Cosmic pulsations of Light, we move towards Unity, by KAI

  • 2010

The earth continues to move through the cosmos, entering deeply into the immense roads of Light of the photon belt, receiving the intense and loving pulsations coming from the Galactic Solar Center. We have really moved, as a planet, as individuals and as a collective. We have fully entered the photon belt and the Light is in charge of releasing and purifying everything that does not correspond to Love, honesty and Unity.

These renewing and transforming frequencies, manifested as intense pulsations of Love and Light are pushing us beyond our own limits. They are calling us to look for new alternatives to take care of ourselves and Mother Earth in a space of communion and solidarity.

We are receiving these powerful waves of Diamond Light deep in our hearts and at the same time Mother Earth receives them in her crystalline heart and directs them through the grids to all life, everywhere. This powerful energy of transformation can be perceived right now in everything that surrounds us, both in our individual and collective reality.

The oil spill of the Gulf of Mexico is a call to Unity that has manifested itself firmly in our hearts and in our willingness to GIVE. While those who govern have used it as a means to achieve their goals plagued with greed. The rest of us are turning it into a way to UNIFY, to Co-Create and to say ALREADY ENOUGH! Mother Earth is part of Us and We are Part of it, we cannot continue the cycles of devastation, blind and deaf, unable to perceive beauty in everything around us. It is time to honor Life and take care of it. We are really taking our power as divine co-creators, unifying our wills for the good of our planet.

For a few weeks, every day, when I go into meditation I see myself beside thousands of people, forming circles throughout the Earth. Unifying, loving, caring for our planet in Unity. From the hearts of each one of us, rays of light sprout that intertwine with each other creating beautiful manic forms. At all times we are accompanied and guided by the Beloved Cetacean Family and together, Humans and Cetaceans, we weave a new reality from Love and Unity, which will eventually take shape, because nothing can stop Love!

On the individual level, these energies are manifesting as profound internal changes. Rethinking the meaning of our life and the way we create and express ourselves is today. We are being aligned by the Light so that we manifest our inner beauty to the outside in the best way and above all, in the way that truly fills us and makes us happy.

The hall of mirrors is increasingly evident, because in the present moment we are being called by our own heart, to align ourselves and release what does not correspond to Unity and true brotherhood. It is time to release old bonds and bonds, flowing according to the desires of the heart and the inner call of our Soul. All this implies change, transformation and renewal. Leave old behavior patterns behind and get involved in a completely new way of living life and creating our reality. For this, we will need to be honest with ourselves and embrace change with humility, being aware that every step we take, leads us to the evolution of Being.

The new energy is Joy, happiness, Love and Unity. Everything in our lives that does not correspond to these frequencies is being brought afloat, so that we can purify it and be reborn renewed, as true empowered and free beings. Guilt, greed, suspicion and distrust will no longer have a place in our Being! That is why we may face challenges from people or events. But remember, we are mirrors of each other and every moment is an opportunity to learn and release. The important thing here is that we dare to renew ourselves and recognize that what we see in others, corresponds to ourselves and appears, because it is time to release and purify.

It is important to understand that, as each of us aligns from the heart, changes in our lives may arise. We may suddenly find ourselves ending long relationships and friendships. Feeling the desire to change jobs or professions. Even desires to change life, from the city to the countryside or Change our eating habits. As we move deeper and deeper into the Cosmic Light, each of us will align with his divine essence and we will be able to perceive reality from a framework of awareness of Unity, Love and respect, so that our own hearts It will lead to where we should be. Everything is fine. Everything is being guided and taken care of by our Higher Self at all times.

The Galactic Solar Center will continue to emit cosmic pulsations of Love, synchronizing the Suns of the systems that share the spiral of Evolution: Sirius, Alcyon, Arcturus, our Sun and so many other Suns that remain in galactic synchrony at this key point of cosmic history, pressing unison and synchronizing our hearts and the Heart of Mother Earth. Balancing, aligning and synchronizing with the unified Solar pulse, allowing Love and Unity to reign in our hearts.

It is a wonderful time to create and flow. As we allow ourselves to be free and honest with ourselves, the new earth, the Noosphere of Unity will emerge as a co-creation manifested from each of our hearts!

Let it be so. Believe in yourself and in your beautiful glowing rainbow heart!

Throughout this wonderful cycle I have received Solar Frequency Light Codes, which will help us synchronize with the Solar Pulse and integrate with grace and joy the new energies in our Being.

I share with you with much love.

We are blessed in Love and Joy, always!

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