Why do we choose a Mudra?

  • 2010

By: Lorena López de Lacaille

In issue 010 I talked about Mudras or also known as the Yoga of the hands. In summary we can say that Mudras are gestures that are made with the hands and fingers and which have been used since ancient times until today. Thus, expressing and expressing strength to the sacred acts, to our very meditations, which we can accompany with mantras giving them a more profound and deeper touch. Its practice is very simple whether sitting, standing, walking, no matter what position we choose, the important thing is that we feel comfortable, relaxed, and we can also practice them anywhere. With this brief introduction-reminder we turn to the main theme of this article: Why do we choose a mudra?

As you know, nothing is coincidence, everything is causality, there is a reason for everything that happens to us in our lives, and the fact that we choose the shirt or blouse of a color has a reason-intention, reveals a mood, etc. . The same happens when we decide to practice a certain mudra, it is because we are looking for help, guidance, change, peace, rebalancing our energies, re-focusing, etc. The reasons are diverse, but we can include them in three main motivations:

1) We want to get rid of something, be it a negative behavior habit, a vice, an unhappy relationship, in order to something that disturbs us and therefore hurts us, makes us suffer, steals our energy and a good Option is the regular practice of mantras. In a few weeks we can see results I tell you from experience.

2) We are about to initiate a change. That is, we begin a new cycle, but frequently the changes destabilize us cause fear, we have the feeling that we are not ready, and above all a great uncertainty about the future. What reflects a lack of self-confidence, in life, we are disconnected from our source, we lack faith. That blind faith that is capable of moving mountains, that faith-confidence that the universe watches over each one of us, and that God does not give anyone anything that he is not capable of doing. We just need to have faith, believe and trust in our unlimited creative potential ...

3) We want something new to enter our lives. We already talk about getting rid of the things that harm us, of the change imposed by life, the one that arrives without our asking for it: for example, in our work they give us the news that our services require them in another branch, in another state, We have two options or we accept or change jobs, the change is imposed requires adaptation-flexibility. But when change is desired, things change, it is because we are looking for an evolution, a development in some aspect of our lives, or we simply want a holistic-total change, we want to feel more alive, be happier, whatever the Reason, provided it is positive, will help us to continue growing as people, and approach the realization of our Life Plan.

Roughly speaking, these are the reasons or motivations that lead us to practice a certain mudra. Gertrud Hirschi a learned in the Yoga of the hands suggests the "Golden Triad." This consists of making a session with three different Mudras. The first represents the past, makes us aware of what we want to get rid of. The second places us in the present, in the healing process, in the solution. And the third in the future, here it is important not to forget to recite our affirmations-mantras and above all to visualize what we want. Remember that creative visualization has a great influence on our mood, health, allows us to obtain greater success and satisfaction in the short term. It really works.

And don't forget to breathe-consciously: we inspire-we expire, slowly, rhythmically and delicately. Take hold of the Meditation of the heart of Atisha: inspire all the pain, the suffering, all the negative that the soul eats you, visualize it, then it expires visualizing relieved all the blessings that life has given you and that it offers you at every moment. Life is beautiful, it is a gift, it is a real privilege, take advantage of this incarnation-opportunity to the fullest.


Namaste !, and until the next fortnight, have a wonderful day full of harmony and love.


- Recommended books where you will find various Mudras for every need : The healing power of the Mudras, Menen, Rajendar, Obelisk editions. O Mudras, The power of yoga in your hands
Gertrud Hirschai. Uranus Editorial

- http://www.gertrudhirschi.ch/persönlich.html

- http://www.budismo.com/articulos/atisha.php

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