New Moon process by Selacia

  • 2013

September 4, 2013

Dear friends,

With our new moon on Day 5, here is a useful process that will help you get a new start in your life.

We are still in the midst of quite challenging energies, so that increasing levels of skill and conscious presence are required to navigate successfully. If you relate to anything in these or to someone you love, please read this article with a process of the heart nn on the new moon and suggestions for Understanding the messages coming from your heart.

Love and Light Selacia
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New Moon Heart Process
By Selacia

The new moon of September 5 offers you an expanded opportunity to get a new beginning, renewed in your life.

Relationships and consciously relating are the slogans for their new beginning - whether they want to succeed in their career, more confidence to express themselves, more harmony with others, or greater financial abundance. You will have more of everything you want - including love - as you go to relate to yourself, others and the world .

This is especially true with the new moon this month. These are intense moments by the way. In this cycle of energy, don't be surprised if you feel tense, self-critical or critical of others. It can be difficult to feel compassion when they are shaken to their center with uncertainty or simply wanting things to be different from what they are.

The compassion however, it will be required to successfully navigate the windy path ahead. Compassion is generated within your own heart as you use love in painful situations and feelings of weakness.

It is a quality that you develop during times of life, learning to reflect and stop before moving on to judgment and reacting. Right now, the world needs your compassion to shift to a higher vibrational way of being focused on the heart and love. You need it also for your own enlightenment.

Remaining in His Heart

The most important thing they can do this week is to stay in their heart. This is easier said than done of course. Part of the dilemma is even knowing when you are truly in your heart and then knowing what messages to pay attention to while listening to your heart speaking. It can be tricky, partly because you have both a wounded heart and a heart that is waking up. Your injured heart will speak from your pain, potentially putting you in an angry reaction mode or catalyzing your lack of self-confidence or self-destructive tendencies.

Your waking heart will speak to you in the present tense, like an adult who is conscious and awake to life.

The heart intelligence process below will provide you with a useful tool for this new moon week.

Heart Intelligence Process for this New Moon Week.

First, make sure you anchor your energy. To be fully in your heart, you must be anchored in your body. One way to anchor, stand up, feet flat on the floor, imagine that the energy rises through your feet and to your body from the floor below, and remain in it for a minute or so or the time needed to visualize Energy circulating everywhere.

Second, focus on your heart with a deep breath. Imagine your energy focused on your heart.

Third, if you have been feeling somewhat tense, anxious angry or any other negative emotion, with your mind put aside these feelings and calm down. If you have been worried about something or if you have been conceptualizing a situation with your mind, put those thoughts aside and calm down. Inhale and exhale a few minutes.

Fourth, choose a topic that worries you and ask your heart to talk to you about solutions, perspectives, alternatives and spiritual views of things. Pause with a breath and

remain still to actively listen to the response of your heart.

Fifth, - As you begin to receive information from your heart, check to discern what part of your heart you are talking about - is the heart hurt or is it the heart that is waking up?

Sometimes, you may receive an answer that is a combination of the two, so keep asking yourself until you feel certain that what you are hearing comes from the heart that awakens. Remember to ask questions if something is not clear.

Sixth, when they have completed the communication, write what they have received. This will help them to reflect later, receiving a more useful and beneficial wisdom.

Seventh, Consider putting your heart's communications next to your bed to reflect before bedtime. Then pay attention to the new perceptions you receive in the coming days.

Translation: Alicia Virelli

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New Moon process by Selacia

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