Consciousness and the most Conscious Consciousness that is known as RIGPA or our last and primordial nature.

It is affirmed that the three consciences operate in us simultaneously but each one has a different function so to speak.

The gross psyche or conscience

The Psyche that is the Grosa or gross conscience is with which we connect with everything we experience internally and externally, normally it is in which we function most of the time and it is with which we generate causes and effects of our actions that they will protect, later, in the substrate consciousness that contains our karmic impressions of this life and for those who believe in rebirth, of other lives as well.

Ultimate Consciousness or Rigpa is our kind, compassionate and affliction-free, non-conceptual and non-dualistic nature, to experience it we have to work to eradicate our afflictive emotions and experience something like a pure consciousness, in which even Karma does not become Present. Normally it is the mind in which the very accomplished beings or masters dwell, the Buddhas and Bodhitsatvas since their activity is basically among others to help all sentient beings without restriction.

the records of our actions

Finally, the Substrate Consciousness is one in which the records of our edifying and non-edifying actions, known as karmic impressions that mature each time the necessary conditions and circumstances are present, are protected.

sowing karmic seeds

For example, if we are very greedy or greedy people, we can take a lifetime acting in this way, sowing seeds of that nature and since it is a non-constructive activity, it can generate consequences in the future of economic, physical and spiritual deficiencies. Thus, everything we do for or against us is protected in the substrate consciousness, waiting to flourish in our present or in our future.

Of course, it does not only protect the negative, for example, if we generate positive actions such as genuine and unconditional generosity, the result will be economic, physical and spiritual prosperity.

habits and trends

Habits and trends are everything we do automatically and carelessly, they are also protected in the substrate consciousness, for example, when we have the habit of belittling others, the action is protected in the substrate consciousness, waiting to flourish as soon as the conditions are presented.

So from this assessment we already know where the records of our constructive or destructive actions are. It is affirmed that what we experience on a daily basis, is the flowering of our karmic seeds and we are also sowing seeds at all times with our present actions that will be waiting to flourish. When? We do not know when the conditions are present that is not only true, it is safe.

It is then that under this perspective we must be responsible for what we do, say and think, understanding that no one outside us punishes us but it is we, with our actions that generate the causes and experience the consequences.

present and sustained attention

The recommendation is as always be careful with what we do, say and think with the understanding that everything is stored in our barn consciousness (substrate) waiting to flourish. The present and sustained attention is the best recipe to fill this awareness mostly of positive karmic seeds.

It is in the knowledge of the existence of this consciousness and its functions that we can understand the functioning of karma in all its modalities and that cause and effect operate at all times and senses, at the collective and individual level through s of these karmic records. It is best to be attentive and generate positive motivations in our actions at all times, it is undoubtedly a great step to start.

AUTHOR: Pilar V zquez, collaborator of the great family of the White Brotherhood

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