Solstiscial Cancer Gate: "The Fire of New Men"

  • 2014

I give you both keys of yourself today.

The transcendent door of time space has opened for you in this supreme moment of reflections and dances, of calls and dreams, of passages through valleys and mountains.

The great fire pushes you into the cavern of time, the greatness of yourself that folded by eons under the veils of evolution that has remained awaiting the dream of a people being born at the perfect time, is now rooted in the supreme matrix, to the Radiant truth, to the powerful potential of your inner eye, that beyond the fatigue of the path, shines today with the rediscovered strength of a lost paradise, of a path created from you and for you.

You must have the courage to exit through this door. Beyond it the cave, the dark night origin of the worlds and creations, surrounds you rocking in the vertiginous journey of the most protected treasures. An initiatory rite summoned from your own maturity and your experience, which now awaits you knowing at last, returned home, healed in the love that contains you, capable, finally, after one after another dark night, to surrender to this solstiscial fire, without burning, without fearing, without judging or adjusting the universal truth to the mundane noises of so much time of feigned separation.

The waters of cancer, rock the sacred path of logos, of the verb made flesh, which immersed in a myriad of primordial states awaits your compassionate gaze to be reborn to the transforming simultanieity.

You will cross the door of these men and discover that they are origin. You will finally see within yourself the sacred privilege of being the guardian of times and dreams.

A radiant fire, a shining sun that dawns in the middle of this dark night in your inner cavern reveals to you that it is you, that it was always you from the beginning.

The past and the future in brushstrokes of your ability to be beyond linear space reveal you as the middle path, they reveal to you oh radiant being, as lord of the two ways.

In the journey through this door of yourself there is only exit ... there is only one walk from your center that must be expanded for the service and love of a new race.

I give you these keys and this deep journey to your cave. Towards the intermediate world you hold by returning harmony to all vibrations and sounds. They dance the spheres and you dance in the dizzying acceleration of light and sound .

You travel back and forth, you bathe in the ancestors and the guides ... and you know that only in you, the observer present, only in you the subtle state of things, of the life that surrounds you and transcends you ... only in you and in the decision to live this journey submission or liberation.

Your loving look rewarded for the communion of opposites. Your primary existence beyond the duality of ancient teachings. This door, this path directly connected to the fire of Shambala and you as a path ... and you as the hope of all existence.

You gathered courage ... You summoned the magic ... you should fear nothing now, seeker when crossing this door.

Everything is already flowing in its intermediate levels ... you, light and sound can now open the caves of your own land and summon the voices of the times.

You now, who are present and eternal creation ... you now that you leave the succession to live the surrounding progression of life, you are summoned to this journey of divine salvation.

You are the way for this human egg . For this cosmic egg that in the depths of the waters wants to break the chains and the veils releasing the primordial essence of a divine being.

You, bridge ... You magician ... I summon you to your depths ... I wait for you and give you two keys, so that you hold yourself to inertia and blindness ... or free yourself from vision and life.

Blessed the dance of visionaries and their souls.


(Remember ... I accompany you ... you accompany me, since the truth does not fit in a single vision)


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Solstiscial Cancer Gate: "The Fire of New Men"

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