Natural Principles in the Life of Man

  • 2010

The 10 natural laws that provide a balance in our body according to Dr. Manuel Lezaeta Achar n are the following:

Always breathe fresh air.

Pure air is the first food of man and the first medicine, as Hip crates said. We must learn to breathe, and for this it is important to develop a respiratory gymnastics, practicing it in the mornings in the open air, taking deep breaths for several minutes with your mouth closed and several times during the day.

Eat only natural products.

The base diet of fruits, vegetables, and seeds prevents disease, allowing blood to be released from toxins, better irrigate our internal organs and regenerate nerve cells. Vitamins and minerals that are concentrated in fruits give vigor and help restore a diseased organism.

Be sober constantly.

To be sober is to eat only what is necessary, in adequate quantity and time, chewing food very well so as not to recharge our digestive system and eating with joy and without haste. A wise phrase goes like this: "Eat breakfast like a king, eat like a prince and have dinner like a beggar." The food that gives us the energy to start the day is breakfast, food allows us to repair our strength, but dinner is the preamble to the rest of the body. For this reason it should be light and based on fruits or herbal infusions to strengthen the nervous and digestive system.

It is advisable to practice fasting at least once a month. Fasting can be absolute, this is without eating any kind of food, only water; or mixed, consuming only fruits. We can start with this practice, with a semi-fast which consists of eating only one type of fruit for a week or fortnight, it can be grapes, apples, oranges, pineapple, etc. When you want to end the fast, it is important to restore the diet in a normal way, consuming broths of vegetables and salads for a week and gradually introduce dairy, flour and fat.

• Drink only natural water.

Water, together with air, sun and earth, are the staple foods of living beings' lives. Water purifies, refreshes, detoxifies, dissolves foreign matter from our body and facilitates its elimination.

To take advantage of the salutary properties of water, we must drink it fresh, and natural, tasting it in small sips and never drink ice, as it can produce cooling in the stomach or lungs, causing a term imbalance in the body.

Father Thaddeus of Wisent, apostle of hydrotherapy gave us this great knowledge: "Praise be a thousand and a thousand times God our Lord who in such a simple element has provided us with such a rich treasure."

• Have great cleanliness in everything.

It is very important to be aware that diseases enter through the skin, dirt is absorbed, and when we sweat our pores are clogged, making it difficult for us to expel toxins. External cleaning is done by water baths. Bathing is the simplest and most natural way we should practice to keep our body in optimal health conditions. If this is done with cold water, we not only ensure cleanliness, we also help our circulatory system, and strengthen our heart and nervous system.

• Master the passions.

Our nervous system requires a total balance, and when it is not available, the vital energy of the organism decreases, and our mental capacity is weakened, causing the so-called psychosomatic diseases.

Dr. Manuel Lezaeta Acharán in his book entitled "Natural Medicine at the Reach of All" points out the following: "The quiet life, without disproportionate ambitions and free from intense worries, is an indispensable condition for good health. Hatred, pride and envy poison the blood; and anger directly affects the functions of the stomach and liver. ”

• Never be idle.

Life is activity and activity is movement. By practicing any physical exercise, we are stimulating vital energy. Currently, sedentary lifestyle is causing serious physical imbalances, and as examples we can mention: obesity, stress, heart and circulatory diseases.

Because we spend more time in front of the TV, computer and video games we are forgetting that our body requires large doses of exercise. It is important to practice some discipline such as gymnastics, swimming, mountaineering, or simply the morning walks that do our body so well to activate vital functions.

• Rest and sleep only what is necessary.

Nature is wise, and it gives us day and night. The day to work and the night to rest. It allows us to repair physical and mental wear, restore our vital functions, eliminate toxins and even recover from worry, grief or illness.

Sleeping is balancing our three fields: body, soul and spirit. It is advised to sleep 6 to 8 hours in adults and in children a little more.

• Dress simply and comfortably.

One of the primary functions of our skin is to eliminate the toxins that our body discards, as well as make the most of the essential elements for life: light, air, earth, and water.

It is recommended to use clothes made of thread or cotton, clean and baggy, to facilitate the breathing of the skin through the pores.

• Cultivate all virtues, trying to always be happy.

The reflection of our health is our joy for life. When we change inside, our outside also changes; We see things with more serenity, maturity, love, joy and respect towards others. This process is called "self-esteem", and this means "love of ourselves."

By changing our eating and living habits, we are also prepared to see a new being born; We become powerful and aware that the owners of our own lives are us and that God gives us every day an opportunity to find happiness in fullness.

Blessed revelation for our sanaZion
Love in every step =)

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